--teatxns wll meet Highlanid Park teamns The io11o'.ving calendar of aduit hcl rôii Two Hallowe'en- parties have beeiu tomorrow -aftron rdv tatvdsmitie vt eay Wtiletic tests for physiclPro planedby he layroud ad ec- Highland Park. Tlhree Wilmette grotind and Recreation board %vIll be- eflcy n kIl1praiig1o h1cr reaio bar fr Vimetechld~uteanis with their coaches %îilgo- there gin Nvme 2. The entire schiedule rent intrarnutral sport, are heliugConi- Ha~o~-*en ,veing S~urgye~::ln private cars ttorwaiterîioon wl continu.e for twenty 'consec utiVe dutdbthpysalraigsaf ning, October 3L tor the gane. The Pewee team is weeks. ith the exception of a two 1~tîeWlet ulcshoI ne The parties are to be heid at the coached. by Dudlev C. Stone. the weeks' recess o%-er. the Chiris tmas i-tleWiitepuicsho.unr Stolp and Howard schols, respective- . iiteiglit teýambv. Glein \. Gather- holidavs. ýOther activities %viIi be an- the direction of Director of. Recréa- ly, and are to be çonducted frorn7. caad h ev-veight .teai b\-.' îîouliced.k Drcora ecrain'to aie! M. Davis. o'clck nti 10 'clck. Movng ic-Lester F.. Balil. Director of Recrea- Daniel M. Davis. and lii s taff tipon Tctssaebiggvni ot tures and. musical entertainiment are tion, Daniel \. Davis. xiii also ac- popular recîuest. îaîfrby n ikaifrgrs being . lanried for the amusement company the. tearns.,Mna vnn features and apples and duhut: Hhd ar lioret)Wl to1 .m-oevalor en- sports in hch te nraua are to, be served for reéfreshrnents, AI! met fa p -eaushvejs ee iihe.By features of the entertaiinment are mtefrartr engagement at, Howard gvymnasium. .laushv utlenfnse.By Washin.gton park, October 30,. '. to 1p m -ketballifo r girls. ad grs ntefIrh itsxh free to the chiidren and to aduits By eîh7 0 on an n to 10gyna.im.adgrlBnthaoshfkhsxh ecrngtm.. der belong 't6 the .Pewee class and Tuesday Evening tsed e ndhstandgah rd freare bein TWo Hoot Gibson pictures, -Con- boys weighn rm ')0 t 00pud 7to9p .er clbfroy.esdanastdrdorahsil certratin' Kid" and "Courtin*\Vild- to .7 tgteih las B eih o 9arP.gynium and Hub o rd h s las: heen set by averages attaineçi bv cats7 are offered forthe rnovîng 1)iC- ing more than 110 pôunds piav in th1 reiuscase ese ve pra tur bh-otae nd ii b SUPi- îeavwîgh cas. Te ctber30iîgyvmnasium stege. of the past three, years. m-ented by two aof the Oswald. Luickv ganie will end tlhe intramiurai football Stoîp0p m ir.-Bsia. 1grs. Te tssfrtefut rd r Rabbit, series, "Hash Shop-:and -Pri- seaso n for \Viimette pblc ~htoo i0Ymîainifrme.alike for boys and girls and include son Panic." :A saxophonist or accor-. and speedball will bè the ix ot ~ ~ .Hreie h kickball kick and the kickbal! dionist will furnish entertaitnient be- on thé, calendar. .Hwr cao ti.trW. Th. stndad ywhc te tween pictures. --8~ Om-akta o lelc inijdedis 47 feet in the:kick tumj*ad re are re ta oUffle fo Prepare. Rules Wedneiday Evren*ng aid-id49 feet in the kick and 22 feet turne Painrdn eprizilese hrareo tbeingIs the pcossessor; 'af the most tvp callý for Ping ong -10 p. sni.-akeb- ri hehQw orhegls -Hallowe'en costumes. Competitýrs tforHwadg nsim The fifth grade boys are tested Ii prizes May corne in. couples or colin- Playing Here t,0) . Bakebhiýa theù fuotball punt and pa 'ss. Tro be an peeSridvdulpie.