Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1931, p. 55

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a i~m~.L ai -th -"-ii. i nes.e.games were scnedleufor o.élock, and chljdren f rom 'the age coki and lack of shelter to rnain aid bther" and is it "a drop in the Is ekbtwr otoe eas of weveto ixeei crn a 3:3) ia promises tdomrthnhat this bucket"? If our son is called to war' of rain. o'clock.i coingii winter. When we regard the for his country, is he considered -a The midgets are boys weighing Iess T-%- pupils of Dorotliv pu,(j(i great overproduction, wvhich isc-drpith bce"? snteou than eighity-five pounds and the light- Wilnete wll layat he pelingsidered bv some to be a contributing ALL? Hasn't it happened that %egh oswigigls thnon laiimette willeplacoatitions.e.nmaile1gmilboyssweighangoless than one programn, Lillian: Frances Mi\cFat.de acrto sentcidtos.t i ilin fcnonfde eet'le humdred poun.ds. Robert W. Townley, %vil -play a group including. Beetho- realize that there is really* only one, A;LL of their beloved prntAnd diecoratan 'l'athletic drc r-tjoseph Sears,an ven's 'Minuet,"Leniont's "Cliasingtiî acig aniy asad rl vs'tec n js ado nounced,,the following siarting lune- Bttflés" and Rebe&s «Cagtaiet ls' means to bring «these two elernents 1ini the bucket"? Wasn't that thé ups, for the gamies Tuesday. tieries, îooethe.r. ~~~I heart-breakingpart-that he vas SO Eit-feponta-omSi- Betty Lotu Erickson will play ',Huiî î- hr.Egt-ie on.ta-TrtSi gary" b Kollin. I itflo posibl tlate li r- ihtly regarded? mnan or Charles Bemnis, left end; Ralph Miss Pound announices be rst rived at a place hrew- natr a Th u etionte i-nWhattyu Starr or Art Bonnett,, left tackle; c!as ecta,1.ic i 0t1b1o Sa t- little practical idealism? - wl o ie"bt"Va Wf' O Billy~ Bayo Jim, Fitzgerald, left urday, Novernber 7; at lier'.résidence Xehv olwds aihul ir eeiio fta ur;Jh ix ceer;Sot stud(io, 521 iý,levenltl, street, WýiIlmeft. the ines laid dào 'n, by capitalisrn to _____________Cmblrght guard; Benjamnin )rovide aIl the liee*ds of te ~ol MacKinnon,. right tackle;j John ELCE OGE LB creating new dem antis and new u- Robert Yeoman, Member Sprenger, right end: Art Cruttenden Mî-s lîibeh ottr,925Chst plies, agairn nevw demiands', and s$0n f0Plie1D pt Dies, Or Bruce Resseguie, quar terback: nutavnu, ilete. asbeu rondthe vicious circle. 10 1 Bruce Granstromi, left, halfback; Paul niie Rbr eoaameie ornell, right, halfback. and Mike viectC(1 a nleml)er of. the Fresinan But how about co ming dlown to otle imett PlcedpatientCoe, fullback. Girls' Glee club at Oberlini college. I!bf i rîcpls10!î t estt -frthe past thirec years, died T hurs- Oehnrdpudta-aî was 1alnnounced tlils weck. lilection provide the commion necessitie.s of life 1o l1Oehnrdpudtar-ai iolo~vd U)Of tr-ous.Miss P le. o ie world? Comimon, becatise suf- idaY night, October 15, at about Il :30 l Skillin, left' end;- John Deacon or ph agtro r n r.Rlih fereti by aWI en ini the sanie degree- oclock shortlyt after lie. suffered a. Gridley Dement, left tackle; Jack Nel- F. Potter, graduated f rom n _e%\ Trier; need ocif food, shelter, clotiies. paraly tic stroke while riding, in theI leger or Jack Holdn eft guard; Bil- police squad car with Officer joli. ly Powers,cetrBilTooelo ighi schiool last Jue. and enteredl Consider Needs 1Henricksen. -The rernaiins ivere sent right guard; Billy Stebbins, righit )herlinini Septemnber. . e sconsider the first ed ot.t mh.Nb. rdv n the tackle; Vernion Faulstick, right