By Rutheda L. PretzeI The Chicago Civic Opera conipauy atinounices a tbrilling first week. be- ginning witbi "Tosca" oii, M oîday evening. Nov'emher 2. Six important debuts are to he ina(Ie. tlîréee d opéras wvill helheard. a Pilccinii op)era, a Russian ork andl a work hy1)vNI.\ o- zatneyer l)efore stung he the Clii- cago company. Claudia M.\uzio w iliisng the foie of Tosc anauKiepuira (deht> . that'of Cavaradossi., ,and \Vannii-M\arcouix that of Scarpia on M-ýonidav nigblt. Roherto M\orauizoi ii .il coîàiut. "The 1Magic Finie." hv Mozart, wil 1)e heard for the irst tiniie b% thîe Chicago coîîîpaîîy on Tuesdav evening.. Noveinher 3 This charmn- ing, coniedv %vill -he a 'eliclc forthie American ýdehuit of Noci adie. and Paolo Marlon. Otlier leading art-ist'ý in tle cast incluctle Maria Rajdll.! Frida :I.eider,. Ma ria ()Iszewska. Titelma Vôtipka; Ruidoif Bockclinntin, Alexander Kliuis. Eduard Hahich and Octave Dtua. Masro fEgon PolIak w~ill cènduct. "Aida" 7 wil 1w sunlg on f dns evelling. Nov-ember 4, witlî Claudia Muzio, Cyeraîîa Van.(,rdn Paul Althouse, Cesare Forinichi. Sergio Benoni (debut') and Vîrgilloc Lazzari. -Mr. MNoranzoni coîîdàcts. Jolii Charles Thomas \\11l sîng in "Rigoletto" on .Tlursday- evenin g. Noveniber .5, for the first timie iii Chicago. Others lu the> cast ,vill be Mi3s Eadie. .Coe Glade. 'NMr. Kiepura, and Mr. Lazzari,: M\,r. Moranzoiir conducts. ."4Boris Gt)dutnoi)f" .vith Vaunii-Mar- coux in the title roIe, inaugurates» the Satuirdav matinees on Noveni- be r 7. Coe Glade %will b e heard as Marina. and Emil Cooper, whg l troduced this work, to weèstern Eut- rope in 1909. wvilI couduct. Serafina di Leo w~ill siîîg ber first performance in Anienica on-Satuirday, evening, November 7, in "Il Trova-. tore," and Augusto Beuf wvilliniake, bis debut that evening. Others i thie cast are to be Cyrena VTan Gor- *Claudiia Mit-I .ro ill oPc'n the sca- sonr of the Chicago CiVic Opecra, coalaiv. siitriiing ttille role of Puccii's gi'eat opera "Tosca," on Woiday evening. Nor'einbc,'2, in, flhe Civic Opera floise. Jail Kie- purainakcs bis A,'iandbtas. Cav aradossi., and Va;liti-Mareotuxt wi' sing the role of Scarpia. Roberto .Moranzoni zill oendiic t. "Ensemble of Twelve" Opens Season Oct. 25 The Ensemble of TweIl'e, of the Iittle Sv'mphoun- orchestra of Chi- cago, will inaugunate its Spndav af- ternoon- concerts on -Octo-ber 25. ini Fullertoiî hall of tbe Art. Instituite of Chicago. George Oasch will direct thie concerts, wvhich hegin prouîptly at 3:15 o'clock, and agalu at 4:15 o'clock. The programn next Stundav, iasIf ollows: Ballet Suite from "CVephal'e et Procris'l......... .... rtr-Mt 1. Tamblourini II. Menuetto <Lesë ps de Diane) lIr. Gigue A Group for, String Qua'rtet 1. Minuetto.,... ..... Boccherini II. "Old llaek Joe" ..,...... arranged by Alfred Pochion 111. "Turkey ln the Stritw". pianist, as soloist1 at the subscrntptîon concerts tlîis week, on. Thursday.evýe- ning and Friday afternoon. Iturbi will play Debussy's concert piece for piano and orchestra. and the, Liszt E fliat miai or, concerto. The orchestra, is playing Schu- ,man;ji's overture, ".lliebesfrueling"_ Ferroud's "Syvmpliony iniKA."and Strailss' toile poeîîî, ")u Jan."'. *Ne xt week Efrein Zinîhalist. violini- ist, w~illIe beeard on ThÛrsday ee ning. Octoher 29, anîd Friday after- noon011, October X0,il the D minor concerto for violin 1wv Sibelius. Tlue orchestra vl play c'Indv's "Wallen- steiîî's Canîlp," dIndy "s second svnii- phon, anida toile poeifl hv Sibelius. "Fiiilanidia." Ait he Tuesdav aîtern ooii coi cert oui October .27.1 the orchestra ili play the "Acadeuîic Festival" over- ture 1w Brahnis. Fraîîck's D ininor. sVnîpfliony, Dolînanvýi s."Suiite for Orý chestra." and the Strauss "tEnîiperor At its opening concert last Thiîrs- dav eveuing, the orchestra plaved îitl isueli eloqtîence and inisi t liat, one's