Or. Percy Clark to Give Lecture; Mrs. E.T. Snydacker to Tel cf Child WelfareWork -Parents' Responsibility in Suppl\ - ing -Adequate Sex Elducaétioni" is ýthe1 subject of Dr.. Percv Clark's talk he- fore thie Xiette League of M'onenl Voters at its. oieniing meetinig at Weeks'. 1129 Central avenue, i- mett .e NMondas' afterinoon,. October 26. The program wNilI begin at 2 o'clock. £Mrs. E. F.. Snydacker, president of: the Kenilivorth Ieaguie. wvilI speak on *hat the leagne is doing in clîild c- fare %vork. Luticlîon Will precede.,the rogranIll It will lie .eve ai 1:15 ilii \Wek.s' dining roolm. N r. I r(o Ross of Keiil%\vortl, social clbairman, is tak-- ing reservations, for the 1scason *s luncheons or for suparate lunchcleonsý. AILl -vonmen ini the village' are in - vited to. b emléibers of ftie league *and meet at t hese .monthlv lunchecon, 1ô reinaimi for the programs vhcl Mr's. 1Le wis lrineling and Ms Oscar Hebel have arranged. Thle progranîs this ycar are. to 1w 'popular omies on subjecîs about wvhich fthe audiefnce -il] l<ce to hear, the leagie.,ami- * nounices'. M rs, C. I.. Clarke. presidejut of the XV*ilnmettc. lcague. again reminds those %vbio ish to hear the prograin buit mvbonot he present .at fte lunchcleonl, ho cone a littie liefore 2 o'clock.. to inuet the other inenibers before the programn begins. * Mernhrshinweck beg.amî()toe 19. New inemilers wvîll bwe ttertained at a tea after the drjNve is over, the date of whimih w il he annoumuced later. Mrs. lolimu 1). Kinnieatr. muienber- shilp chaîirînian~ Il le 1.1)Cglad o tailk to ans' prospect 1 vet nbers amîd explaini the purplose (> the lea>gue andI the Plans-of the Wîîinutte groui,) tîîis..veair, i is anioun>,itc(. Seil Tickets in Ad'ance for Studio, Temple Tour Omulv tr~lud tickets will be issueà forir lîc tour of .the NMarshall Delta Gamma Hostess *The North Shore Alumnnae chapter of Delta Gaxrima. sorôrity wiII meet for 12:30 lunicheon on 'Monday, Oc- tober 26, at the home of Mrs. \Vil- iam M. Darrow, 590 Oaksret Winnetka. Rée z .~. Jame1sA. laqr l>l,.). .T.l>.. of Q Ighvrcpia-- .jîvathor and Ruc, iltalk to'i -The Qestion inJ .~'"ait thé Jicleretilil(l<f ilue If onan'.ç Cittlio11i('X-11 b of [il,,u'u' on 7Tues- 4ay aftcrnoon, October 27, at the Il ifndt'f'mnsclulb bildlilg. 'I'zo .vOitg nusi .ci .ans, Ilss Bett V Ueveand ./ianmst. and fl'<ltcr fBiitt- uc, violinist, zcill juruiish the music for the aflarnoon. MIrs. George Il. Beaudin , iais a;raiiged tlic pro qrain. Neighbors G*roup'Will Heai of Great J-istoric Diamond,% Nirs. S- S Frackelton will discl)-sý the -Ronmancc anmd History *of th( Great Historic Dianioinds" at thie firsl mie!etinig Of the, season for the art and literatuire departinemt of the Neigh- l)ors of Keiiilý\vortli. The mecting wvi1l be lieM1 Tuesday, October 27, ah 10:15 in ii te mrni ,gm at the hiomie'o -meeting of this season T.hursday, Oc- tober 29, at 12 o'clock noon at the Kenilworth club. Following a buffet lunicheon Mrs. \Valter Benson mÂi give one of her coniprehiensive talks about the wvork om the league. clptin*lg. of all kinds, are in great and uirgent dellnand at the Great Lakes hosPital, the ex-service inen's conm- îulittee of the Wtoinan's clubl of \\'Il- mette annouinces, and because ' of these insistent caîls the conumittee. whose chairmaî is NMr.s. R.,M ap b ell. sentis forth this.,plea to \i mette hoines for Contributions. Far reoeifréîn the .i)i3sical need of clothes is the request for sonmcthing that hîfils the niental ncecd tr nIcas-_ ure andi relaxation and t bat is for radio earpholles. -Mrs. .\X'illig H. I-utson. luinorarv cîarnan. the cbairmn. and ir. H.' O. \Xeissiaar. M r s.Willian'! 