EL RODES tue Fainily MOTIIERm $4.95ý For cotd wint.r nights, ýMother w i 11 appre- cia *te one of these .warm all-wool rob~es in attractive, colors. In' .orange and brown stripes, in orchid i stripes and blue stripes. Self -mat erial beIt. Beautifully tai- I lored. LORD'S-Second Floor. BROTHERý For the. Hal loweenI A lage, Covers, Pa rty. assortment of ýparty Decoýrations, Table Napkminst etc. LORD'S-First Ploor Girls' and Boys' Flannelette Pajamas Children 's .$igit-Weýightý Seerdsea Witk fee. Pink andeohO emes 6 monthi to 7 years. Q c 'Every Costuna and Occasion Gordon Hosery at treeprice levels Each stocking wilI repay ifs full price in terms of satis- faction. Recause Gordon wil inot sacrifice quIity i order to sll "just a 111.1. theaper." 0fo 16. LORD'S-First Floor ln '.uîripes, bDuU, green and orciid. Middy style. on $1.0 frsig frim. Iii the Boy?' Sectioi-tORD'S-$irsg Floor ness. In the Hosiery Sectio--LORDS -First Ploor