ýt-lp gynliîasiurni. average. athiete for.,the fifth grade pet f'orfRdiciatiprzes,\[Danielrle Ior >ngPoîw .7:3< ta 1 p.i -.l ~vn-the bov-m' be able to makle a Dirctr a RcratinDanelM.are buîig ruadeat tue.Kecre..-tîotl~ îmcls.Hg Crest ,iîf ootball punit of 15 yards'and pass a Dàvis, xwill act as master ot cereino - fce. I)t4.Central av~enue anîd are t'iTh «.-d Evenling utai1vrd.Afthgdeir nies at the Howard sch:IQol party, and b'- f tI t l' , turrilhed Àe t clarge -t Sp .-rnrnrsho' irst ps hesadad. fo ý pito . ei ii ctl tll-,rn lsý inteett rs desiring ta take 'part iii die Pliii gm ai cas Howar1 zv ia- gradIe rntist be able to kick a kickball capcîy t top chol.. an mtcesan t-urîaett~an -i-M. 33 feet and throoW it 2ý feet.. 'eplans for the%,two partieswr n-)d o tip-maiîn )4i- 7t 10 P:. m-Basketah1fo -.in h itsvîtade~ made at a called meeting of the Spe-c n ovme ý col os tolp gyiîî1as:umin. ga ,theboy are tested in- the -cial Occasions cèm mittee Of the Pl'ay- N the înqulirleý eeie ¼ h 7tau ~p. mHreh~sfrf .da kick Iin-addition to t he footbal1 ground and Recreationi board hieid .creatio1n staff after thie li>ta~Hwr schoal attic.-pntadas.Scrdianeic last Tuesda.y.evening at Direc-tor Da- )fa1 i.- annncemient ofai apîngj>ozSta)10 1 '.- di)ugyrasti i an ad and in-;-)ce the se nth a vi' ffce 94CetrJ.a-eue (zerg1toîrinarinent last wek Indcate dý ca FluHaard g naum- -elghth. grades tesslsin soccer place H. Redding is chairman of the Spe- theýre are a-;tnmnx ifferent e u Friday Evening - kcing are given. The standard for ciai Occasions camimittee and the foi- ruies for pîng.pon as dtý1ýe a- t 1) 4 7ta ý1'. np. m-B,k-Baci<tba-Lk r mn.the siýxth grade boy is: footb)all put.- lowing are his camrmittee members pong sets. it a decided .ta iaec' iwi ,fnýu.'19yrs as 7yrs rpkc,1 !Mrs. R. W. Armistrong. Mrs. Ferbert leýý) terue ' b 41lat) ,ýn.. eý4ad 1týke:'ads4ce Jie.rleset)chued n 1r7 t.1 Stanleyc ai Cec5r ars, ocerdistance kick, 10.yards., * J.Leac, Mr. StnieyV. Sith-ïlilette matchies--fr 's srn atcheis. Stolp sho irarv. For seventh grade the standardis .Stacy C. Bennett., and. Williamn Tay- t aticp a te. 8 s:15 ta- 10 p3. m.-ingPan. Sol9 footballpunit, 22 yards. football pass-.>, lor. -Te as adopted1 k tlhe A-\nierican -gyminasium, 19yarýds, dap ick, 19 yards. soccerý Dr. H-ubert. Carleton,rector of St- Ping Pong association, which differ distance kick, 17 yards, soccer place Augst-n'sEpicoal- hu ctedmatriailv from the table tennis iawsAran eShdls kick, 3 goals out of 5 trials. ascara iaseilcmitesometimes used with -ping pong setsFregihgae.te tnadi tselect films for the evening's, per- have .bée n.selected by the staff.assis- f o r v sProgram Forbit rd te tndr s Lu£1~5 ktaliput, 25 ýyards, football pa-ssc.J fornriance. H-e was, assîsted,by Mlrs. tantstin charge of the -activity as the 'Announceetnt aof hdle f 23 ,yard-s, drap kick, 21 yards, soccer. Armstrong. and M1.4' Davisb. %Mrs. officiai ruies gaverning the local mien's .vùvalaM and hsebl distance kick. 20 yardoceple Smith waý appointed by Mr, Redding matches. Scaring is the chief bori eage il. 1 r) e t ek k kick, 3 goals -aut of 5 triaps.ce to serve as chaîrinan of the refresh- laio contenîtion between the tV.o ut rceto sitns uiyC tn et o h itsvnh n ~ei omte teFJwad ary t an d lg svstems - of play;ng ping' andi Glen W. Gatherccal.' Eighiteen eighth grade girls are given in kick- - and rs. rrntron, chirmu ofthepong anid the regulation 21.