Woodlev road, 11iori.. dolus, /'aiitless Wayons, J'i fat-t anil old and broken. tovs- in IlYm't'mai,-l'e takein to flic toi, bôsitlwhscdoctors (a1<1II nnrs zil /,e me>n<nibers of' te(lie lnio <' i;Vof the Woi mw's Catholic chl -lu Vi Jl'iette / ihis Sp'onsor- Mrs. Henry FoivIer of -tlit.,Cai i bridge chapter of the Da 'lte' ".1 the British Empire %ill hiold a lunich-1 eon and. bridge, at her hom.e, 140-' Forest, avenue, Wednesdav, Octobe r ,8, for the henefit of the Éritish 01(1. People's, homle.j iD. B.- E. Meeting Friday Theý Cambridge chapter of .tht- D.Iaughters of the Blritish Emipire'%%-i,1 hold its regular iiinthlv meeting Friday aftern on, Octob'et, 23.,at2 o'clock atý the home of Mrs. Ilenry FQoIer, 1404 Forest avenue. ySupper for Ciasae M[i.ss Mary Beani, 411 Sheridan road. vas.hostessrecentlyv at a Suni- day supper for fouirten o lier. for- mur classmiates at Ward- Belmont i scIoo)l, Nashvil'le, Tenn.. who are al atteinlig Nortlnvesterii uiversitNv Danefiniz to10 JI Saturday frai» 3:30-5 :30-FOOTBALL TEA DANCES Saturdny oveuings, dancing until 2:30 Sunday concerts from 5 to 10 P. M. conducted. by Paul Whlteman, feuturlnig the~ arrangements of Ferde Groe and Ro y Bargi', ÈEDGBWATER BEACH HOTEL 5300 Block Sherîdan Road-Telephone LONgbeach 6000 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS iq th is Ht'w /procct; opierations periorined 1 Miss '- o ri i aind le tftese old toys,. fresh Thie chiief of staff of the liospitai with color. and new and "heailhv" i>, pictt2red lierè, Shie is Miss ViVV- once mo re. wil! be sent out to 1itte enie Morin of 63-5 Maple, avenute. children to miake-their Chiristmias a After the treatnmcnt and care and happlier onle. Gooo PHOÏOcIRAPHS Need Not Be HighlIy Pruéed 60 .f Our Deluxe Pho-' tographs in .7lx 10 flesfor OR ROTHMOOR .COATS, Çorgeously furi STUDIO 1 606 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON Ay UNIVERSITY '2238 Other Rcthmoor Coats to $250 Maurice L Rothschild Stab.8at Jackson êimid pr ý To Aid Old People