Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1931, p. 30

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SUBSCRIPTIOl! PICE...... 1.00 A YEAB Ail communications must be accompartled by thp mare and addreas of the writer. Articles for pub- lilction m~ust reach the editor by Tuesday noon to Insure appearance ln current Issue. Resolutionu of condolence, cards ()f thanks, ob>itu- art"., notices of entertainments or other affairà wbeire an adrnIttance ýcharge la published, w111 be charged at reguiar advertising rates. Grade, Sepaaration WiII Save Life Let's Hasten the Day! The Wili-etie Suinday Evening club, which renders a service thlat is more than nierelv local. o1knis doors for the cur- rent season at 7:.30 on Sunday ()ctol>er 25 in the First Evening Cluib Co retinl hrc àof 1lnete t is bardlv nieccssar-,7tro sas-that -adiss,-ýion. to ail mieeitngs of thi5 wllknown (rga.iza- t'on is free t0 ail. The Welsh Sliigers will poide the pro *ram t t1i 1ping nmeet- ing. Unfortunate iÈdeed is an v cotumn iutN whose memibers. !)y reason .of location. or, lack of resources. catnno vil themselves of stich enîtertaitiment 1andi; istruction a > that offered k- this dcub>. The-,-miss à great deal of that %vhich goes to iaelifce reallv wortîh living. The prograni of thie clubl for the» comlling ycar coritaîns the naines of iinduviduial, who have dpne irterest.ing things and cari tell in a most intcrc stmng av thie etails of their doirigs. For elxampl)le everY norilh shore resident ~î1want À10 lwar Mary Hastings Brde al aotlier experi-. ences in. Africa- and see ber, motîin pic.7 turces. Captaîi John .NoeIvill interest atll eyes:wîtb bis motion pictuires, taken aàt the top of the lçfiest niountain uni the wrd Other platformi celebrities. will appe-ar- B3rans.ýon DeCotu of drcani pictuirc fame, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Artbur Pillsbuir.y ndayc ~.the r 'h'bèanîout ofgoi Communit-y il h as broughî îtc) flouse Leaders hutndJreds ýof people, Vounlg a nd old](er, can- Ilo1 be Imeasured. Bde, id.and >soukI have g rowtýn uner the efficient miinistra- ioSof tbis Unique s)cial institution. l)uiring t h esýe, 20 vears the wrirk of *-the 1 lrmse bas been, under the direction. of 1)r. J)aYies, popularl,,kownas..Cie. .[ti(.er.bis.directïon a ,great and I)eneficial sial influence bas. exterted itselfi it Cri>mnmunitlv House and has spread far be- vodils doors. lie, has presided niostî AV'orthily over a host of educational ac- tivitues-physical, mnenital, and religicuis. Last June be resigned fronit.hispositio)n wbhichi he bas bono(-red for so mranv v ea rs. Ie had grown 10 he -sO vital a part of Comnu iyHouse that. 10 manv il seemned that bis place 'could not beý filled. But oinix verv rccently the ar of Gover- nIor. appointed to thi: most responsible j)ositionI George C. Getgood, of Tulsa. Oklahomna, a mpari w-hose quaàlifications for the wý%ork mark hini .,as a sitale. stcce S- sobr 10 Dr. Davies'. Wet extend to bot 1) r. Pa%*les and- Mr. Getgood )fjourt est -wis;htS--orsuc c ess in their neiv unites ofenaor the former iti the Religiotis lEýducati'on asýsociation. th,(. latter in W\innetkai Comimunity Houise. 'l'lie Nortb Shiort I.iie is the fastestand liest In the United I States. l'le Anericani Electric jRailwa\- as.sciation lbas said 50 and that ought 10 settle the malter.ý Doubtless i-e av con)tcluide that fôr- speed, otur electric lune leitas:the .w-orld.: *And no.ini the offing appears Halloý- w e' 'er. Youthful energy and inlitiative inust, as we arc înformied hy psychological experts, find an ootiet. We trust that the ouitlet provided i;,I be as far as poýssible. fromi our dloorinat, ashican,. and front gale. Cook County :rgency Re, Neter since the davs of the Wrdwr wben individual.s and groups o--f ail differ- cnt creeds and varie(-] political persuias)rion joined hands in furthering-relief measureç-. haSý the nortb shore been faced witb. an etne rg.ency tbat even vaguely approache-ý the situation now before us., Untbinikable.as il m'ay seem, peoi)ile are actually faced with, starvation right her(- in: tbe Chicago area this winter unleSs w-eo h~b ave heen more 'fortunate lend a hand and give at least a small part ýo: our i n c om es tp help tbose wvhose re- sources, tbrough unemployment and other 'circumstances'beyond tbeir control.. have heeni completely exbausted. People wbo a few short months tl,- nieyer suspected they ,vould b.e. in need (-,: chan t, ae atualyfaced witb the ýnecýe- -iof, depending entirelv uipon th e i1 neighboùrs and frierïds to tide them o<- the disastrous period'of econornîic dcpl*Uý- 1Surelv no on e, unless be l)e a berîiiit On a farawvav .desert island, persists. In adhering 10 -the, opinion that there are plcntv o f jobs if only people, would only go out and 'Iook- for -thenim htm-to the people. out -of work are in that pfedica- mnent tbrougb negligence or' do\vnrigbt laziness. Every day brings more and miore -tories, piitiful tales of destitution-of pe- ile starving- in the milst of the "land of plflv. Ntone of us but bas soimi relatiVe or friend wbo has met -witb, dire .isfortune., At>,every bhand we 'are 'called uipon for, belp 'and* more belp,. Recognized cb . arily and relief age.ncicsý xvlîicb in orther years,.bave conducted their own fund campaigris, are banded together tbis -ear in a unified fund camipaigri. hi1s giganttic movement has been, given the desý-igniation "Cook County Emergecv Re-. lief Fn. It contemp lates one solicita-, tion emibodying ail the separate caîls made in other years., Like a greal. àrmyýý, the relief, forces bavé been mustered under one general directine unit for purposes of [15'ign rco ctin issii er This association wjfl enaible uls t bring to our readers the offerings not oillV of local but also of national advertisers. That W'esrn o vhclratae itseensionbn ofi our servic xviisbee-traffic control stop-and-go" lights. They mntres ap beefi 10ourpubic ve ure *are just about the only kind of mnechaxîjeal ly a.re-justified, in, believing.. control of our i)ehayipr .that.w do nol Reeogniziing that xve.cannot adcquately finid obnoxious. The need \Vill 1N-01 1l? Note: Shore LUnes,' inview 1'of ~the présent cmergency, is happy to devote the above, space, ordinarily given over t0 matters of lighter ve'in. to a plea for cointributfionsith)ýernc Relief fund.-Mique.'* t h Eegn3

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