R15 cents a line ln one pal R a-es- cents a Unie ln ail tbi, DOLLAR. Averatge of five words 10% discount oen aili cash with ordel sUe at. lest Crâtrai Ave., Wilmette Deadline for Insertions- WTLMETýTE LIFE or ail three WINNTKATALK and Thursda: Tcittphones: Wilmhette 4300, Winnetka Z.5r ^.,T ND FOUND 1. ST FROM ,AUTOMOBlILE BE- TWEEN EVANSTON AND, KENIL NNORTI-1 - ("ARDBOARII) 1HATHIOX 0ONTAINUNG EMBF3OIDElIED TA- BLE- CLOýTIT. Li;ItEA L REWA il! PIIONE WINNETKA 2662. 21,TN245-lut I.O.ST -MALE WtIREAlitE[D FoX terrier, 1 yr.,o1<1. al ie lionface and ears. Reward.-h. Wilmiette 1621. -21,TN25-1 t,ý LOST A GfILS BROWN l'ONY -COA.T, SLndpty morningr. Re-ward. ('ail Wer- den, Wilmette 3046. 21,TN25-1t- ANTIQUES. Antique Lamnps VASES AND FIGURES WIRED AND repqireëd b y* experts. We ha ve a through knowledgeý of antiques mnd periode and design lanmp shades that are aippropriate and lu' good -taste Prcsreasônable. GOODRICII STUDIOS 1-522 Shermuan Ave.. Cor. Grove St. 5LTN2;-)I te PtARE ANTIQUE D-UTCHi MARQUET- ry chest of drawers. 'Vernis MJUa*tin cabinet. 10 exqulsitely hand 'carved1. English Gothie chairs, several antique o rental rugs. For, appoiltîient phone M-lmette 3023. 51,TN25-Itp 4 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUILDER, REMODELING AND REPAIRING PHONE WINNETKA 2480 8LTN44-tfe WINDOW SHADES, ALL KINDS,: made to order, cleaned and repaired ; esti'mates cheerfully furnished. Schnei- der's Window Shade. Shop. Ph. WiI- mette 2078, . 9LTN22-4tp. Is St 90r Worli uy a capable vorke, btest rfrne.Tel. Davis 8124. 1 ý -4Ný L IN ý 1LNJ_ý X £V 11UT-11 . .1 1 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600 tper. 25 eente a lina in any two papers.. 38ILTN,36-tfe FXI>. Wl1iI'TE A WANTS' POSI- ree papers. MINIMUM CHARGE ONE ___________________ tint>. Iiurse rnaid or general h.ous-. to the line.. No black face type used. 41rk N..T. f. 'hon Btîkingaîî r advertisements when brought te or 41 U. ATE-MA n.. 41,T1N25-It.1 e, or 661 Lincoin Ave, Winuetà4t. COMýPETENT 8EP î-îE(~)SW E DI 1S8Il GIL i, with lst clase No. Shore réef. posst~ ition,î general housework. -CiaAsiled advertisemnents wilI be ac- Tel. Winnetka 2662 tI-, ook . -8slais p~' cepted Up tQ Tuesday 9 P. M. for GENERAL G3 eiltls Iîé papers; Wednesday. 9 P. M. for 1lil jslî An. girl, 23 yr-., excellent Win îjeinnnt 559. 4IL'TN\251-]tle L1y 5 P. M. for GLENCOE, NEWS. iletka ref. I')*!tl OAN WANTS îN - a 2009. Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. Cxeî,uaiiAn. girl, 25, y,., I ', Yr. (U.en(oe al ht,îsework, fond o)f chil 1dren-. $$10. Swedisli Arn. girli 6 .lSy.re.haf 234f)4LN2-11 .1rish girl, 35 yr.dé7 yr. ref. I SECOND ANI) CHAMBER EJ'It EÙD FITE WOMAN 14GARDENINO Enigliésh girl. 30 yr., 5 yî'. Winnetka ref. wants work by the hour. I)ay or* eve- G (ernialnAr. ir,40 vi' >2 vi* excellent ilin îînptL- . Phone inX., LANDSCAPING. ANI.) 0.AItDENINt; 1J ref92 - y da.S' ,or lîur. (lan ohusw.NlSEADSk12 Ný North shore ref. Phone WVinnletka 29ý*_. Eng. Ani., *34 yr., 3 good local r*efý. \VA NTIý:l> - 1-1AHNG . ANI) IRON- 14.2-1i) u't'l il 3 rwnt infants . ing to ta ke home. Will vali foi., alnd O> ood rt-f (le i ver. lPh. Wilmnette. 3246., - - iEng. An.2; r. hiasîitai tréifingi, -.41LTN25-1t(- 15 iNSTRUCTION fants up. y. iret e.(IIMNGR.WSISPSTO Gielr .11g i rl, 93 Y",. yr.W e -1 s[ l JAZZ 'Pl-\N n.gil 0y>. Wants goveî'nesx or a 'ok<rgeîrl oswrk ls e P GE. AND ADV. BY APPT. ONLY. mir. ree whone Sîeaks Fre.12c9. Informfationý free., WrIte 'Evanston COUPLES . Pon Wnn tka 25-9.i Popla .9udôs.P.Q. oxSt- Ïvèrai High -Class couple. 4LT2-I Poua tdis ...Vo 7 s- 4 North Shore Offices I ANî1t1. l' FI1KBU BLAIR WISI 1fS TO anstn. ILTN2-ltc1>AMN' ECE liehr inurse, whe) has heen with JAETTGSB .,WL-FSE.74,, lm~i Winnetk'i 114,h1-rfive vears<. Pr'otestant. Pholie Experielnced tutorla eeimentary and .4LN5l<r.i]ita77 1T2-t lgh school subjects. Ph. Wilimette FEl1,' 1LAfi, NNU1Y WOPI1)î'EîtîNqî> ÔMAN ANTS 3588. 