Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1931, p. 46

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Student Cotincil Team Is Chosen Howard Sehool Pupils Audience Sings Will Be Piloted by Gym Teacher Present "Robin Hood" and Hums While byi la M rrn Mrs. Fanckboner, te ymteace "le C lasis lavinig a good fiime ts S ece The first meeting of -the Hovard girl,; from eacb eiglith grade to. play "Robin Hood.t". There are six scenics The, fifth, sixthi, seventh, ad'ihi scliiolSIttident coûtncil wvas hield in -the ")I hie team against .$totlp. The play- t<> thjiilay. The first onte. takes place, grades of Howard schooi had the o1)- schol afeeri Modav Ocobe 1 .cr are:*n fores here Robijn Hood's father vortunîity of séeelng Mrs. Shaw, a love- 'lhle puripo"e o(f titis group is to (le- Froîn 8C: - Jean Gordoun, Dortiy teaci.les him how to shoot with a how ly. artist, -on Fridav, October 9. cie tpon niatters of implortanîce that 1-lui, Verna Archlatmb)ait, Dorothy _and arrow,'.The second occurs iii his 'rhe first picture-she dre~vw with, lier core n lutheclase. Mssi, ad 1leenaMicey 'fro 8~uîîle' hoe.The third sl'ows the pastels mvas a beautifill Indian mani. nMo davdtring te meeting.we -Flizabeth l3enson,ý Araxie jorjorian, forest. wh1ere Robin becomes an ont- Wifle she drewv she asýked,.us to siîtg picked a *l 'r1esidenit- and a secretary. l'he Fraices. Collins, Helenl Pearson and laýv: 'hie fourh piciurcs the %widosadhm.SetlustateIdit president is Bol) Nl.c.Nf.rraiiaand :the NiargaretScal; froni 8A - Kate hbnme. The fiftli. showvs Robin HSood, sie drew posed.for lier out iii flic secretarv is Beatrice iLeal. 'ThtcCou ar- M cCnohi, ane 1Brandt, Marjorie lit a tournarnent .wherelewisth est 5 h vudgta dao o cil repireseîtts tlie sî.xtb,4 seveîtth afid Staîulîtz, JeFrne -Fr-onjîni, Elsie Jane golden. arrow. The last takes place in to draw a real Indiani. cighth grades..'lite most imiportat i dge aîd' Shirley Garnmss.- Verna a ,forest %Vhere Robin Hood gets, the Next she had twvo boys draw unes thnîig that came up at fltc first meceting Acaîaî,8 oadsîol leadership) of,,a band of outlàws.- of rbokf'i Arlit'asut theCesionof towrd houd _______any sort on lir b oofpaper. Te rasic momestfo tin afditou 1eleit SchWali, 8C Howvard scbooi. frtbx rwa zag'ne which she mate iito a duck and the sec i ond fer fe wAOr etaIsrm ns Musie Teacher Absent dreura crooked line which she made ut;, the nmeeting %was adjourned hy lte. -eect ofon Accounlt. of Iline'ss ît kltn nte o al itesdeth Alai tati iIoar ~ AtiHoward scitool w have heei x whiciî she . made ijîto two citicks ____stuiiy ic u instruimentîs of tlieorclies- NIrs. Clark, tue nînsic teaciter,]lias talkiîîg. EihhGrd ra. Sol far' we have studîed tîte;ltarm, hbelit alsenIt f ront, school on t accotnnî of She then iaskcd us to :irîg "Cari-v ýEghhG aeStudent a1uitue earlv orch'estra, and thic as- illimess. Ntciinlav aid ue.sdav she ýwas MeN ckt OeVriiv" and started Tells of Grid Dreais gneî o hsweek are violin and inul ýat coi \ensayat ftli ast ho d liw er niary ntoduhw A.s TY as %vatclîing tlic New l'rier vIea. W'e le;irned 'thiat flic lhar1' is flic iwriod of school, -Miss Stevenis made bier inîanmlv did tiot wamît lier ho bel ai foobal tanipi.y gaist >rvis>lstoilest instrument which cati be re lt-aiiinoincemient that Mrs. Clark arîit week, I was tiniikinig that it woni't be <c< r(ed alit( that it ia oùîîid Iaiitted wonliid 1probl)ii ot be at schoUl Thirs- Wbile siIteIlad becut drwgle on hue alls. of Ibe ytaitem.trples dav. Howard 8C changas teacherslier many earsbefor mnyciassatesa'ndas earlv as 3.000. B. C. 'l'le earlv or- flite middle of tlte we.tek. .\V7e have l (aigteifidese m'agrla mavbe imvself %vill bc titere trying ho sgpyanche a se t' h i wînthecltmpînshp fr Nw "rch-. stra w-as iînteresting(, aiso. 'Tlite Steveiî)s Mon[(dax-,.Tuesdav î 'edIys and sh easasedhocorhei The tealic udaiipituesnîn for aew 55earliest (oie fthat we kit w Nv ii tliîig uesda th it haeuMr.-lar" aindIpose.'VThe last tictuire site dreNV _e all110 wMs t tat of a bride, for wvhich amother score lntil.ftie lash ial f. 