Glencoe Troop H a s Exciting Time at Cabin --On Fridav, October 9. there wàs muchi going on in front of the Glen- coe Union church.. The Girl Scouts of Troop 4 were. getting rea(lv to drive to the Boy Scout Calbiin-ii-tlh& Woode. We' wcre going to go in cars and spend the nighit thiere.- Wie starte-d at about 4 :15 anid got. there.aro und 5.o'clock. WXe lia d to wait. awhile for, the doors to be un- locked, but 'we didn't immd that ,vcrx' much because we wvere biusy nnpack- ing the cars. and looking in tîe Win- dows. When we looked aroUnd - we saw it was a large cabin and -it l.ookecl very inviting. -When the doors were, unlocked everybody piled in. The cahin vas simplv onderful. There W'ere tw ôsinall in the front, and a huge on~e in back. The two roonis in front wvere the kitchen and aniother roomi of not such an interesting appearance ini which were soine musical instruments. l'le room,.in back was the roonm we were to sleep in. _Tlu it were iteat (lolie- deckers arraniged on thrce sides of the rooni Wall, The stoite fireplace occupied'the other side.- Naine Contiittees WTe took our blankets anid tlhe foi)d fromi the cars and then those \010o ivere flot to stay drove awvay. - The next thing -we did wvas to ip- point sucb comnittees as thc- fire- builder conîîlliittee, the suipper- coin- mittce, the dlean-up coînimittee. *an-id the wvater carriers. -l'ie- \vaîer car-, riers set- off immiediately to.,a nearby farmn to get the wvater. MI'ie rest -of us unolled ô,urý blankets and then helped the, firebuilders to get woo0d. Patty Autstin starteil. the fire and-te rest f ed. it. WTe lat tv steel grates and we put theni over lte fire and the*.supper committëec got réady tb cook the supper, They mixed toina-- to juice mîth canneti corn and'mIa(le- soup. Tiien they put it on the -fire and took their turns at- stirrin-g it. IWilmette .A ctivity Scout Week Program The, Wilmette Girl *Scouts are starting their Scout Week, bygon to church on Sundav to-the denom- ination they belong to.1 And they end Scout week with a Girl .Scout's Own on- Sunday, November 1, in - the, Girl Scout, room in the Methodist church. During the week there will be di s-, plays in the différent store windows, of what the Scouts can inake and do. 1Also the Scouts will. wear. their Scout uniforms turing the week. On Thursday, October 15, the Scouts of Troop 1 took a hike down lto the lake, and had their godngh circle. Thev sang sohgs andi closed with laps. Pot Luck Supper - The Scouts of Troop 1 plan ned to have a pot luck supper in the Scout roomn, on Thurstay, October 2-1. Thcv were -to bring back memories of. camp, andi wear camp~ cloîhes. There were àlso- to be rýeports on the. con- vention frôm Mrs. Thomnas.> W.- Hearne, Mrs. Ralph Monllding. Miss Elizabeth D. Grobbin. and MNiss Brigýs,. the special guests -fîr - the 9vmg Mrs.- Elbert 'Clark lias heen invited by Mirs. Cavanaughi to- meet Mrs. Frederick Etey at _a- tea on Tucsday in Kenosha. Mrs. -:Etey is the na- tional president of the Girl Scouts-, -and the author of îwo books of poems-"Rivets"- anti "Butter Money." T 'lie latter lias been dedicated to the Girl, Scouts.-- ny gfan dîna's trunk andi ii.i it 1 put anr oceari," (for the players, can ptt in anythinlg thev ant ib), aiid the next player says '"I packed imr.grand- na's- trunk and in it 1 put an oceani andi the %world." The players ail hiave a turn, but tbey inust say the differ- cnt things in order, for if thecv don't Convention Inspires New Trier Leaders Mrs: Ralph Moulding of Wilmette and' Mlrs. ýThomas W. Hearne. of Wi-fnet 'ka both took'a;council mcm- bers'. training. course at. the- Girl Scout convention last wveek in Buf- falo, N. Y. The training wvas -given by ýMrs. Frederick Edey, the Girl Scout',National -president, and also. author of two books of poems. Mrs. Edey is a most charniing person who had in'uclh to give lier, group in both Scouiting and general activitie*s. The whole peri.od of training and