a-nd ý-it's not toolate to- hea yor ome,,wiBth this idalfuel'THIS WUNTER-ý T UER£E is stili time-t0 bave carefree gas 1 eating servieu for, hr orne Iis winter' An'd because a new gas bsbe brougbt into nortbern Illinois, it bas been possible to reduce the cost of this miost modernof fuels approximately 30%o. Le! *us Àqfiure gourrosi To show you just what this reduction. meanis 10 yoi, we will be glad 10 send one of our house heating engineers to caîl at your home. At once--and without obligaté. ing you in any way. Hie ean prepare an estimate of just wbat it will cost 10 beat witb gas under the new rates. Remember in eomparing, gas witb other f isthat it offers you. completely care- free heating service. A temperature regu- lator in the living room taIkes full charge of tbe furnace-orders your fuel as you need it-keeps the wbole bouse com*'ort- ably, healthfülly warm. the heater« work.s automatically', you waste. no fuel. Andý,,of course, you're through wi th shov- eling coai, fussing with drafts, carrying out ashes forever. In mo t cases your present heating -plant.. can be"converted to gas"at small expense.' A gas-burner can be installed in the fire- box wbether your systern is warm air, bot, water or steam. The,Public Service Com- pany 's testing Iaboratory bas approved haif adoe of these conversion burners -will bc glad 10 rccommend one exaetly suited to your home. If ou ill, mail us the coupon blw we'll1 send one of our bouse heating, engi-. neers to cali on you. He will flot only tell, you'ail about tbe new gas heating rates. and conversion burIers -but also esti- mate just wbat. gas heat wiIl cost during JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager, Evanston H. C. REYNOI.DS, District Superintendant 114 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 5150