fluîseîng Flectric Wiring anid lixtut., (M1 Tanik and Burner 1Plullbinig Pixtures. Real Estate Brokers i1arage and.(las 1')Ini Cigarette Dealers,- Flou.se Mover... 4 atvh Basin ('leanesx Dog Tax Ive and Milk 1elî .Billiard'n i6w andi 'edd h*rs Étestauirant . Drain Lavers 4 leaners and EDy r> Taxi Drivers Mliniatute Golf ,; comnmission on'<letmo pi;I Assessamen ts Bank Interest I1îWokeli Lanmp I<s 1 Ise lla It 14 402. (H 4 .. Ti , :U, 50.004 ,14 7.5<0 225.0o> 10.01) 45.00< -17 . 5f) Resrfalngamid Oilnrg Strepets Stop and Go Signs Garage ....... Care of Trees..... Mîscellanleous (,redit Balane,..... Il F E41 Y 1 p 'r' s (AIBA(1'-ANI.) ltFSlFN Fund Aeeount.... $23"178.96 Taxes ..20,72.78 .sh C>t.ts...2,408.43 1)unip Renti Illeinerator (Catpitil LOI13.1 ~ 4 .1 4.1: 1' ~ ~* 'i i: NI S FI~ ~ MMENTJAUT E' 8treei Ligliting (le l .ti'eet )Lighting (as S.top. and Glo Lights Inspection Au to -Exper..se Salarie, POLICE DPRMN Salaries *Auto and Motorèycles H ELTHDEPART.MENT MUNIC IP'A.L BID 'GENERAL GVÏNIN XES Legal Salary and Exp(,nset Salariesý, ofýicills and lk. Building CnîisoeS F<es Plunbing inspctor'>: Fes postage..... Telephone..... Printinpg and tio.î board of Appeals - BondsRere Bond.1iterest Paidf Sitorm Watir I'inpi Stationi Miscellaneoils AP II. :îti, j1931, 4 'L tE UTlIAhA 4' W~A il l,, 112. -51 9'i . 7 117 !P 72. i! , 14 75.,2 1,002 .044 2.;. :-:,; i *14:44444.>. 75 3,770.4:' S 73.944 $1 1.955.00 80.98 Inttel*e.t on Tax Anticipation Warnyjts.; l>ai(l inIla41y, 1931................... 619 P'OLICE PENSION FUND Intereat on Tax Antit*ipaîî4,n W.,rrn nts, 'Pàid in Ifni% 1931 S .... 19. 61 -. FIREMEN'S PI-NSION FIND 153.13. ,«Intereat on Tax Anticliation ar'ats 7îT.': Paid l in ai' 1931 l'LAI-GIIOI'xî AND RECRE-PtATTIN BOARD- Iliterest on Ta x A nt cptiona Wa rranilts, P'a id 1ii Msy, 11 . ...P6r (iarbage and Refuse Fund .$lS2.0 Ioadi and Bridge Fund:.. 8 'Libràry Fund (Int. on, Tax General Fund Anticipation Warrants) 2 61. qI public Benefit Funld.... Police 'Pension Fun-d (Int. o0.11E.Demipsey Dep ogit Tax Anticipation Wa rr'nt> 19.61 Fire Pension Fund (Int. on Tax Anticipation Warrant>s) 19.61 Playground F'und (Int. on Tax Anticipation Warrants) 196.36 U'etty CsFund........150.00) Cah.imI anci........,5.: $2'i,1$20, $69,7175.61 8,972.22 Î-7-8,717.86 $ 46,310.17, n',828.03 $58,138.20 $ , 1 . 2 $ 907.75 8,à72.22' 9,:715.20 907.75 535.96 BAINK RECONCILIATION Ledger Balance$ 7,655.59 OUtstauading Chlecks ..... 10,727.46 Bank Balnce, as of Aprîl A0. 1931.......... .......1!8 383.D ~.4:47.2I $1 :4.715.2" $167.741.ti:: h 9~ < 9: I ~' i ~ 814<5.1 -'.4) . lit Bank at May 1, 193o-. R'teceipîs 4fr(i eneral Taxes and Antici- Patioii Warrants.less Waauîs aîî, «ýid ii- ter'est thereon. Paid- Prm Geieral Funds..........573 L(ess Warrants and Interest -ad...5.4 $,2 1,11 10s 1 s l 11C t s Ê'lmE ; nk at April., 30, 19131........ N Ts $1,804.88 >0.42 >0.00 i5.78 10, 820.14 -il ', 62 5. 12 1JUIC UAU C.LUUUL Taxes Street Openings Vehicle License Speeding Fines .Sldewalk Permits $1 7,9:,7.27 3ý2,204>.5 7 504.00 25,14 4.01) 1,96).50t 1ý .46) Bonids -;Purchased............. Miscellaneouls <'ush ln Jank at Apt-il, 30, 1931 . .$ 78,747.86 _________- i' ~ *i~ ~i E N T S Street Labor ............... Street Repair Mateial Horse Keep............. $18, 796.4 L 1,734.72 7.83 N '1' S - $ 2, $2,164.82 Fll'FiREMENS' PENSION FUND (upu Funds Invested) 3698 Description Palr Valne Wilmette Pire Equipment-4/.,% due 1931-33........... 6,000.00 State- of Ilinois H1ghwa>-4% odue 1935-3,6............,00.00 City. of Chicago- Bridge-4,% due 1936 ..................500.00 I<enosha, Wlsconsln School-5%, due 193ý7............... ... 2,000,00 Total......................................$1500 4.. '0. 131.13