end, Il__. does tiot need to be straNbe'rries funeral services andtilrial took place i Russell Baker, quarterb'aek; Jack MOVE TO WILMETTE growvn ini hothouses ýand provided ont ti ere Mondas-. l3esides his wdovFyfe, left hialfback;, Bert Smith, right j 'f The Rev. James T. V'eneklaseni ndof season at lanlcy prices; nor eveni and tour chiltiren, who live'Il WVil- afak n ihr oms ui zaiiîilv'. nîc>ved: ixto their new~ home a nivsterious concocti on prepared .bS I mette, Office r X'eonian is survived hv I .back, i 72 1 Ninth street last M oôn i la ya perfect re c hf Utle(shsprns volv i mh.The samie Kenilworth teams,'mid- iroîi Oak Park. M r. Venekiasen is to be, food. simple, . -isig accep-!- 19 ______ esad ihwiht.wr o play thé uiew mnjister of the ýFirst Pres- ,table food. Isiit there a farnier ýsonie-1 the Niichocls school of Evanston at b\7tetiat church, Wilmette. wîîiere wî\Ip will give. away w'lat hlHOTS AT H WE - Kenilworth \Vednesday of this teek. _______________Heln Hrnis ws hstosnaea-x.-Nekt Wedniesday they ivill play re- caniiot iell before it.spoils. to some SORORITY TEA FRIDAY one wlîo .Cali use it nt tliere a c aeu hwr odyeeîg turn gamies witîî Nichiols at Evanston.. * Ilx Xrt Sioe Aunaecl1>~storekeeper wlio cati give -aivay thliose October 12, in Iionor of Amie, Fore-- Thursday of this week the heavy- Pi Beta Plîi will give'a tea' Fridavdsoitne bad f a-t admîîo 1cao hsemriget weigllt .tearns of Glencoe and the *Oct 1r- -Na He om f Mrs. sardines, oôr fruit or corn--i? isn't there l Paul Deetsch of Nules Center wvîll take. Haven school' of Evanston were to . M\Iddlleton, 2511 Orri.ngton avenue, sm avrkt here the nat colti b pac Ocobr 4.on 1the neutral Kenilworth fieldi, * I*vatiton. * .gîven awarahr hn .) 1t o with Bob Townley as .referee. The *rot and su be wasted?. Surelv som> ile' Mrs.' Robert Belt, 160,1 Tenlth . heavyiveiglits are boys weighing. mor e * USC LB EESiruit gr.ouer Cali continue to raîse ,treet,. lbas been entertaining lier., than 115 potinds. F 1he junior -Music club of N e,\ plv ob gvna~a o childretî moth er, Mý1rs. C. A. Purmort: ot whselarerits cannot bu\- ' Surelv \Vati\\ert. Ohio. M-\rs. William O. n-ier High school nmet Monday atte'r-., n oranîge gove a gv wa!BIt22A.ndn vneKi'i ;. GUEST AT SOROR.ITY, TEA tni lat the home cof Marie. Fried- ia*gr rea tea~a eI..LAtgo. bvetuekctil Dr.Beatrice XW. Hawkins, 1006 lanier, 615 Brier- street, Keiiiliotvie uc o is ortliav.,sal uxchoiu si Sencarad, att.etie a tea last Sun,- ousoeconosd. Now as tô'.slielter. Aren't there, for Ms. Purmiort, w~ho' is leavixiglor tday held 'at thelhonme of Dr. Mary A fojosephcmany1buii'gs vacant rig o htbrbreFia..McEwen in Evanston of Alpha Epsi-, Wiîite. Charles Hoinies, Harrv: r on o akadrinbcts ~ Ion Iota,. 'national 'medical sorority- \\esv ad oh \ilsai o K n focctpied? Arnt tve îa i Mr. and> Mrs, -Frank- Kuilz of, 171 Suie as also a guest at the banquet ilotxplyd tte o)oLîk scn-heated buildings withi vtaiacant1 Prairie avenue, h a d as week-end . that the sorority lîeld last Saturday> * Miclu Wenesav f tis eek . iîatxment, that are hecated -withl'OhO guests M r. andl. M\rs. Henr etreenn tteIllinîois Wonienis Ath- àM'rý. Wliite e:îtertai led the men and extra cost to the owiler, -thlat could and t b e i r daugliter, Margaret, :of letic cluib.