and on ed their ing host Tone Tests,.. Tests have proved thé, superority, of G-E +one -to Me.--pradkied earso muscans. But you don't have- to b. a musician to rocognize how much clearer, richer end* more resonant ifs quality. 's.., Hear OTHER radios FIRS - and tMen com-ý pre the General elecrc with themn. W.',, yo u one to try in send -your REVANAH FARM, BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS Ride 'ail. winter over beautiful countryside., Located on Algon- quin. Road'near Bateman 'Road. Write Farm -or, Cail Franklin 0078 Winter Rates $151 to $30 per Month at 10 o'clock and' wiIl be followed1 b" a, wedding breakfast at the bride's home. The bride's sister, Mrs. Ed- gar Brumer of Oak Park, will be the only attendant, while Edgar Brumer wil serve Mr, Caldereni as best man. Mis. Caldereni>and his bride-to-be will be at, homeafter -November .15, at 821 Washington avenue,, Evaniston. Mrs. Brumer wilIl be hostess 'at a shoWer, and _bridge in, honor of her sister next Saturday. Miss Estelle Engelhardt ýof, 'Wilmette ,entertainel at an evening party on Wedniesd ay in honor of. Miss S ieren- and Mr. Cal- dereni. Mrs. Frank Harvey of XVil- mette will give, a tea next Sùnday, and on Mondav evening.of this week- a group of Miss Sieren'sfriends gave her a s hower at the homne of Miss Lenore Bacheci in.Evanston. Slip Inioa Dh-ner SuitI ENJOY YOUR E£AT S Food las a snack- up taste when you are groomed ln a Royal. center remains the same-to keep interested niothers informed as to the correct care of their children. Only well, children are adrnitted* to the health center during cljnic. hours, those children who are not well being ref to t'heir f amily physician. With this idea in mind and aimning towajrd 100% ýphysical fitness fte Health CenIterý pediatrician will be glad to discuss 'feeding' problems of the-infant and pre-sc.hool child. The first Wednesday of the month is de- voted to the pre-school child, maining Wednesclas to the infant. The hours are fromu 3 until 5 4-ý'clock-. Children .WilI Inspeet Printing Plants Oct. 24 Miss, Trenna Scott and MIiss Eliza- beth -%vans of the -Central 's'hool will take a group of ýchildren on Sat- urdav, October 24, to tle1 Daily plant., the broadcasting s t a t i o ii W'MAQ, anid the Donnellev publiNih- in-- bouise. The children) will leave the. \Vilmette Village hll at 8 :301 in the muorni ng. While the trips are plainied pri- rnarily to be of interest to children. ini anýd above the fifth grade, aduilts wiIl iind the trips of interest and mnay join the group, it is said. E-ach iveek notices of the trips are posted at thie .,clools. Reserv'ationts mav be muade. bv Fridav noon either thiroulv the, principal's office o-r with dtrectoris o.f the tr]1ip Satin to edge of çoet laper.. Satin o n side seam of frousrs f50 exa. EVANSTON WîImett. 724 1641, ORRINGTON AVENUE Open Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdoy Eves".. s cI~dn.p Q0amcer & Jr~na* Chcaos 4cotMiik Company .1 1t