Acion 'and' Fu A stirring prograin that ývilI qcktll- ,en thie pulse and Iend niew zest to amusement is offered this week at the WVilniette theater. Many a hoofbeat will b he.eard Ii "Catight" ; Wii Rogers' qtîips allé ideas .. il sparklé like the- toun.tain of youth ini "Young A§ 1X'oir eel". Clar~k Gable, Nladge E v a -ls a n (l Tommy. Boy, a great horse, N%' iIl thrill in -Sportiiîg Bod, iglingaction picture; pliot develo)pxnents wili amaze and fa.scinate in .Secrets of a Secre-' tary3," and Richard Dix wiii shlow*Iow to con(luct a dlean-up canripaign wÀhiIe starring ini-The Deiender." Louise Dresser Stars 'Catiglit,". a storv based on thec life and adventures of Calainitý; Jane, fe- miaie counterpart of Jesse Jamnes, will feature t h e Mliiiette, prograin on 'rhtrsda.), of this week. Louise Dres- ser RchrdArien and FranicesIee are stars. On F rida y an- Sattrdlav. October 23 and 24, there'll be a new Wiii Rogers ail dressed Up w-Ith plenty of places to go in the comcdy, "Young As. You, Feel." And he (i lot MISS a single trick to prove to bis pleasure loving, bu.Siness-nleglectinig sons that, lie . vho plays must aiso %\vork., Fi fi Dorsay, Lucien LIttlefield. lDonald Diliaway, Lucile Browvne andi otiers coilete-the.stei.lar cast. Caniera imen rate hi onors on Sunday aild 1onday, October 25ad 26, in1-'Sporting Bloodl," an exquî-ý siteiv photographed biograîphy of a race horsé. The. Bluec Grass country scelies are . liautifuil. The- story is exciting and (we've been keep)itigit fromi you ail thi.s time) Clark Gable îs great. Ernest Torretîce and. Madge E.vans dIo grand work. Pe6ple Are Deiightfui On Ttiesday and Wednesdlay, Octo-1 ler 27- and 128. '.Secrets of a Secre-. tari" w iii offelrdelght fipeopfle. includingy Claudette,.C o' b er t ancd lerbert 'Marshall, a newconîer. Then there are Georges Metaxa. Nia Bo- land. and. Betty 1Lawford. Miss,,Col- bert is fcatured as the sc!t\y girl. m-ho. becomies a s9cial secretary when, bier father dies a.nd leaves }lerpénfli- Richard Dix is great 111 -"The Pub- lic )e.fender" . at the W i 1i n e t t e "No miii ng brenienber lijut by" Janct Gaviior, sentimental luitte London slaz'ev, hugs to lier heart flic slocs of lier liero, Clharles Par- reil ini the romance, ".MIerdey Mary' -I it," to l'e shmo'n at te 7eatro dIcl Lago oit Frida -vanid Saturday, Odlr30 a.nd 31. "Daddýy Long Legs"~ at Community House A fine, refreshiiing ash of 'sentiment and humn in terest is a feature of a filmi for the. entire faiiily-"Daddy, 1 Long Legs," to be shiovn at Commu-m îty House this week-end, Friday and Satuirday, Odtobei- 23 and 24. Janet Gaynor as the sptunky orphana 1gc kid, Judy .Abbott, and Warnler Baxter, as 'the confirmted bachelor *who adopts lier and then fall$isni love witli her, in-akeC a .rernarkable teanii. Both are charmiiîg. 1. Una Meri<el and a iie\v lad, Johni Arledge, ith , southierii . accents that L.rooks.......... Teatro del Lago "Çauglit".......... ý....Wilinctte "Sporting Blood," "Mereiy Mary Atnn'....»...... .........Varsitv MudrFriday, October 23 bn the Ciock," "BrQad (1-ned . eatro, de! Lago "Young. As Yoiu Feel" .wilniwtte Sporting Biood, Mrciv Mary Ani"...................... .\'arsit%, l)dvLong Lg"..... .... .Commuiinitv I buse Saturday, October, 24 Nlurer by the Ciock," "Broad Minided' ..... ... Teatro del 1Lago .'Yottig As You Feel" . Viiette "Sporting rBlo.od," «"MNerelv NI ar Anmi'.......... e....... ast "'DaddyILong Legs....... .Conniuni'ity otuse Sund&y, October 2 "Silenice," "Politics" Teatro del Lago "Sporting Blood" ... X...inette Moxiday, October 26 "*Silence,. " 4poiitics" Teatro del Lago "Sporting' Blood" ..... Wiiinette TUesclay, October 27 "Býotght," ".Daughter of the Dira- gon" . .... Teatro del Lago "Secrets oif a Secretary". . Wilinette Wednmesday, October 28 'Boughit," *Daughter- of: the Dra- gon" .....Teatro del Lagon "Secrets of a Secretary" . .Wilmiette Thursday, October 29 "Boughit,' Daughiter of the Dra- gC'onl" ........Teatro del Lago -lihe Public Defender" ..Wilmette f 1. publix Balban & Katz VANRSITY 1710 Shierman Av. n Thurs. FrL. &,Sal.i Oct. 22 -21- 24 Here Is The Year's OUTSTANDING Fr1.9 Sat., Oct. 23-z4 ISTý OP TR FFAMouSý NOTRE DAM E FOOTBALL rltnby KRn*ute Rockne SUD., mon., Oct. 25-26 Thur&-OnI.y, Oct. 29 a tc à' . The Teatro de] Lago wiil showv -Merely Mary Ann" Friday and Sat- urday, October 30 and 31 ; "Waterloo Bridge" and "The Runaround" Sun- day, Monday and Tuesday, Noven- ber 1 2 and 3; "'Guilty Hands" and "The Mad'Parade" Wedîiesday and Thursday,'Novemler,.I- and 5.'- Char lie Chase Comedy "Rough Seas" 89c AbMITS TUE FAMILY "STAR WIINESS' "LAIST FLIGHT" "AMEICANTRAGEDY". -I1 4/