-up methad entrîes for basket1bal adêgt-frbi ik n ik ltrw h comutte i ctin irnla caac t iscarîng will be used in-n Wîlett,!. xallevlbaU had been received pirtaL) standards for the kick are : sixthi at StolpsIîu Mrs. Herbert Snce ping pang has becorne Imaz- last- week-end and a finaal date for gae 9fet eetUrae 7fe Lec s-caral-) h an ite îngîy popular since its revival a few' registration hias beeni set for Satu-egt rd,5 et tnad o en pirizes. ---- motiths a-go, Director ti- Récreationr, dav, October 24. -- - - te gthrad.5 ee.Sadad o i t~ troware: sixth grade, 3" feet, Judges to select- the prîze-Wvinning Daniel M.. Davis is.preparing ta take j bcheduls for girls , bas-ketbaiî, seveinth gra~de, -38 feet, eighth grade, costumes at eaçlt placç.e: wa, -carie of çapacity crowds at the Stoin leagues ,villntbî tno'ctip,-) 4 eet. ---- -Her - C..Fowler, chairmnnafthe grynnasitum where the acti-vity s ----------------------------------------ŽoVer-k enbsaite PyiaEdcin PIljtground and 'Récréationt board , R. 1be heid. _______b t ae-opine îtheafi -the se- N mesothPyiclEuai I. ohxston; a-ndlMrs.- H. 0: von --der-be 2sî tht tstatwo mteting staf ho are ingtets rs- j ~~~ot th-q, teams will befor practice only. rs ,gse F ilnd thedtets C.e I~~*. j OrganýeGym ÇClss TS ~g4 cedla a~e i one at ,tolp .an- s.Gertrude Leahand lisMrol 1eisra ion i o>her rrýereatîpa a i t Howard '5Vi1QQl.-- - JuioPlicecorps(if boU -Eo A- ,gymnasiurn ças for %ý 1 u2sea-l9utnceýd vth-e1 ýJw i t- ard and : 0 piM as.ssiw4ith Sc ~ i ha~t~irdalndu, cteatio-n board max befishdkth - ----- üshriig and xain$ing 4 c-lie ghth grades,, wh atte~n o h icpieed - c ools made at the $irst Inetnz - fth se- - the arly part of next weel, e ~g~ gît 6è er3~ - n -a~i!-y,h Ili e t1i_a - itr -te has corer Il- City officiais of Il ilwaukee, Wis., The class wiIl be held, prior ta tfr ladies gymnasium class; began its -- believe it is due ta the influence ao wmn gma'm l-sshdIdseason an Wednesday, af this weeXk-93-i ifsn there is sufflich-nt the recréation programs canducted for that eveninig and will foliow a with a- large class -enroilment. popular demnand for themi. Reqtiest>~ by the Extension department af the regular outlined progra-m similar to, tor each of the three classes have public schools that .Mî1lwa-ukee's rate that in use in the Wilmette pulic,: Add New Activities been received and.,if thère are enougli- on burgiar insurance is lower thani school. There is no charge for the woaeitrse nten that in cities generaliy, that the city ciass and it is restricted ta childrea to-Recreation Plans others woaeitrse ntei clases%%,11be sta-rted immiediately-. is freer fromcrime than it forrnerly who do not get,.physical- education as Ta-p dancing, Frenîch, and Gierma-n Such requests1 are.ta be nia-de ta Di-, itw, there. is less -labor trouble and a pirt of their regulaïr- schoi pro-ý classes wilI be added taO -the list aifrec tr0afReceto ane .Dvs the- juvenile delinquency r 11,ha- gram., Mothers are invite-d ta, attend activities àninoirnced, by th i--Pagond a-nd;Recrea-tion boa-rda- béen reduced. the class çyith their daughters. ground and Recrea-tion board. fort fie.94Cnrlaei. -