15LTN24-2te doiw ut homne. Rioughi dry or finished 'hi, ironing, cléaning. Good ref'. All3% faney ironing, buttons and iimen(i-,trfsP. Wilmniette.4~0 22 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - ing taken calre of. Experieinced latin- 41LTNý25-Inc dress in charge. Rasnbl. l i WVANTEI) TRUMI'ET, -MAIITIN' OU told deliver. Pli. Wiimlette. 5099. YÔUNGWOM2%AN TO DO PLAIN SEW- anlV î,tlier good make. Must b a41LTN25-Iti> ingl,housework, Iaundry work,, o-r care t gto (lplayýing ('0i1(itiofl and reasonl-ofcide.P.:let 19 ai.St:îte price uand fuli details. A l'SoSBL MRe-noehlre.P.Wlmte19 Write A-3-1, Box 40, 'Wililiette, 111. ma-n <niddle aged) wants position -44mNS1u 22LTN25-1tu in simll Arnqýieî<anfaîily whére sht11EX PER.N UR SE, C ('A CRE PFOil can asist \vith ail kinds of w'rk. 1 hlrî n e>wt ih os' Gondhomede.ied, Smlall sularv. P.< :. woilk.- drt-f I 'h'îne Winnetka 127. SAXOPH-ONE, C . MELoDY, LIKE Biox i17, EvaIsti>n, Ill. 41 2 5 - ltp ne. 'ost $95.. sel! $30. Phione 2086 . . ,. .41T2-t Wiinnetkal. 1093 EInî St.. 221.TN2571tpîi. COLOREJD GIRL, NEAT, EX-,P. Lr.- Iî îî'.W11TE 1WOMAN WS-E sires work. General -housework., cook, pos. Gompd ook, aild light ,oswr 23 . NURBINtII care of children, or laundry. Re-fer- in smnall fainily. N. S. rt-f. PbhoneWl- t'n)(e. ('ail Boulevard 8676. netk:î1a 3-.41LTN2S>-Itp) HOME FOR CONVALESCENT OR EL-* 1T5îî derly people, experienced nurse in ItFNE> ETLI WMA; X- cha85.,Visitors lnvited. Cal lencoe EXP.COLORED -MAID WON7ULD LIKr collenlt co: S-srs; Mgr'., g,85 23LTN231-tfc work front 8 until 12, $7 and ca'. oskep>:(ýmaiautfarn- lare. Fromi 12:30 p. m. until atfter dia-' iîlIt-f.' Drexel l06f) 41LTN25-ip< PLEASANT HOME FOR ELDERLY uer, $8 and car lare. Ph. Glencoe 1692.» person or convalescent, residejit nurse,. 4.L25ln-EOL 1414IliniAnEvastoh Ph.IJnierýored- girl- gocid- eok and laundres.s, slty ý2104. 23LTN23-3tpEXEINEI NURSE, ALL CA1SEîs, cre of <'blîdren. 1ond refer*ence. Oak- inivalit or' c<)mlanion. Ass ist mwiti~j, land .314. 41LTN25-1teî -à4_ PAINTING 'AND DECORATING worîk. A-1 Re-f. Milse utn 231 N. LnvwopqlChiago Masflld 563 RE IBEEXPER. WOMAN WILL Spcil oi Iis Moth41 LT.'25 - 1 t, cre for children. 35 cns nhour. Specal Ïr lhis oiit- Da y or evening, Wlnnetka 1440. j1 -E-X E 131 (; lt2ýAN -411,25 -1t 1) 5 RM.API. $2,,50wishes day ,vork wvashlng, ironing or1, INCLUDES ALL CEILINGS CAL1CI-teflig or wili do iaundry wvork u-t EX__PER. NURSE WILL CARE FOR, mnined, paper cieaned,. kit. painted, homie. 1-el. Ph. Wilinette 1»87. inlfanlts or cilidren. Doctor's ref, Miss bathrin. enarneIted, closets. and paii- .. 41LTN25-lii( PunswJek, Phione Winnetkaï 2411. tîry if lIecessarY. Ri. papered $5 up.. 4lL2-lp 1932 sa-mi pie s. Outside window.ý(iiRl, WANTS POSITION. AS GÏEN- painted 50e, -1 cot; also residences t-ral houseinaid, 2rud ma-id or'nreCL-E GIRL ýWANTS G.ENERAL vey- ta.Material furnished W Meil girl, Fond of 'hildren. Wll work-. woi'k by -week'. Sta y on place. Pho~ne for nait prie 234'. West Pa Phone 'OWSKY l'e. Highland Park land Park 49 14LTlN18-tfc' GRE ENS AT HL home gr-own at the rond, NV. Lake,. 9or- 14L.TN25 -2tp VA N'T ing, YOUNG LADY WITH 9 eral office and bookkeeping i, P,. a nuse, r ge. husework. ,a. MAN' IIACON (OAT,' SIZE 64 1T25-lte S. ref. Winnetka 2134. 4L2-t (lreexcellent, condition. Wiil seili EXP. WHITE W04MAN WA-NTS DAY YOUNGLADY TO CARE FOR CHIL- vevî'~uonePI],. Wiimette 31;30 work Mondays or Thursdays. N. S. dren e-tenings.; References. Ph. Rogers 33LTN25-lte Ref. Pli. Wilffette 4411. 411LTN25-lùe Park 2753. 41LT25-ltP I -8 Foe SALE,-EVEFRE lirice. rebzh dug,1 ti.n aýNVukeganr est. A. J. Hook. 4lbSb-ltp