1-loîues. Nirs. J. \W. Braslîears. NI rs. .I.Katifinan, Mrs. E. . Il ch NIrs. (Geor<'c C. Iowell, NIrs. A. NI. Anderson, Nrs. Lawre nce J ames. NI rs. S. E. Moist, M'%ri. C. G». Snîitb. Nirs. I 'eonaàrd Starkel, Nirs. Rudfoipl Tencher, and NI [rs. Charles E ukr the othier méinbers of the exý-service mep's comnhnittee, w ill arraiig1e for the Collection of an ' donations r(-,ident s 6f \Vilnedte lave, if thev arc :ioti_ 'Ilie ommit u et NIotmcLiv of last wveek at the honie of NIrs. kmfîaî 51 \aslîington aveineii. Nort bridgeNotes Th'le inonthly'nmeeting ofil N'ýorthridge Xoan's chlb N\vas]ld1( Mondav, October 12. at the bomne of Mrs. Il. Van Deursen, 2114 Ash1am#I avenute. Miss Amue \hitmnack.,il brarian. was fl-w guest speakcr alid gave a hrief restué of thie i(,b)ooks, TIli e public librarv vas built tuven- ty-six Nyears ago wvien WXilmnette had. -a population of 2,000. Todav1 the- i Sbrarv serres 17,000. 'Élie peop le of. X ilmnette are more interested iii the hôýnue than in anvthing .CIsC," sail Miss XVitmlack, eauethere, arc tmore b)ooks requested. on gardlený,, 1 interior decotation, pre-sc.hool, care. -of th)e child, and cook books tha ii otn any other subject." flistory, biog- raphy, travel, 'and the new fictioni rcorne next. The new books which Miiss XVit- :nakreviewed Nwere pxtreni, n ii- 0. of M. Hostess The Order of -Martha Nw lil mee Monday, October 26, at 1:30 WCloc!k at the home of Mrs. F. J. Koza, o')7 Maple avenue. Catholic Club Juniors Start Pro- ject cf loy Remakingro Bring Joy to Poor Children l'le p.ilanthropy department. of the Jiunior auxiliary of the- Woman's L'atholic club of Wilm.etje held a spe- céial meeting at the home of its chair- mai, Mrs. Danmiel Cunningham, -1003 M ichigan avenue (Dorothea Phillips), Tuesday. evening oflast week. The organlization decided to concentrate, its efforts on, the support of one de.,- tituite familv.ini towvn and is uising. its> fuinds for lis maintenance. l'lie girls are -also meeting weekly unider the supervision of miss Cecillia Penz, child welfare'chairman, to sew, 011 blankets an-d babies' shiirts -for- St. Vincnit' s orpiaiiage. Ail interested arc asked to get iii touch wi.th the chlai rma n. Asenisation %vas creatcd and livelv intercs ,t- sistainied, at the ggetif of startingý a junior lhospi.tal for casýi- Off tov. AIl discarded platîg ami ais- ()thIecrino(- long-er-ulsefuil1 objects a re being repaired byv the juniors to bel1> miakç brîglht Christmnas miorli for, nianv 'p<)or ciîildrenl. This year, par-. ticularly. thotugh mrost ofIthe ncesý- sities (if life are l)eing su-pfl ie(l V charitv. iiain- a little waif's hearc Nvill lie )roken -itlout. a neNiý- doli ir: wvagoù "the atuxiliar3y anniounces "S;o xve w-ant ou to hielp Uis. 'fbereiore an appeal is maiýde, to, aIl \VirLMi'rTe fIEreu Iers to, let Us km.~'abolit anv ol<I tos, or whiatiiots yOU llma'- b1ave atid thev wi1l bc called for anid, ivbn ade niew, will be deîivered tc) famile bsvîl haVe beemi thorougb l' i nvestig-ated. Simiplv phone Mis i-I- yenne Morlin of 0,35 Maple 'avent1e. Ou*r station at presenit is tlîe St. F'rancis Xavier schiool.lhall." Card'Pat y Is Be2e fit. for St. Mat y>s Sodality St. Marv's Sodality will.hold a Card Party at 8*,o'clock Friday evenny OQctober 23, at St. Joseph's hall, L.ake and Ridge avenues. Bridge, five lînu1- (lred, euichre, antd bunco will be Plaved. The conimittee in charge of arrangements for the affair is as, fol- Circle Holds Sale The. Cozy Corner circle of the First Congregaýtional church is holding a rummi.age sale at the Econiomy shlop Thursay andFriday, October 2 and ---s.-