League of Women Voters be1ieve,.. that one wav in which governmental agencies can cotribute towarda solution of somne of our problems i by an effectively co-ordinated sys- tem of federal and state employmnent! offices. Miss Mollie Ray Carroll of. the University of Chicago, chairman of the Women in Industrv comrmittee of' the Illinois Leâgue of W6men Voters. has made some. very valuable ,sug- gestions for a brief surv'ey of..emi- ployment, in towns throughout the state. She asks 'such..questions as* "When emplovers want labor how do thev ýget. it-advertise -in, the news-, papers, hang out a sing? What em- ployment agencies are. there in your communitv and what kintds of %vorkers do thev take care of? What kiid -of wvorkers do thevnothndel. The* 1930 census shows that w omen constitute 22 percent, almost one- fourth.. of those employed in the United States.. Thé- most, experienced emplovment service, administrative* recognize that special provision needs tri ie -mnade for women, applicants in placemient offices in order to ,vin their confidence and that special study. *rmust he given to find the increasing . industrial opportunities which are opening for thiem. To insure. the ade-. quate consideration this, special phase nf. enmploymient service requires, it iýý important that in ôrgapizing the federal and state services due pro- viinbe made for servig*'he arge group of womnen workers. WRITE ARTICLES ON DEPRESSION ', How,ý is Governm-ent 'Meeting thie Depression" is the caption for a series of four brief but important, articles which the Illinois League of Worneni \Tters. has just pubiished in itsý mnontlilv magazine, the Illinois Voter. An officiai in. the federal,, state. couty vand city governm-ents.,-%as each asked what sigîlificant measures have, beent taken, by their branch of the government, and -informative -re- plies .,%ere r*ceivied'in. each case. The articles appearing are by Robert E. Neeley, actinig Collector of Internai Revenue ; Edward J. Bafrett, state 4-.-ip-. Tncpn ,.. Mnçqdirpta Cnampaign, is a veritable mine ot' political information. Earlier editionsi have wvon wide circulation in schools.1 homes and lîbraries throughout the' state, and the new Handbook, en- larged tc, include nunierous changes made during the spring ,session of. the, state Legislature, wvill bc even more valuable as a reliable reference work. Every branch of- governmnt-tromI fedéral to muinicipal--is treated in claran cncise detail in the 193t Handbook. Mirs. Frank. Barrett, 235.Wr-c road, Kenilworth, will etranher luncheon bridge club on, Friday, at her homne. THE THIRD CHICAGO ANTIQUES EXPOSITION DRAKE HOTEL, OCT. 24-30. INCL *The entire Main Diniing Salon and Avenu. of Palmswiil b filled with a.n .xtraordinary collection of auth.ntic antiqu es ..fine old peèiod furnitur.e. china, gs, .pewt.r, s ilver, prints, carpets. old laces-hundr.ds of rare and beautiful articles. AUCTION ýFOR CHARITY OCT. 19 Open 3 p., m. to 10 p. m. Oct«..24 and 25 4a.m. to l0 p. m. Oct.. 26 to: 30, imci. Admission $.00 NOW 'trouble our pretty neads' over it. little study wiIl give us enough in- formation, at least, to vote intelligent- ly on these important points." NEW EDITION 0F VOTERS' HANDBOOK Illinois citizens who, wish to ap- for nearly a century manufacturers of fine dia mond jewelry PITTSFIELD BLDG. -,- 55 E. WASHINGTON ST. -> TÉL, STATE 7240'