rx-25-1te I 5 M RM. NEW DEC, BATH, AND rU*RN- 'tce hea t. Conîb. gas stove, garage. Renit reas. 1730 Walnut Ave., *WiI- mette. Phl. Longbeach 5322. 60L,25-tp FOR RENT-7 RM . IHOUSE,. 2 * gltzed porches, 2'42 blks. to school and * itrnsp. $60. Akso furni. ali heaéted apt.. of 3 rius. and sun prh. $15. Ph. aeîîlworth .1146,. ýr60L'V7N25-l'te R'.% CHSE., F'URN. AND 8 RMt. S. unfurn. with bath and lav. on firqt floor.1H. W.11. Near.sch ool. 2909'Lake Ave., *Wilrntte. Plh. Wilniette 5029. 60LTXN25-ltc 5 ItOOMS .AND. BATII, NEVV )EC.. comb. gas stor, furnace lient, ga- rage. Wlnette. Near sehool. Rea son- able. Ph. Longbeacli 53Z2 60LTN2i5-1tp) sfrOnR ENTr-STORES à OFFICEtS LARGE STORE AT 505 CHESTNUT * St.. reasonably prlced. Apply nt In- dian Trait Tea r0oon, innetka 690. 66LTN23mtfe 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES A COUNT RV 1-TOE WIPlH A RURAL CHAR-M 0F NFAR- ly 2 acres of siveeping grounds brr- dering the fairwav of theGlniw club, this home 0f 10 î'oomns, :1 bathis, from oui'. "LIBRARtY 0F FINE HMS Offers th.- ideal arrangement for' en- tertainment or "eclusioll. lTle char- .îcter of thle adjoining suirýoun)ditgs. the homnes of the negilhbors, are ftea- tures ivhich ive feel are gratif , ing to .tnyone rnaklng this titir hIome. Shown by appolntmnent onily. Cal Nr. ça, Hollyoourt 1855, or Greenle.-t' ]S55. 528 Davfis St., Evanston. BAIRD&WRNR 72ILTN25-1 te NI A L u CA '.zr. HE TIIIN(,.S lpEOP'LEi waiît ini a lious-e are here. N'ear' grade sehool :crssf'orn:wo.oded iiai'k * i'ea.sonall neair tr'ansportation.l :9a goQnd.ne19lborllod . A. 1siîîgle colonilal, iwitli living voomi, dining vnn kitubeýn, Ibr-feakf;ist 110< ', In aidt-i romlu, bath and tnilet and avtîîî on the i st floorý.'2id floor has 3 becivooins and > luths. 2--ar gar-,age,. i-Iutwater bcaî. Prioe $800 QUINLAN "I 'TYSON, e Î 14 EIai St., Winnetka %Wiinetka 2'1PCR 72LT N,-)-,- jt, ]Exclusiv"e Agents Founitain Square 72LTN2i-1tei "Ripac-rian Hi fomes" outstaniding, selections from o bt-r :IBRARY 0F FIN1E HÔMES" A Frèeh I>îovencial stofle homle, 8 ms 3bailis. Walniut :paEneling. DressIng rin.]50 ft. on lakex5OO ft. Withi unusual landscaping,. putting grieens,, formàýl ga'rdens, this modern homep - 5 :master bdrms., 4, master battis, 100 ft. on làkex500 ft., is priced for a real s aving. Phone %,r. Mk s;ak, Central' 1855, 134 S. LaSalle St. Or Mr. Newhall; Briargate 1855, (Ilen.- <4> 1554, 1071 Skokie Itidgre Dr. Biaird. & M-al-ncr 7s WANTE TO mi)auy-VACANTr WA-NT NORTH SHORE VACANT OR acreage in, trade for $8,000, equity hl mi- 7-rm. home, having 4 bed'rmis. and sleeping orh large grounds in" east Win netka. Write A-32, box 4 0 'WilB mette, Il. 75LTN2;5-It.o 81 ACREAGE AND ESTATES B)a-rrînglton Acres 4TO 10 AR TRACTS UP TlO 2:>O, acres, southwe.st and adjoining the Village. High, rolling, wvooded tracts! with vomnnaidinî-i ë W f the Bar- riYgton CutiePriçes $300ï, $600 *0,$12a0 per acre. W'vatt aid Coonis 81eniw I 12î No. Dab'î t Central 3921 52,OWO Per Acre WOODS, NEA R SLTNSET R 1D (lE golif club. 25 ace.WiIi divnde.Ine. in your coulitry home site IJow. S;fe-, QUaNAf &XSVON, lli. 14 lmSt _ int: Wnek29 86 FOR SALE-HOUSENOLD GQODS 1FYRMSALÏÈ S TIN YGRI in,5 y rs. id, iiiexcelletcudi t .p-a rgii, '.Wite A -:0, Bxli tilA N 1) VA T Hi E1, j CLOCK. VEI1Y' i-e îa.ie.Fii-st fuo,1234 Nwrr ave. hcugo. SLS~-r <S * i ~, ' 44irv w, riossmnoor, 1i"orest rUdU, onuci'.tLVUCI I. lvii s. jfl1Ve>iit *ar.Fort Sherlduî Fr'nl-ln Park, Gehel; Morton Grove district president, Fullersberg, Qn a lnee lexiin tle h fles 01 14,lyn, Glen-Otwood, Golf, Great ntléteofirs lakes, (lîoss l'oint, I1:11f f ib ,Hy, Peter Huerter post will have a - Iazel Crest, H îghl;tnd PJ-n'r.Il iglivood, Haflowe'en party at Hoffnian hall on * Hlllsjde, flmnsd.ilo, HollywoodJIlorne- October 31. J-oe Schneider and li. wood, llubb a<I W ood(IS lt-scuk, Joliet, orchestra ilfrshtemic J1ust ice 1 'ai-k, Kenilworth, La Grange, ~ îIfrihtemsc Likke ,Bltiff, Laktje 1Foi-eýst,- Lambert, The Seventh district lunlcheon 'viii be Lsnlýemiont,. Lihlertyvville, Lisle, lield October 28 at 12 :30 o'clock at the Lockport. .Lombad.ti Lyons, :Mannihelmi, Central church, .Nules ',Ceniter. All M 1kbiî,MatsoMaywood, Mélrose Patrk. Mlidîn.thian, Moosehieaî-t, Morton reservations must be in 0onMndy Grove, morton Park, Motit Prospect, Octtoher 26. Telephonie Mrs.' Harrv -Mundelein, .Na-perville , Niles, Niles Ieis (Wilmette. 5173.) C en t r, N o i' thb i'ook, , N1 o ith C h ica go _>__ _ __ _ __ _ i North TI-rsdNtorwovod Par-k, Oak F Ors,(ak (flén, Oaýk1 LawNv, Oak Park, The house owned bv the, late j udge Onitaritîvflle ..OîIa nd Park, I alatine 1>aos aî-. Pî-k BlUe, hoeix Sidney Eastman, 255 M.%eirose av-enue, .Plainfield, 1i- iriewPoisio, H-a- Kenilworth lias beeni rented to Fred-, ti%*hev Fore.4, IlUne- Gîrove, River- erick Queilmaiz .Of Baltimore. Thert side, IiOfl(1<>dut, Roxielle, St. Žirl s Sag, are twvo sons in ýthe Quellmaîz familv.. Sch;r umbe-rg , Schiller l'ai-k. %South RoI- land, Sr'ring Fores?, Stateville, Steger, Frederick Jr., a sophomore at Pritice- S StickSinîniit,' Tee ny,1 Tessville t ,on and Henrv %v~ho is iri bis third Thontîî Tllty 'ar, ila Prk Wr-year at the Gilînan Sc-hool for Bovs ren viill, Waukegain, .Wayne, West-ina B altimore. The famîilv hpst e-seWestCh<ao Western Springs;,oest westinôwt, W1%estnoi -e,, Wheatonl Wheel- o--Cctup3 its iie% home by Noveînber 1. ing, %VIllowv Springs, -wilinette, WNinfield, Extensive repairs are 10w, being Wiînet~î.Woo<dLale, W%ýorth and York m(e C'enter-, all 1h the Statc- of Illinois, and(mde hetwer.n eàcb<of Ithe -said ctevillages4 *.td <iv Rwn, And(1 ea-h <if the others. Mrs. Pauil H. Davis, 256 ostk Ifo'(ritation ats to the tii and place avenuie, Kenilworth aînd Mrs. b ai~ hoe1i-11g tîpon thi.s application nay lie