tlîouglits turned relertiv-el upon its central figure, Dr. * Frederick Stock. Through al l ls v ears of Coli- dlucting. Dr. Stock lias uiever losqtt he, alive zest with whli(h lie greeéts orchestral compositions. Th'le Bee-, thoven seventh symphioiiv as s0 ex- pressive, so beautifully refiîîed inl color and înood, that it gave oie a strang-e feeling of .hearing' it for.the.f first time, >'et knowing it more itîti- niately than ever. Dhuss"L.a Mler" n'a s so delicatelv plaved. s gentie or turbulent, quiet or sweep - ing, that prolonged applause greeted t he conductor at the end of it. Thie orchestra is~ in excellent shape. not a rough edge anywhere. althougli ne- hearsals lîad oîîly beguîi a week lie- f ore. Discusses World-Famous Artists Over the Radio Carleton Snmith hias inauigurated a senies of weeklv radio talks ou ,"Ar- Richard Crooks' voice is compared to that of Caruso, AfcCorniack, Gigli and De Reszke. 'Mr. Crooks, vvho is' opening the Artist-Récital series at New Trier High school on Monda ' * eveniing, November 2, won glIo.wing press co.intxents from critics at his firstf Carnegie Hall recital ini New York. *Xith the exception of Gi gli, I know of 110 tenior voice which lias in its highiest toues such a Caruso-like brilliancëe," said onie .critic, and' an- other said.. ,'He reminds mié persua- sively of johin McCorrmack lun the Irih eno'syoungper days." Olin I)ownes, einiluent imusic *cditor l of the New York Timies, said, -.Not * nia nv tenors, perhaps no other Amier- ican tenor ini the concert field. have, voices of e(.uial texture, beauty ai capacity for eniotional explressioni. He can entînciate Englisli text witlî muchi cleariiess and effect., He is a. singer of exceptional capacities, vvithi more than bhis share' of natural' giftsý and no doubt .vith 'the.amibiti on and. sînecerity to ptisl on. J-is horizon î,, evidentiy etilarting. -Richard Crooks is more than a great Nvge.".rote a Detroit critic. "J-e hias the, intelligencc' and syni- 1atliy that. vIîeîî joined to such gifts. produce great iterpretati%,e art. His sotng- invites coinparison witlî 'that of join \IcCoïtiacl,." 'lle (istinguishied critic, Redfernl Mason, ý-taalzed the reasons for the extraordinary appeal of Crooksý, and said lie believes that lie finds the rea- sou îiu Croôk's sturdy Amnericaini. "Crook's voice is an Amiericani voice," Mason wirtes, and adJds, '"Tlhe nasal- 'tv 'of the Frenchi, the quasi-sexuial crv of the Italian, the brazen timbre of the Gerînan tenor are not lu it. Crooks. is an Anerican. iii bis musical virtues, and at thîe sanieý tim e lielias the qualities ive adinire ini the 1forý- ei.gier. But lie dèes tiot' make inanl- nerisis of th-ern. "He 'sinigsHanidel withi just artistic restraint: the phrase with lîimi.s a tbing of beautv .anîd lie knows liow to produce a ilaisimo tliat is sug.- gestive of power. Iu the lieder of Bralims lie. combines a masculine breadthi witlî comnmand of the nu- en- Those wvho have not receiv'ed cards miay notify the company, giving their naines1 and addresses. Mail orders in hand on sale dates are -filed be- fore tickets are placed on sale at thîe box office. 'rhe sea-soîlahead u îîi~sto le exception lly billiant. S§e-tbiParker -atnd-thie Jonesport Fol-ks, knowiî to over four million radio lis. teners. n îay be seen lu »erson with hl., cast at O!rchestra Hall on Monda> evening, October 26. at .8:30 o'clock, unidér tIie directiouî .of gertha Ott. atternoon, AXenUVVUUCLi, uLIUI r n-.. timy ince direction of Bertha Ott. ___________AT PLAYHOUSE SUNDAY ST. DENIS TO DANCE Vasily Romakoif, banitone, wili be Ruth St. Denis will giv e a dance re- heard' for the first time in Chicago in citaI on Suinday afternoon,- Novenîber recital at the Playhouse on Sunday I., at 3 o'clock iu the Civic Theatre, afternoon,. October 25,; under 1Betha under Bertha 'Ottýs direction. Ott'sdirection. 4