Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1931, p. 8

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play the mujowing .setios: -AIuIei <Slxth Symiphony) by Widor, "The Pence ~of G-od- by Shure, and "Little Prelude and Fugue in D M.%inor"' by Bach. The High sc-hool elage and Young Peo- pl's,,depWrltment w-ill hav-e a joint even- Ing ses;sion this Sunday at 5 :30e Thé- speaker will be Toctor C. B. Rape who ha.s been* for many yeare in «charge (of th,- hlgh schont In Chuingking, China. le has traveled through a very lar4ge por- tion of the land of China and has miet with ail sorts of experieiicc-s nd ad- ventures, ;onie of which hé will relate at.tht- league hou r. The anniual Church Home dinner %wi.il. be.held next .Wednesday night. Reserva - tions sPhould bep macle at an early date for the attendance always, surpasses th,. capacity. A program la keeplng with the season ofthe year wiIl lie given. The Slxth division will meet Tuesday nt 10 :30 at the home of Nnr.. Traei V. Edgerton, 436 Sunset road,, Winnetk-a. A Rummage sale Is belng sponsoî-ei by the Woman's Aid solety Thursdiy and Fîiday.%, October 29 and 30 où WiI- mette avenue In the store formerly oc- cupied by the Wlmette Variety store. Eaich mçmber or frlend of the churecl liz a*kcd te see that oe eor two articles of clôthlog, furniture, toys, etc., wri- taken 10 the, store onWensa.n- one who I>,s unable to deliver, these. articles will lease 1)1101e',Mus.* liek- mian, Wllmette ,3913, not Later. thari Tuesday. The Sanctuary servie projected1 for Wednestday nights hav-e met with ivery,, hearty iresponsi.e. Thosé mwish Ing tben- joy an hour of Inspiration and mnedita- tion are Invlted to attend. Next Wednes- day MssBnilwll l,ay the organ slc tin "Choôrale Symphonic" -by Diggle. The Queen Esther-Staîrdard Iearers will hold their first meeting of' the .year Friday evenlng at 7 :15 ln the home of Margaret Wegner, 421 Elmwood ave- nue; Ail girls of high sehool :îge arc cordially Invited 10 attend. The We>man's: Auxiliary board of Wesley Meniorial hoqpital nieets Moln-. day, October 26, in- the Euclid avenue Methodlst -church, Oak Pa'rk.. The Friendly Circle . wlll observ'o '.Witches 'Ntght" next Tueqday evenini~ *Hostesses: Mesdanmes. R. - J. Burrowq, IR. '%.'Fairchild, George TBaldwin, :and J.NV. Hunmphrles. The Church school attendance con- t1inuts toý grow. 1'hret- hundred .afnd *ninety were present laet Sunday morn-1 Iing. l'le Seiting comimittet- o!thie W an'> Aid moiety, o!f:whlch Mrs. %Williani Holies is elair-îan, will have a spe- <'l meeting Thursday, Octobe'r 29, at 10 (boloek at the ehurvh, to sémfor'~ Lake l1uff orphanage. 10 :45 to 12 Priniary departiment ages 6, 7.,t nd S 1%'()- N OS(CIETY LI-NKNO01IC ES 9:30 10 12 Ttiurstla,> Links ,Jîordtrtinent (ages 9, 10. ,mffl v11Llnk F - M-frs. G Alsncairmnan. -9:30 to 10:40 * Mr- Howard Browni, hostess,. 1539 intermediate departient (agesý 12 ;ind- Highland avenue. One o'clock lunch- 131-9:30 to 10:40 . con Hfigh school department 12:15 tl- 1 Link H-M\rs,. G. J-),.Coflee, chairmian. (ciases: 5:30to ' (ocil hur> Meeting October 29. ÎLinikE-Mus . A. E. Gebeut and Mrs. E. W. ,loberts entertained last week Our churvh school staff we-Icmnnt-s chil- Thuî-slay- dren and .