Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1931, p. 37

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Mrs. Gcline MacDonald Bowman o;f .Richmond Va., president of the feder- ation. Mrs. BQwman has also an- nounced the reappointment of Dr. Lil- * han M. Gilbreth of Montclair,-N. J, as research chairman; Miss Mari orie Shuler of New York City .as publicity- chairman, andMiss Alice L. Engelhardt of Cincinnati, as.finance chairman. Miss Bennett, a, graduate of, Welles- ley. college, was or iginally appointed magazine- chairman in 1929 by Miss Marion H. McClench Of Anti Arbor, Mich.', then president of.the, f eeration. Her duty is to supervise the publica- tioni of Independent. Womnan, the of- ficiai magazine of the federation, wýNhich circulates to the -60,000 members. *She is weII ýknoWn in -Illinois, 'having been director of the Womnen's World's fair in, Chicago, and prominent in wo- men's activities, both organizational and political,,throughout tlÎe state. At pres- ent she. is on the staff of the Century. of ýProgress exposition. ,Miss Shuler, reappointed chairman of publicity, is a mnember of the staff of t le Christian Science Monitor and a contributing editor to Pictorial Review. Dr. Gilbreth, a.consulting engineer of note, headed the Women's divi sion of Presidenit Hoover's Eniergency Com-. mittéee for Unemployment lastý year, and is nowv active ini thé President's Organization for Unexnployment Relief. Miss Engelhardt is secretary-treasurer of the Potter Shoe company, a Cincin- nlati corporation. League Forum Sponsors 7 Foreign Aiffairs School The opening meeting of the Week-. End School of Foreign Affairs of the Forurn of the League of Womeni Voters wl I be held Saturday, O.c- 1lober 31, at the Medical and Dental Arts club, 185 North Wabash ave- i nliue, Chicago. At the morning session at Il o'clôck, members who1 haveý been- abroad during the summer Wilgi* their, impressions' of Gerniany and 1 Russi.a.. Among those speaking wl he, Mrs. William G. Hibbardl of Win1- netka, Mrs. Frederick Sisson of Chii- Meetings of the School of Foreign Affairs are held the fourth Saturday of each month. The mnorning lis given ovér to book reviews by mnem- bers and in, the afternoon there is a lecture. The study topie for this yçar is the "E'oniomic Foreign Policv of the United States," beginning withl the'rmeeting Nýovember 28. Harry D. Gideýon se, associate profe.ssor in 'eco- nomics at the Universitv ýof Chicago, *wÎll give the' lectures. 'Topics, sche- *duled for future ýmeetings are "Amer- ican 1Econornic .Developmient and World Trade," "eFrom a Debtor. to a CÇreditor Nation," "The Tariff, Past, Present anid Futur.e," "Foreign In- *estments," and. "A: Comprehensive Economic Foreign Policy."' Mr. Gideonse vas fornierlvý in charge of international studçnt work at Geneva,. Switzerland, and has been on the faculties, of Newx York Cit'y college, . Rutgers. universitv ancil Colýumbia universitv. Season tickets for the school are at a reduced rate for inemibers of the Lé'ague of Woinen \'oters; a littie more for others, To Hear Dr. Bradley The North End.branch, Friendsof the Chicago junior school, ivili hold a meeting at the. SoVereign hotel, Fn- day, October 30, at .8:15 o'clock. .it will have as its guest of honor', *Dr. 'Preston Bradlev., %ý-o n«i11 speak on "Peer Gvnt." His talk is to 'be followed 1wI)uv c EVENING 'GOWNS AINT chdirm -and. devastating 193 1 chici You dcon choose either a.nd he pardoned for being, outrageously proud of the picture you moke. Neyer were aur evening gowns mo re vcried, more. ravishing,,.ot-so very inexpensivel $4950 gÇO&&Puwqynt bock ta the 'BOa and borrow.d a busl. for this gown-but kept it supple and yayng, and refrêshingly diffoeîtn. 0f fine crepe, with on adorable shoot nudê yokes stuidd with rhinestoni $49.50' &Pa1ou is decidedly modern when h.oamaulde the figure, in this radionlly lovely crepe frack, and creates a new vertcal skirt lin.o withý swfshes of fmulness below the bises. The decollete forms a loýw.aval at th* bock, and fi studded with baguettes. $95 ........... HcitiENY COSSARD SHOP 72 E. Madison St., Chicago, Y ot untder the pereonal supr- vision. of Mies Jane Mauj, for-, meriy wîtJ& Bonsoit - Telîerl of Netv, Yorkc City. Sheridan Road overlooking Belmont Harbor B. B. WILSON, Re sident Manager Bitterseet 00 SONS Wom.fl's Shop-Sberman and Cburch-EVANSTON OpeneEverySoturda veiEveaniqUni ,i INSPIRED THESE LatestPaiin I. e GOWNS,0F A QUALITY NEyER BEFORE KNOWN, AT THIS PRICE

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