seciredl hyv<ifmllctn with th,, Becker of Lake Bluff *eft XV'edies;- Sec-eaî ff the M linois Commerce dav for a motor trip to \Vashin.gton, CommIIhSsion at Swnfed Illinoiis. and Boston.' They wilI * stop. at. ('1?'OATO1 3 HtROLD E Mont Holyoke college, in' Massa MARK. Sereta~-. husetts on thieir way.home. Mr. andl Mrs. Frank -.C. Nason of 733, Cuinlniigs avenue, Keinili,,orthi have returiied froin a tnip to Chiar-, lottvile, a.,where thlev visited theIr son, Sevmour. Thev sto pped -at Aslîe-- ville, N. C., on their way home. avenuie. Keîilworth liave retumned f roini atrip to Charlottsville, Va_. wliere thiey visited thieir son, Sev - mouir. They stopped at Ashiville, N. C., on tîreir na>- home. Mr. and -Irs. Leonard Osbornie. 1428 Forest avenue, Ieft Wilmiette yesterdav to take up thieir nem, 1 resi-2 dexice î*àiii Merriiinack, Xis., wiere thev lhane a large chicken farm. Mr. aîîd. M\ rs. Perrv E.Smiitliers, 7/11 Lake avenue, retutrnied * to their home last Mondai' from a 'tlîre iveek's' business, andl pleastire trip) to Seattle, Wash. * VILLiQE 0OF WIVIETTE BIDs 0ON FIRE INSURANCE FOR, VlL(~ F WI LM3ETT E B UIL - INSANDi cONTENTS l3- order of the Village Boar~d, sealed bids' will be received iby c. \. Osbon, VilLIge aag of the Village of WiI- mletté, Illin~ois, eit his office inl the Vil- lkglital,.11up to. the liiur of 2:00 o'cl(ock P'. M. nf. Thui-sday, Octobet- 29th. And theni public y. opened and declaî-ed, for fijrnishing lire insurance on Village (if W N'iliiitte Buildings ajnd: contêents, ili the, total suln 0(f $116,000.00. The în~urince ust be.pi'0-rated, with. sevevl cliEls So thit .11t more, t ha .n$30,000 mwillbe ci-ried by any one I irs foi, fit-e .instivaice *only, wil1 be >1<1 fa oi ?ruttîa Conilpkti.îles *iili flot be comiîdei'ed. 'A d tail list of buildings and conte nts tbe insul cd can be secuî-ed at the or- ticîu of th', Village Manalger,. , . l1 TIhta insuricc is to he foi' a nro f CId 2211d. L,24-2te tein ext h I:ge foi- go 1Vi ~M1a int tys tari n eari Bair & ~arei~ ca, mst ev r-d' oj.modl ~ flàrtford, Mich. 72LNDiverseî- 578 90L'týTN25ý-1t1) -0 its Mr. aJid Mrs. J.. . Bueli of P 266Or aire, 2)E>lt. I'N;AOW NOTICE f'P> I1TON* burgh, spent last week-end ,witil Mrs. 2646 Prtair-ie Ava.,ston. Prro en \Tué1 1FF GIVEN (OP W_. W.Whe-elock of 132 Oxford road, t -a îstaon, ans nç'tgon. P$i8,200(q)tfuing1w he uîrlisiCed nithtuKeihnlorth. They re rèon their a Evnsonl.nkmotgg $.00,W,11Ili; in uinmèece Commission of ta Cal foîti acen lold o snilduwnlayenUPplication fo)r a, Ctertîicate 0f Lon- - Mrs. Bulel is MNrs. .nrWiîm'ettp 3610. 7LNjîc~nec~avd Nce-ivf0oprte asa heelock's daughter. .4 10,' M-rs. William 314 Abbottsford entertained lier <flIAS.1BLAKE Co 5608 N. Western Ave., Chicago Opposite ROShîll-W.eStern Aue. ent ronte Tel. Longbeach 1161 Free bookiet AlIso opp. 0akwoodý & kt. Hlope ent. Loop, office: 228 S. LaSalle St. Uni. 260(