PINEAPPLE. This, SBaby Stuart mellow ripe S Haweiian fruit i. especi- ally fine, .eacb large No. 2!12 tin contamning eight lusciously thîck..n PEACHES. The lamons, Richeiien Raggedy Ann peach ,ig packed full-ripe to capture its remarkable irich and truc flavor. Large No. 2!12z no size tins. . ....3 for '70C RZenELJJ - N A tACW APRICOTS. Baby Stuart peeled apricots are ex- cellent. Tender, spotless and even siZed helves in sugar syrup. Large No. 2'ý size ti ns........ each JJc PEACHES. Raby Stuarî Yellowiclings. Large yel-. low Melba halves inNo. 21/, size;tins. Fine for. sauce or salads and an unusual, au..... 4 for 89C ~DWWNG iifi~ PEARS. Richelieu su- preme California Bart- letta are irai of texture and rich in fla'% or. Large No. 2!/, tins containing 9 to Il big botives..... .3 for 98-C PLUIS. RîchelieiiJDe. Luxe .unpitted ,w h o 1. c bine Italiain plums in No. 2!12 siz:e tins. Sometbing§ out )& the ordinary, espe- ciaIly for break- O fast fruit .. .. 4 for Q7C, lPICHJELIÇV! ofQ u aliity, Selling T UTS. Fortieth, Anniversary. Celebration expresses our sincere appreciation. 'Of the generous support w e have received year after. yearfo osaty grown n disrimnatng lientele., Seldom, if, ever, are foods so unquestionably fine offered' at: prices - s remarkably low . Here. is a. rare OP portuni-ty for buying highest quality Winter supplies at a very im- portant saving. We -urge you to visit our store, Rich-elieu food dem onstration the values we have described. doring. this. week -see the -and inspeet for yourself, Anniversaryug sin OCTOBER 'l6th tol 22n.d HA-MS. Swift's Prem--iuni or M. & H. Berkshire, whole or haif ........... MIEAT LOAF. Fresh ground beef mvith pork. ............................... ROUND STEAK. Choicest cuts of best beef . . . . .. . . .. . . .. ... . . . SWEETBREADS. Fresh calves' sm-eetbreads ... ..................... A.,MERICAN FAMIILYt SOAP FLAKES. The 25e carton ......................... AM-IERICANý FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP. One, order only .. ....... 1VORY)r SOAP FLAKES. The standard 25e carton.......... A\NGELUS -MARSHNIALLQWS. IL.25C lb. 25c lb. 39c lb. 49c 5for $ 1.00* D' bats. 49c S'for $1.00 .. lb. 19c 3 for, $1.0 ter snorrLacspies jnanal pastries. The No. 2à% size tins .. ... each Z7C PHONE GROCERY, and.MARKET. PE CE"juýNTRAL &TWELPFTH . .WILMETTE, lONEI 514 ~~IiEW"i~~ ý sio .- Ap