a re more good pieces of work in this ehhtthan ini an%- other previous one sponsored by the leagile. t is also not- ud that soie iividual painters have developed until their %vork now equais that of prof essionais. Arnong the outstanding pictures are those -by Mrs. ,Frank Peyraud. ,Irma. * Ieehn.. and - Grace -P. Brion. A por- trait of a younig mai! stretched coni-' iotbvon a garden seat, w~ith theý variegated colors of -nature elnhvening the effet-thisý is the picturc Mrs. Peývraud,pinted of, her son in their girden at Ravîniia. A xoung xvornan in evening dress of gay and brilliant colors is pictured xith pieasing artistry by Irnia Keehn. Grace P; Brion. presents a painting of lber son,., (rcssed ini the typical Summer attire of a boy of that age. short sleeves and Iow - coliar. seated on a coucli in front of a window through xvhichi the treuî1 fûliage niakes a deliightfl ',Coli- trâ,.t to the figlire. Duic*v eyCrafts \a oislectures xil >tp.rt November 23. His subjýect. xviii L-oyers of Fine Antiques_ In-vited to, Chicago. ENPo0 Yo lovers of fnue antique iiurnitilre. china, glass. pcw\ýter, silver. prints. i lace. carpets and other chioice articleQ, for, the hoine,, CIiicago x-viii offer ail ui. que att .raction (Il ring the veek o October 24 to 30. Inclusive. Nvl.en îl rhird, Chicago .Anitiqueésexoioî wv1Ill be liIWlci the Drake lotel. Mr tiU tha taMillion dollars vworth of rarc pieces %%JI l>e 0ondisplav. ocayn the çit:rie main dining roorn, the Ave- nue *of Palims andl part of the Frencl! * rooni at the Drakel. Openi.ng Saturday, October 24. t 3 o'cIock, the-exposition \\.Ill uc open(ýý Sùnda v afternioon nd ex.inig. a.1m! throi.îghout the xeek froin 10 a. ini. t 10 p, m., al ni Friédav niglit Representative exhibits frofi Varion ., j collection. ini\ew York, Connecti - cut, Ohio anld.other eastern state-; xiii be s'hoxvn as wel1i as -articles froîn Chicago and nearby cities. A featture of th-e exposition thi"ý year wil be an auction of ant îqucý, MNr. and Mrs. Josephl White, 159 Shier'idan 'road, Winnietka, are leav- ing Friday to motor to Andover toi lie mith thieir son, Joe, on bis birth- day. They xiii meet Mr. and M\rs-. Frank* Mackay of Chicago and go to Princeton for thé, Princeton- M\-ichigan ,game. . . . .. . . TAXI OVER FREEfrom any point in the "Loop or any downtown railroad station.~ FREE PARKING OPENMONDAY.,AND.:SATU'RDAY-UNTýFIL>'10 P.M.