second Suburban league victorv and made iine first dowïis and Ncw Trier its fottrth straighit ,vin of the season. none. Coacli Walter Aschienbacl reports The players -vho started for Ne,%v tliat the New Trier boys, w~ho have. Trier were : ess,. left enîd, Fox, left been playing an inspired bran.d of tackle, Hlall, left guard. Kyle, center, fo-otb)all thlis season, slippcd a bit latst ' ýh i t e, right guard. Buirrili. rigl-bt -,veek. Their plIayînig, 'as, raggcd tâckle, Schumnan, rigbt end, Vail througliott the gan. quiarterbacýk, HaPp, lcft hailfback,1 The first haîf Xas co111s. \[NcFadzeat, riglit lalfback, and Nfc- the third quarter, ,after a field goal K-.11,ioni, fullba'Ck. by Kopeckv, M\ortoni lefttackle, gave the west side teaml a 3 to '0 lead, Mrs.. George Kingsley -of Kenil- Nordbufg,, p]ayilig lcft lîailfliael for %vortlî is- enterta.iing her bridge Club New Trier,ý tosscd a iftv yýard_ pass to(lav. tr) Wolff, -right end. for ne1W T'rier' s wviing touchdoivnl. Ballenger, New Trier rigiit itaîf- lack. fumnbled- a piint ,on bis team i's twvctv,-vard ue, and it %vas soon after this that iMorton. scored its1 felId goal." The break licalv coI-S Ne Trier the ganrie. la the mater, of first dout îî New Trier liad six as ciîuparc(d 10. r ton 's foilr. Thîe n' rt h shOrc1) ov s Colc 1te< l nhtrecumit '(Il 1,1 I passes, '«bile flic '«est sulers' made Injuries Worry Coach hiiirlý jr i l, te is ilavers conitinue (,te k (li of Coacb i hna'l' rn ':iialý \'«)rne!s., luil thegaine wit1ig~ NIoronSaucl~ BbSeiler.,'«ho C x i . £ i<or NwTrier at le it lSfbc. sf- ivred ain 'atile inijurv that înav keep hifli olit (oftire iiptirtalit Oak Park tussle ibis we.Fîlvs'.quarter- a ssu rc back, injuired ii]i the lrviogaine two 'ee ago.' \\i11 bc out foIr thh, sesîl alilv nbeia kuicc1*11 last \eek:s ,ganlie amii1, xpctdto. 1l)c out for at least two \\veekS. New -Trier's starfiing -iueup' iast. Satuirdav fincidfed Preston,. left. end, \Vachls. left tackle. Sehiînîaîî. . 1leftý gilarl, L.ind, center, Crawfî'rsl. rigbit gtard, Riengttackliv.. \Vil ia Il. rgtend, Olive. atcbe.Seillr. YOUR SPEECH, J.,MANLEY PHELPS .gow, ýScotJand, and spent lier early life there. She came -to this counl- try when she was about twenty-five years old. For the past tlîirty-eighit y£ars- she haLl lived at the Spruce street address ini Winnetka. *She is survived by hlier Iîusband, B3ernard Kloepfer, and by two sons, Al1exander'and Henry, both of Wiîn- netka., The funeral, services were hield Moniday rnorning at 9:30 o'clock at the Sacred I-Iart church in HJ-u1h- bard Wooôds,. with, burial at Sacred Heart -cerne.terv, Nortlib)rok. gaization. Se. Mr. Walker (only) Room 313, 180 N. Michigan Chicago Chandler'es N'>'th.qh<,c rlisi te Dealer Fountain Square, Evgaston re In Pasteurizers such as shown above ýBowan's - .milk undergoes, the accurate, scieintifie .heating and cooling which assures absolute freedom-nf rom harmful bacteria. Intricate recording devices ~ -e.-check and re-check the thoroughness of this vital safeguard. Notbing is lef t to chance! 8 So. Michigan Ave.- Central 2620U or Lyon and HeaIy, Evansion :rRS MIIK 0F S(TPRRIOR FIA VOR --«Rwwm