l. mibua ycaa. *SSWc 2 tins. ... . . . . . ..2 fOr TOMATOES. Richelieu Iargest No. 3 size tins of select red ripe fruit. An unusually havy pack that bas no uperior anywhere 0 at any price... ...... .......... 4 for 07C - JELLY. Plymouth Rock strawberry and red currant jelly in convenient 6-oUInce glasses. A truc flavor produet with a home-made '5 quality...............3 gIsses 25 IMARMALADE. Baby Sftuart Orange marmalade is a delightful preserve, Snether toc, sweet nor too bitter. Full of orange end very pure. 1-1b. jars.......... 2 for45 SPICED PEACH PRESERVE. Monticello 1-lb. glasses. An unusual preserve, especially fine with meat, that thefamily can A use generously et this low price. ..2 for 4 c pears. for anyi RIPE OLIVES. Sus-Ripe Jumbos. This is a large, firm,, free-stone olive in a delicious laquor. Suitable for.the finest party and inox- pensive enough for every .day49 consuimption. ...............2 pints t 1fr STUFFED OLIVES.: Baby .Suart large queen olives, pimento stuffed. We are seldom fortunate enough to offer such a fine product I 35 such a lowpre. ..pn SALMON STEAK. -Redwood flat 1-1b. tins of lieiRed Alalskan Sockeye fisýh. Recom- 39c mended for the. most fancy uses. .. eaCh Fri*day and Saturday Only OCTOBER l6th and l7th BACON. Swift's or Armour's, sliced..................... .1b. 29C WHITE FISH. Strictly fresh Lake Superior................... SPRING CHICKENS. Fresh dressed Premium poultiry. LEG 0F. SPRING LAMB. Exceptional :quality....... EGGS. 'Fahcy short-held: eleets ................ BUTTER. Fresh eburned country rols .......... ......... SWEET POTATOES, Genuine Jerseys -......... COOKING APPLES. Fancy greenings ........... l.35c .lb. 32c ... . ... . . 27C doz. 32£c ......lb. 39C .4 lb,,,. 25c .lb.25c PEAS. Richelieu Sweet Wrinkled, No. 2 size tins. Tii. Crop was very smail iis year -and such high quality will b. rare at ibis low89 p rice....... 4 for .9 PA.Baby Stuari, new crop early lune sifted, in No. 2 tins. Arexnarkable value, tender end even sized. Should be stocked by thé 5 doien .......6 foir5 WHITE. CORN. Baby Stiuari whole. kernel pearly grain white co rh in- No. 2 size tins. Aý new itemi in our stock uhat wve recoin- mend highly, 6 for , GR~EEN BEANS. Riche- lieu No. 2 tins of the finest quaîity stri*ngles cranberry eut beans. They have a wonderful f resh and appealing 29 flavor...2for 2C LIMA BJEANS. Riche- lieu f resh packed limas are very 'uniformn in size and color. Vour family ivill wcIcome ibis whole- some and. tasty varia- tion. No. 2. tins....... for 45c pLyNoUTNRo~I TOM ATOÊS.- Plymouth Rock No. 2 tins heavily packed with red ripe fruit. At ibis price. they should be bought by the. dozen for your pantry:...5 for jiC* Pl ai A tDLIsl "E ~51. 6 Y GROCERY a'nd MfARKET PHONE 510- PHONE 514' CENTRAL, &:TWELFTH . .WILMETTE of thpe entire sale. 3 half. lb.98C tins. ";59C WYS