'about hd eenpeop)le iti it, ouie 1imapis- lhus a:nd Frid;l-, \eal o girl posed; 'Tlec artist gave .tfie gi rl MNavbe after we get ttr-oigh play- cliord, onie ,guhar, onie viol, ()le ltec that Nir.s. Clark Nvill be back very soonl.- îmî god ootal ahHoard~îî(iw~aitl lîre luts.Edwim Coegove 8 Fauk Koenieii, 8C Howard scîl. who. lay e(lthe' pianto and the girls iliggo(l fotbll t Hvvadad-____owads_,__ol .\ho ýposed fhic1)itures vhich ftical our gaines wve wvil he ciitg tteho, rlseot.giadly tolok, -- Shirley Garniss, '8À saine thing iin a few vears. M"e ae - ard Kickball Titie Hloward'school. alf IT1?ýk1ng forwvard toi)eiflg football1 FIFTH GRADERS FILAY -____ llayers ah highi schiool.=GorlImîtSchu: 'l'he if th graders itad a kickball game ' s Won by Girls of. 8A,'eet G aeT a ber, 8C H-oward. school. lFriday aIt flc Howard sc'hool. Mý1rs. 'fhç 8A girls at lloward have wonî -Nlc\-er's rooin and Mfiss \'ait Hornies flic chiamnipotsli-for kickhail. WVe have Wins One, Loses Four Pewees, Heavyweights iooil)lye . e vaed. s forfivm i gine ear om o Iliikickbali «'e have ilydallt t it ) I.Nvlipa\',-topfor tue- grade school chain- ute ensiithé seventh gradie. 'The .,and Lightweights Drili.,21 h-o 22?. l w'as a close gainîe. allic h. i Thc girls wiio p fl ic the f t gamas îs. b frfitt CW 'lhefoll rciestirte(l aht9 w"m tîtroughi. Miss Vait HloriîeIs r<xtm gaie \were Jfane Branti H felei i imd- andtfle second vas:lost 24 ho 21 to ~'clockoit Satrda mnorning, uv1itwas 1ai4à<hal] ttrouigîithuegaieecei sroini , icill'e Grahamn, VrgmlaOsomi,7-1 Vwoîtemxt'aefrn Pewees and ha ,,eghs at Wshmg a telast ,iciiJ crmî,5 l c ne Fonm anoi tiz, 3-. 'Vite fîIrth' gaine we "lostI by ton park. and iglî it§tsat, Village ar'd schtool. F1' ie ' -laite.Ed-giý., eanior Sperecles, 8~5 'l i an cas ot (,reei.Mnr. Stone N!il coaclitflite---'-----Ite NicCoIiitohýie. SqlreN aris". )4 t)o-4. Afler ail We, Omly wom- onie eeen.Bail the Iîeavyweighî's, and GIRLS ENJOYBEACH I ilcilie \\aîtsoîî and Frnces Beb)as. MWC '-. neot01ffvr.Ft koe "H *a " G th er oal the iff it we 1ckeci tean s o t of lthe tlîree seventh weiglits are as foilow's : 90 p<>ulidsit(l [ o lte beach rït'ceutiv'. \Wheiî we goll'ce g,8A 1How-ard sîoo.gradies ho plav Stolp).'fThere arc1fou tir umid(er, pewees ; 9 Io 115 poumnids. lighit- tilere we foind a big ditch Iiiflite s id -- - - laYers .)ltofotior rooin. 'lhey are .weiglits, aîtd 115 pouîîds ait(d over,Webiîfld otîrsclves atid tih)h RAMESES AND SPHINX' W>tty HFoar, Seliia I3ehî:euts, Elleit beavywveighhts. \\'e'lhope there w'il be i. Whei flite captaimi l i er vlIiisîi&Otbr1,orcas etai ualAi(esi.liiéil agood teain iiiieacl iisioni.-Joln u'v al got arvunuii i a cin-cie iaitd roast 'usly cobr1,ou hss1et ois - uatAienoi1 sîi Sueede. 8'. ox~ardç~tmocI . i,, ~ ......A~1 i o tlie Art itîstituhe Ili CîIIcat-o. VJs. Pollocnk.7A - Give Recital at Home ýýc1)tts tiir(.-Felei Pesle, Cntrl flvad 7. ýiaý anyinei iotr)il eason wîtn a 'victory ~co suniro- 1heeni-'aseecetrl tOwarc / -posters on inventions. .They ar als o-over lB Stolp, 6 tô 0. This Year 8C _________ starting a bookiet oit inventionis ainid itad a f air football seasoît. We have HOWARD PLAYS STOLP their inveittors. The'- reasoits for the won four, lost two, and tied one game. The. 8C ciildren of 'Howard sehiool MNonday, October 19, lte girls of projects' being ail on inventionis is be- 'lie heanis we have won from are lA', had a candy sale Thursdav. They had Howard school ei-giîth gradle were go- cause the name of. the unit it sixth 1lB, IC Shoip and 8B Howard. We a table do\'vn stairs and one lipsîairs. mn-t' o plaY 1Shtolp eighth<' grade girls £grade Readinîg and Living book-, ig lost tO St. Francis and St. Joseph, The There wvere hree people ah ecdi table. ah -St4op.-2-Dorothh Massig, 8C Hnw- "Iiiventions." - Dorothy Yýarian, Miss team we tied'was 8A Howard.--Clarke -Frantk:S3cllaefer, H-ow-ard 8>C. ard sc<o.. Johannsen s rooni.1 Kirwan, S8C Howard school. I

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