conferences was most benefic.ial, and the New Trier folti have corne.homie inspired to give better Scouting and Communiy service to tie, Ncwý Trier t ow ns hip. Girl Scouts Enjoy Hike in Indiana Dune Country --Eieven Of the seventh and eighith grade girls- of the joseph Seùrs sc-hool in Kcnilworth, members of Troop No., 2 of the Kenilworth GÇirl, Scouits,- went on an overnighit',ike to the Indiana dunes last .week-end. Thev ieft Saturday morning andi re- turniet Sunday afternoon. Girls ivho matie the trip iere Shir- ley Claffey, Mlargaret Tidemnan, Zo de la Chapelle, Adelaide McClary, l3ui- niv Dahmu, Jean Geither, Ruth Forster, Barbara Bartling, Aurica Simon, Peg- gy Ketcham andi Jean Small. They cooketi ail of Iheir meals outdoors. an-d spep t considerabie- time hiking about the dunes. - *Miss Gertrude I{errà1k, Scout -cap- tain and assistant athletic director at the joseph Sears school, and Miss. Edith -M. Stryker, social science teacher at thé school, a.ccomrpanieti the group.- *rtis Are Urged té Go to Church in Uniformi \ýTe hope alI Girl Scouits ~ilpa 10 attend church in uniform wvith, their parents on. Girl Scout Sutia;y, October 25. This is the -fi rst day of Help Community, to Be Keyriote of GirlS.cout Week, Prcpared to show what they. con-. týribute, to their own* comnmunities-> that is what Miss Josephine Sehain, national director of the Girl Scouts, 'Suggests fo:r the more than quarter of a million mnembers during Girl Scout week. -Opening on Sunday, October -95; when the girls -usually at- tend churches of the denominations to which they belong, the week wvill be observed as Seven Service Days, cendingon Hallowc'en, the Founder's birthday. "The idea. behind Girl Scout Mreek," Miss Schain' explaineti,. "is fundamcntally to honor the mnove- mcnt's, Juliette Low,ý and in her h onor to: show the public some. of the -activities in which Girl Scou ts habitually engage.". For -the past- year, Miss Schain said, the girls 'and their leadérs who now number over two hundrcd andi seventy thousand- have been hielping whencver possible to supplen-tenithei wvork.of the relief agencies.. What -GiId Stotiug Meaus "Thiese Seven Service Days," the national director declared, "afford, an excel1lent opportunïty to showv what Girl Scottin .g cani mean to a coin- jiunity in time of stress." -Miss Schain suggcstéd that demion- strations follow the program outlinied by, the national hcadquarters. -On Hlomcmiaking Day, Mi\on-day, Girl-Scouts cati busy themselVes put- tigup fruits or vegetables for a re- liéf agency or taking over the house- hold chores f rom *a hard-workcd niother., On Tucsday, Handicraft ,Day, they cani show their skili1 as seamistresses by making over -old I lothes or converting discarded a*r- icles into useful things. .1Wednlesdlay, rhrift Day, speaks for itseif. Thur-s- day, Hostcss Day, they could, enter- tain shut-in sick or aged people who- cani no longer afford attendants they- -ieed.- Friday, Commiîy' Service Pay, .they can care for, clildteti in' take a vcry' interesting game beczause, if TInen mie ofthei cars came andi the ---- ----'l many people play, when ail have hiad- group gathered together. After that Tuesday, Ôctober.13, the Scouts of their turns the sentence is alvvays - the cars came rapidly. We got our Troop 5 had a Pot Luck supper in different f rom the way il started. We buntiles loaded up, andi car b-v car the Girl Scout room. Games were also played "I packet niy grandma's we trove .away. - . playet in charge of MissNorah Pal- -trunk." The Way you playthat is a Every one of us hiat a good lime, mer. ýShirley Garniss le1 h cit persola starîs by saying, "I packed - -Margaret Tuttle, Scribe,. lin Scout sonlgs. our niag ceremony and- Mrs., Clarkc re-ad the lroop announcements., Then we playet a knot game which was very inleresting. After that our cap- tain taught us a ne>v message game., \le endet oar meeIting by, singing Taps.-jean Simpson, scribe, Tro 18,1 Winetka. ro