%oungi peoffle Ito attend th,, Friday Links Sunday morniing clMasses and worshiiî Lnk 'NIMs. dWard Meierî, chaiirman. selrvices. Thruugh frIendly discussion1.LikR -; , 'e ~Meeting Otober lé and! definite. guldance - i nstruction anîd ,nJ.ARehlt eirm . worshili .we frîihhelp in building Unk N-MC. . Car.,Reihe1t3 Paiînîan. ehrl te an dving. itlie Evanstoil, hos4tesR. 'One o'cloek lunich- t-on iLink D-Mrs. W. D. Millard, chail'man. The activities during the -week for Hostess, mrs. Ru sseli Johnson, 231- boys- and girls are definitely included 16thi street. Meeting at i :45-, and tea In our ;rogrami and.each group receives Link n-îs . J. Lascelles, chairnman. guidance froim ,exierienced leadtrsz. 1110 Hostes, Mus. E. C. Carîsýon, 15.37 week-da".%* schedule follows: Spencer avenue. 1 :45 anid tea Tuesays- p.m-Gil ScutsLink I- Mr1.Fred ,Leason, chai-man, Tuesdays-4 P. ni. Womettt-(;iif i( and hses 1312 Gregory avenue. One Girl ,'*o èk:luncheon. No. ý2, Boy Sc(.uts 4jýENERAL- NOTIC ES Thursdvs-3 15-Ble'jr'lihé-Boar'd of Deacons ,will *neet Monî- Thur.sdays-- 41). .Wkafi :n day eveiîg, Octoher 26, at the churcli Fîre Girls .çSocoe.Almmes r euse Thuî-days p. mJunior ChoI ~ Thu*dt, 41li1 ersl- ti> bc préeelt. Thuirsdayýs-7 :301). în-Tr'a'p Nudyovebr .isCAmrh IBoy ,scouts 2. Suisy Saturdays9n20a.m. P'k;oe., Cul>s AU il nb r.f the IJunior .choir aq r" Those desii-ing in format ion1 onveer*1- ing any o! LheCe" orgaflizations nay cal the church office, Wilinette 1204. (Itlrilii office hou]rs, *The higlh se(hool young 1) ofle aie to have a lHallowe'en party on Fridavt eve- ning, Ochober 23. Everynlie is recipested to w ,ear old lothèe, bring a fieîid, and ie . îPre-ent at the crhurch at 8 "ock., The *mysherious journey to the hiauntéd house ~'l be nmade froin the chutrch. Evetryone tvho can is asked tg>hriîîg a car and take a group along, On Monday, October 26, the- No'rth End Circle will nieet with Mrs. L, A. Stewart, 422 Woodstock avenue, Kenil- worth. Following luncheon at.. 12 :30, tIhe afternoon wilI be spient in sewing for~ local charities. Mrs. H.- G. Wilbpr, of Nothbuo).0ok, will enltertatninmemnberso! the East End vircle aI lunicheon on Monday. Mrs. Ralph Pottei . and Mrs. Myron H. 1 1 st will be assl-sting hostesses. On NWednesday, evening, Octotieî- 28, Mr. HïindieyN will lead the mid-week iuîpetlng and give. a revie%% ýof' Rufus Jones' latest book, "Pt taso, tlb» lea ity o! God." Batotist Chiurch askd to be present ah the .very imi- p.ortant rehiea7irsals this evening and next %veek Thursday at ï :45 o'c!iock. The young people are planning a Mal- lovve'en Baurn dance for- Saýturday-, Octo- ber 30. Learn more about i at ti e meeting Sunday. St..A ugustine's Xext Sunday wilI be the 2lst SundaySi after Trinity. There will be Holy <om-1 munion at 8 a. <m., Church school anc] Bible classe-s at 9:45 and Moî-ning .prayer with Sermon at I m&ýf Wednesday, Nwll. l eSt; Siînon and, St. There wfîî be Holy Comm uw - mi. Toénight (ThursU will. be a meetinjg church. offices at--8 Tomorrow (Fnrida ah-day meeting o110 sociated guilde. bek] with luncheon atfi Mond y alarge' dinied together ln th flrst nionthly meetii thle me's club et er 2:2)> tere ~S yla11w Mill b men's 11 t. of n il 4e aI