Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1931, p. 34

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-' Charity places its trusting and sup- *plicating biaud into that of north shore society today. conifident that. it will be taken in a responsive and supporting clasp. As, each day, our resi(lents beconie more and more re- lief rindcd, social and club affairs inareb togeCther, hand l in afd. the , One minigling xvth the other, ilu One commnoh anu,'and that is, stccor. At* thte Votuau's chli) of Wilimette next Wednesday at Z 'lock, an after- noon bridge is taking place. A so- ciet%, event ini that 'hundreds of rep- resetîtative women of Wilnîette and the north shore will be l)resetit. yet it i,; of club derivatioù, for it is the, animal benefit bridge party. given by the philanthropy <eprtuient of the' N\Voînans club of WNilmette. Great er cails of distress this season effect added vigor. and determinatior. on the part Of >thiose in, charge to m1ake-their. afternloon of social pleas- tare r ealize a. large suxm to aid local charities and other philan- thropies to whose support the club contributes The affair, in ail its«deétails, is be- ing arrattged by Mrs. A. E. Klunder, ~chairnan' of the 'departmneiut; Mrs. Roger Williams, cliairman of the card party, and Mesdam-es Elbridge Allen,' Loui s, Becker, A. 'E. Beirnes, *Harry Barnhill, Charles Bixby, ICiglit Blanchard, Edwin S. Bush, jôohn Borncamp, Uarry Burnside, William Dunn, Earl Davenport,. Carbon Dübbs, J. F. Duncan, C. Frykmnan, Thomas L. Gris amure, Rollo Gullick- son, William 1lixues, Willîs H.utson, R. C. Kirkpatrick, J. .Robert McClure, F. L. McGrath, Lester Mee, Charles Moody, A. J. Nystromf, Halsey -Po- rpnto. Scott Smnith, Leonard Starkel, Perry Smiithiers, james Shedden, Otto'NVon> der Hoif,.Joh1n NWh.Iidden, Harry B Wilsnt iey, H. 0. *Weishaar. An attractive prize for eacli table %vill be, givén in addition ýto other prizes. Thie hundreds of mien, ivomen, and cblîdren in contact ivith the follow- ing organizations are to receive ail from next Wednesday's affair: Local i churcfl >er 27. ne sdav Spoke Three of the Prt churcli met for a business ai meeting last, Tuesday af t( the home of Mrs. Raîplih 713 Green'wood avenue. Phoûto by Gibson Casebeerý Mliss -Elizabeth Fr,'eutde,treicht, 314 *Ibbottsford road, Kcnilworth. a Jun ior at Vbrthu-'stcin ivcst this y'car, is chairinan in chargec of arangenits, for. the tea Alpha Phi f raterul ity is givinug fo0r tz( of its /'romilient itiembers, Fr-idav1, Oclo- ber 23, at ihie chaipter, hou(se, 701ý (Tije-~t~eaeinie, Jvanston, be- hiv'een thc hoursý of 3 and 6. ThIle guests of hionor are M rs. Ci. W. Liiudsýey (M argaretta Orénii) ' grand president of Alpha Phi, and MIrs., George F. Thomson (Ruthi Sanders) of- Greenwich, Con., wIio is editor of -Alpha Phi Quiarterly;-" national -magazine. The collegiate cIiapter and the North SShore,.AIlumn- nae chapter are ta be hostesses, and Mrs. Walter Dill Sco-tt, wife of the, presideut of Nortlwvestern,. a promin-- eut ineumiber of Alpha Phi, will spon- sor-the event and assist in i welcorinitg the two guests of lionor. M\iss Jane Wilson, 325 Ridge ave- nue, \Vinnetka, president of thie col- Presbvter -iloliiOc-Luncheon tor Bride M rs. W. W. Wheelock, and -Mrs. Theodore 0. Moritz of Kenilworthi esbyterian will entertain. for Mrs. Fred Floyd, âtlds sewvig .xho was Miss Fran c es Oleson. They ,ernobun at will give a ýlunclieon and paititry ,eDurhamii,> sliwer at ;Skokie Country club on Thursdav, Octobér 22. and bridige'party witt-i lrsLeon Ellis. Mrs. Clayton Burch, and Mrs. Herbert Taylor the hostesses. Mrs. H-erbert Bartling is chairman of the cards conimittee of the clu4b. An arresting annotuncemient in sea- sonal cMors calîs attention to a"'e pression Hallowe'en dinuer aànd dance andl toughtimùes party; the tinie, Fni- dav,'ý October 30: the place, The Kenilworth club;,thie dress, your Ibe.t 1928-29 model; baud, Doc Driver's devastating deliglit makers; pnice,I special, C. 0. 