Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 54

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the. fol lowing data for the henefto new vparticipants. Asfar as experience as concerned, none as required.. However, begin- ners wishing to participate ini volley bail and basketball, where leagues are conducted, are advised to famiiliarize themselves with thec rules of the sport before tryinig out with teams with Whicil thev wish to idcnitify thern- selives. Organization of teamis ini these leagues are left to the hieads of the o-)rgaizzaitin whio are conistantly Iookîingfo-r. nem niaterial. Thie tinie alid place of eachi activity bhas beni sclheduled. identically, with previouts years' prograrns, inisofar as it wvas feasible. Doth thle Howard and Stolp -gymnasiunis will be open at 7 o'clock each eveing aiud, cxcept iii cases othierwise specified, activities will begin promiptly at thiat hiour. Volley Bail Tine 7 1).ini. Monday evenixigs. Place:- Howard gymntslumi. Equlpment aecessary: G y M'n s i uin ishoes. Directors in charge: 1'r. Gathercoal and Mr. Stone. Between ten and fourteen teanis participate -in the volley baIl league each year and althouigh the comipetition h as been keen, the Baptlst feam bhas been champion for the.past three. years There is no fee for this activity. Girls' Basketball Tine: 7 p. ni. Mlonday and Tuosday evenings. Place:. Stolp gympasiunî. Equip>uint: Gynîna.stuni sults. and ten-, flis shoes. Director -in charge: Mis kidîM'1re. The girl's basketball1 league bas frôi twelve to fourteen teamas each yealr whlch pla'y a round robin schedule t( determinie, the six leadlig teatns wbic * comnpete for, final honora for the chan- pionship. The trailing teanis. , pt for a consolation prize, There Is no foc for this activity. Men 's Basketball (A Le.igue>, Tueie 7 p. ni. Wednesday evening. Place: Howard and StolpgyiliUi. * Equïipment necessary.:lBasketball sit and tennis shoes. Directors Inchrg Mr. Stone ait Stolp gynmnas1uni 'Mr. Gathercoal atit 11w-, ard -gymnaçsium.. Twelve or more experieîîced teaflîs conipete 'in this league where the play la fast, attractlng largip crowd-4 of spec- tators. 'There la no fee for* this ac- tivlty. For the pas! set'eral yrari v.olley bail ha: been one of the most.,popular sports;. Many prominent business meni belong to this league ýand have .formed teamts chalenging other north shoare volcy bail aggregatious. This ,iviv conducted on .44ndav &eiw tthe Howard gymninm iyfoi, partvipaition inin îtraînural..high school sports. Thereis rooni for.eight teams in the league' and everyT year there -are teams on the wýalfingt list to take the place (if any de linqueiat team. There Is, no fee for this actIvity. Women's Gymnasium Classes (Hlgh' C'aest Claa$> Tine: 7 :30 o'clock. Weduiesdayý eve-. nlng. Place: High Caest àchool- recreatIon rooni. Equipm'ent necessary: Gymnasium suts and tennis shoes. Director lu charge: MlissSkidmor(e. T% h lss at the High Crest achool on Illinois rond Is a new activlty intro- duced. into the recroafion programi this year. It ta sponsored by the High Caest P. T. A. Residents of the -omi- înunity near the school W'ae eligible to attend the class. Thiere la no fee for thi.- acflvity. (Howard Class) Tme: 8 'clock. Thursday evening. Place : Howard gymnasium. Equlpment necessary: Gymnaliuni suits ,and tennis shoes. Director in charge: Miss Skidmo,)rt. THe oward gyrý,nuasium cas sone of the best organized women's activitieS. Last year the enroffiment was over fifty. The, regular gymnasiumù progéam ,is suppleinented with special paties and events during the season.