the eason o! swith Dr. dVhrough re,' they 4v pie-, will be madle in our Bible . our Wednes- day evening..Ail1 are invited. Presbyterian college of Christian Edui- cation auxiliary membershlps received during October by Mrs. . R. Barkt-r or Mc Elmer L. ýStone. The anfnual ha'rvest honie dinuer olf the: Congreëgation *111' be held in tht- WVoran's club, Thursday eveîling, Octoi ber 29. Kindly reserve the ýdate.' An- nouncenient of program will h* made later. Spokes of the Wonîdn's zoeiety will nîeet Tuesday, October 27, as follows. Spokie 1 wlth Mrs. Virgil Wescott, 5-lé 8th street Spoke 2 with Mrs.% George.H. Burke-, 611 9th street Spoke 4 with Mrs. Wilfrt-d 7'21.s,1! 1 Washington, avenue - Mrg. Aînelii; Brownlee, co-hostesq Spoke 5 with Mrs. Francis H. Hllister, 914 Eln wood avenu'e-Musr.. George . .Nash,,eo-host"ss Siioke 6 ith Mrs. A. L. Tossell, 102.- Sheridan road Spoke 7 with MuTs. John H.,Brumilii.ugli. 1612 .Lake avenue .Spoke 8 with' Ml-s.. C. Hoefer, 1520 Lake avenue-,s.Rusqselli.11. Fiel co-hostess Spoke 9. with Mrs. Normai t. eilo. 22 Laurel avenue 'poke li with M'rs. Jamies F. 1owlev, 1128 Greenwood avenue Spoke 12 with Mrs. Knight Blan<ýhà rË, 1015 Chestnut avenue - Mus. A. E. * Ieirnes;, co-hostegs j The musical program for S.und:tY. O(tober 25-, So-OGod, Have Mtercy" (St. Paul) Oý ....Mendelsx-ohn, Offrtoy-PlatatonMelàdy" ..Smith Posýtlude---"Allegt-o Gulubllante*' Ermna Rounds, pianfist Edward Otis, soloist St. Job n's Lutheran Wilmette and Pa'rk avenues,Wiîtt Herman _W, Meyer, 1pator, 406 Prairie avenue Telphone 139 Church telep)hone 2111 SERVICES Twenty first Sunday .afteî-1 Trinityý a, :15 . m-First service -and sermon 9 :30 a. m.Snd s chool :ind Bible classes Il A. m.-Second service and ser.mon Sermon-"*He calleth thee' 2 Mark 10, 49 ME E TINGS Thurýsday at 8 p. m.-Motion picture lecture on India Friday, October -23-Junior H lîee party at 8 p. nm. Friday, October 23-North Short, insti- A~ute at 8 Saturday at 9a: m.-Classes foi- chu- First Con gregational John G. Hlndley. minister J. Clair Mead, dlrectur -of religlous educýationi M r. Hindley. will preach on the ýsub- JecI, '"The Pathway toe God" at the morni-ng worship service nexKt.,Suiday Ut 10:45. The choir wlll sinig *Hôy,ý Holy, tains ave been al1- lnr-ichs, n ewdy appoînted secretary of- the International Y. M. C. A. at Jerusaleni. Novembe'r 4, Professor Y. C, Tu, Pro- ýfesser of Phy-vsics, Ulniversity of Shang- liai, Chlina. >Address: "The Outlook o! (?bitianltt-lunChina."7 Xo%-eînber 11, an Arinistice progi-am. Sunday sehool at 9 *30 a. . for ahl agees. The Woman's 1ibl1.u ivith. Mrs.- Fred Quayle as edtI vite aIl women o! the congregation their friends 10 attend. Young People's Christian Endjeav Sunday evening at 5.:30 o'clock at t hom-e o! Lorraine, Borre, 835 Forest av nue. %la-garet Caster*wIlI be the leader,. Last- Suniday's meeting ivas held at Lday afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock rim churches of Chicago alnd, Lre unitlng lu a celebration of oni day at Orchestra hall, Ch!i- main speaker of the celebra- be the Rev. Profesor Walter Ph. O., o! Concordia Theologie-, -ry, St. Louis. D'r. Maier.will ontinued.o Page 10) I '4

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