1. for the regular two-ý (dollar -dinner." "The seàson opens with ali extra special gloon killer. %vith stunts, dances, prizes,", the folder conitinutes.' *irphone, or rollcr skate vour reservations to 'Mrs. William J. Tay- lor Iwv Wedifesday, October 28.. No guest fee, briug a neighbor; miasters ,of cereînony,. Mrs., Arthur \W. Wake- ley and iMrs. Harry J. Willianis." Jewish Women's Council tQ Have Menibership, Tea Tl'le National Counicil of Jewish \Vomen, Chicago section, is plarnning a miemibersip tea on Novemiber .12. 'l*hle affair %yill be given frôm. 3 until,- 5o'clock at the ho me., of.,Mrs.. Felix Lowy, 140 Sheridan road, Winnetka, an~d during that timne the counicil will W'elconie old nmembers ad hir friends. An interesting programn lias been planned. The corninittee i charge of arrangements is cotinposed of Mris. Harry WV. Caun-han, Mrs. MNax Lehman, .Mrs.-,B. L. Stein, Mrs., 1. R. Warsliawsky, Mrs. Max Wol- <enberg, and Mrs. Nathan B. Belder- nan. 221 Essex road, W\inuietka, cliairmnan. TQ- Give FaretveII Parties r.and Mrs. WVittier Baer of 1-115 Beechwood aene ieter- taini at dimner . at the . Edgewater Beach hotel on Tuesday, evening', Oc- tober .27. ant IMrs. Baer will be hiostess agalu on the Wedniesdlav fol- lowing. lunchcleon.t and bridge at her home. Both of these. affairs wjil be inu ionor of Mrs. 0. B. Dahmii of 'Kent road, Kenilworth whlo Pi, leav- ing Novenmler 1, ta live in St. Lopuis. Mrs. Veruion R. Louckes, 224 Sheri- dan road, >Keiiilvortli, will entertain at a luncheon and bridge at her hoîme on Saturday, October 24. forMr. F. W.' Niegarth of Sali Diego, Cal. Thirty%-,two guésts -will be present. Mr!§. Louckes also will' entiertain on Tuesday", October 27. invitations for the inarriage of their daughter, Helen, to john Swope Mc- Kee, son of Mrs. Edward J. McKee of Washington, D. C. The cerermony, will take place Saturdayr evening, Octo- ber 24, at the Churéh, of the Holy Corn- forter, Kenilworth, and -%vilI be-fol- lowed l)y a reception at the home of the bride's, parents.. Dr. Her bert L. Willett vill perform:the marriage. serv- 'ce. *Attending Miss Suits as nmaid of hiotor %viIl be ler sister, IMis Mariail Suits. The bridcsmaids are to be Miss Bella Srnith of E vanstonl, and M\iss Rtth Shielînan. and iMiss Mainon Born r, Wilmette. Sall 1y and' Suzanne Hazelet of Wiinetk-a- %Vill attend as flower girls. Edývin D. Mc Kee of Grand Canyonî. Ariz. will serve his brother âs best mi-ati. The uishers are ta be Framl in Waýkefield of Highland* Park, liarry Qujast, and. Frank Gernand. The bidegroom's miotiier, who fias. lieen' tra(,Veling in Europe wi.thlie(r <laughytterý for the past year. aud a lialf. 'is niow h ere for the, wedding, . and, will rettirn afterwards tu join her daugliter> ini Roie. The bride's aunt, M.rs. HarrýI S. Correy, of Richmnd, Va. wvlll be here to attedlerecs, marriage aid will ,'make a visit aftcrward s at the Sut'houme. Mrs. Edvin McKee will motor, with lier huisband f rom Grand Canvon, Ariz. for the marriage. On Fridav evening- October 23, Mr. andI Mrs tSits wvilI give tlie bridai dinner at tlieir home. Bene fit Bridge Nov. 3ý Wouîen , .the Kildeer ,Countr Clul) 'are gîving, a benefit bridgye ýlunchieon t e.Shawinee Countryclub Tîîesilav, November 3, wvith proceeds from tbe affair' going.to -the, Womnan 1; "Western -Golf association for' dis- tnil)utioil tô charity. Reservations for the évent are ta be made imot lat.er *than Mo.nday, November 2, %with Mrs. WVili Balliatcliet of 725 Tenth street, W'ilnmette; Mrs. C. M. Bring- hamn of 420 MIaple avenue, Winnetka. and Mrs. Jules Urbain of 540 Wood- lawn avenue, GI.encoe. Mrs. A. R. Peterson, 227 Raleigli road,, Kenilwortli gave a luncheon and bridge W\ednlesday, October 21, for Mrs. J. C., Vandervert of Port- land,'.Ore. Mrs. NTandervert 15 the sister, of. Mrs. Abe Henning, of Ev- anston.

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