ý There is -no charge for this actlvity. Gran G: Tiine: 7 p. ri Place: Howa mmar School Girls' ýymnasium Clas n.Thursday .eveniing. rd gymnasium. Tennis- shoes. Gymnaslin . Monday Evening meni's Volley bail, Howard gynanas- ium, 7 to 10 p. mi. Girls' Basketball, Stolp gyina.situna, 7to 10 P. M. Tuesday EvWening Aero club for boys, Howard gvym- nasiuim, 7 to 8 p. ni. Basketball for mîen, Howard gy-i nasium, 8 t 0 10 P.In*. Basketball for girls, Stolp gymnias- iuua, 7 to 10 p. ni. I-orseshioes for men, Howard school atfic, 7 to 10 P. nM. Wedne qul*y Evening Baskefball for mcen, Howard gynmias- mmin, 7 to 10 1). ii. Basketball for men, Sf olp gvmnas- iuin, 7 to 10 p. in. Gymntiiasiumi class for vvomuer, Higli Ci-est school, 7, to .10 p. ni, Thursday Eieninc Graîninar 'scliciol ,gi'rls7.' g3vniasiuin ,ciass, Howard gînniiasitiin, 7 to8 w0inn'sgymnasiuni cla ss, HoNvard .gyminasium, 8 to 10 p. ni. Bovs' basketball, Sfolp gyninasiin, f to 10 ) . m. meblng. ul,, reation. andl his staff of assistants. The prograni is to begin Monday. evening, Noveniber 2, and continue to Decemiber 19 when there will be a two weeks' recess over the Christmas holidavs. Activities wl be resumcd ,Jantiary 4 and continue to April 1. The prograrn will be condtîctcd dùr- ing the. e venings and both the How- ard and Stolp ýgymnasiuins will be utilized to capacity five evenings, cach week. Additional activities have been announccd for the Stolp school hi- hrary, the High Crest school, and the Howard ýschool stage and attic. * Plan New Activrities Mr. Davis' announcement of his program was.prefa ced with the state- Muent that new> activities will be added during the> season whcn there is sufficient demnd froni the public. ."Lt is.the ahn of cvery well organ- ized rccreation systemn to con(ltct a programn of activities wherein every. aduit and child- in the. comnmnity served )v 'thé system is offercd an o1pportun"itv t o participate in the i form 6 f recreation ini which they are most interested.ý The iÎdea that a rec- r eation program: is entirely, an -ath- let ic onie, has been. passé for several .vcars and. we are adding to the .lise of non-athiletic activities,'cach vear. Thisyear "we conisidered tap danc- ing for women,' dramnatics,,anid a cla .ss ini French but (ljd not incoprt tlenai in the program becauseof Iack of places to conduct thienai. That ob- 4tacle, however, can Ibe over'coiîne if there is sufficient demrad froua the puiblic t0 warrant incltading thieii." Tiare, Staff Assistants Three staff assistants of the P.Iav- ,zrotund and Recreatioln board illi conduict the entire recreatioia pro- .rani under flhe supervision of Mr. bavis._ The assistants are Glen 'W' Gathercoal and DudllelvC. Stone, di-, rectors of. metn's activities,. and Miss' foe Skidmore director of wvoîneni's ac- tivities.> Athough not a part, tf teir. rec- reation 1rograin, the assistants of the board-are often requeste(1 1w vario.ts org0anizations to conduet gaines and amusements for parties and social evenings. This sérvice wil lbe con- tinued fui s vear althouigh the fli!l schedules of thae staff will necessariiy limit the occasions when the request eau lie, fulfilled. A coinflete sched- l'le of the season's programn is fouind elsewhere on this ajage. Chess and Checker Club hour's urne auring the evening. Thr Is no fee for this acýtfvif y. i i Boys' Basicethail League Time: 7 o'elock. Thursday evening. Pqlme tlnecesy Bsetal ut Placpe tolp gsymnaslum. al.suti and tennis shoes, ].:irector In charge: M'r. Stone. This league Is. deslgned for higli seýhool boys wbo do nef have opportuni- womnen's leagues are ehigible if they live or work in Wilinette. Go- ing to school is construed as work- ing here. 2. Must abide by thé rules of good portsuxanship." Note: Ail adult act ivities are f ree of -charge. The weekly mneetings of the' club have . Ping Pong beeixchanged from F'iiday night :to Tme: 8 :15 p. n. Friday evening. Tuesday nlght because of more advan- Place: Stoip aschool gYmnasium. tageous working conditions being avail- Equlpmnent needed: None. able at the Howar-d gymnsuni on Director in charge: Mtiss Skidinore. Tuesday evenings. The club mènabers PingPong is a game that has raehed construct their owna planes andi are great popularity an a few monfhs. tlmed on trial lilghts.* Varlous certifi- Tables will be placeti in the Stolp gymi- entes are awarded flyers ln the club nnslum and enthusiàsts of the sport who construct planes that .Stay ln the and those Who wlah. to learn If mnay air for prrlonged perlods. Any boy ln practeice there.- Scheduled matches will tWilmette Is elîgible to'be long to the nîso be played off andi after the Christ- club. A amail fee for club due.s are mas holidays a ping pong touriarnient -chaa-ged eachrmembea-. willbe helti. u.~a

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