ý xvîcs t dîinr atcrard. u'ell bc giv 1 o uîec ld.uîshelt- Kaiikakeýe, 111. Mndyevening tlîevi their wire(1 familv ttervarcsToo for poora Mtl~ iust e ve aif elitertalined aa rdeptviliitheir B. Kudtsn las r NM1r. and Mrsý R. H. Andcersonô epl.iu aiIsy 'Js go hoe.it!riied to lier honme at 1141 Chestnut t I132 L-ake avenuie, are spending tliis inuh leatete îe< h avenute after spending. thirce weeks week in] Clinton, \Vis., xitîi the lat- warintiî of .so 'nîany 'other things be- M r. and,' Mrs. E.. L. Duncan, 22z, ai Marquette, Michi. Mr. Knudtson ter s father, 'Byron. Snycler, who tie. En he ted frote liare bet - ood court, had as tlîeir guests this niotored up for- her and on tle way celQlrated his iintv-thiird birthdav trta h tét o i iteoe week, '.\r. and Mrs. George NV. Twoim- home they stopped to visit friendis tiiiil\ersary on Satuirday, October l a/. bod )Op, ly of Denver, Colo., wlho \vere on in Minneapolis and La Crosse. -o-I .How About Clothing? *their 'wav home after spendin'g. the M\rý. IFred H. Becker of \'onngs-I* And now as to clothes. How niia'îîl, stînîner at York Beach, Maille, and Ms fr eog sister of Mrs. tOw.Qhio, is the bîouse guest of lieri shel ves are groanîtiglitîder. boxes that Boston.Jamies Estes, 1626 Wilrnette avenue, ýi.îter, NIrs. . William T. Hapeinan', 4oh je\w but out of style' garnients; 1 -- isreund f6: Wilmette after Rifl Ashland avenue, dnr'ixg the l tht-at' the storekeeper mnighit say, and Miss Frances Kelley, 124 Laurel ave- * Ipeniing' the summiier at Plymout-h, turrs onv~alescenice. \frs Hapemian !righl3 I woulgladjy pa- smeoe ne, entertained at ditiner reCenthv Her i Vs.Sle lias ful rec'çvered 'frorn' t had beet ill . for five .w eek'. to take tlieul off niv lhanids!'"' Cat h le gutsts výwere Mi1ss Caroliine Preston, 1 ant opération, that she underwexît' re-. * -o- oj~~-ivethei va liniself' I dôn't mean MssJàcinta Kanpmeier, Miss Maxtha cnl tteP ot optl .r. and Mrs. J.H, Dyoi returiied Jîruha gnvwîr h3tih rcsn and, Miss Ellen Cozzens. fo tt.Uy to their home at 1Ù10 Ashi-l e ts rsdtacvo ~nb o-Thte lbert G. FrosÇsha~ve sold * y ' tnd av~entue after 'xendig thir 'va- sold 10ý( saitvft3 soieoîýe s greed, butl 'Mrs. '.4\ae Dewey. of Buffalo, N.Y,, their 4ýote at 509 Central avenue cation isi ting thier si-nIwand to gi Ve the.'4e tithîngs'aw ,av iniseif. To is thé h9use guest of her deiughter and lhave woved 'to 'their »ew hIon~e lau"hlter, Mr. and MNrs. 1F.A. Grain- fhll one dav outfittiîîg one hundreti and family, the Orvulle G. Dail) , 618 in Philadelphia' ieaving XXiiiette last' M:rr. ay4 43 un t1ci duglicr let eii"lwrth ch tige of 'c)]OY n«.owabouttosé road, " ebilorth e t' ast week orr ad' entr' 1i _d 1'ue'sday to spend the reniainder of stacks of boxes iiled with good shoes Lincoltîville, lan. h w ) e Ihicheonanbrdeahr meat ilie seasoti at their winter honme' in that will keep meiî's feet warmi and awvay about two weeks. . Friday. I irop, Ala. 1' Iincîdentalvkeep self-respect ,v-here ' ' '-- -0- it belon-s? How about those 'tackv"- Mrs. A. H-. M\odine, 140 Melrose M.\rs. Helen S. Gagé and Miss' Mary Miîss Bessie Alliiîg of New~ York wvooIen dâresses for wonîen that cati- av-enue, Kenilworth entertalied lier Spriinger of 1134 1ElîInwood avenue lef t 7à,. beeti visitiîg lier sister, Mrs. Cor- iot bc sold because thev are too five hîde cu nWded~ eve- last week for ClearwaeFI.Te n 1aKeith, of 3.10 Warivick roadl,I short?ý For the mother wh_1o scrubs1 nitîg. 'w- spenti the wiîter in the south. Kuiîlworth. o--ffices at igh-lt to feed lier famil- *--i '-- 'Iwhat -does that matter?' How, about The Gilbert J. Ely- farnily have i Mr. anîd Mrs. Fred C. Dierks, 123 Edgar A;- Stevens, '330 Abbottsford tuoeciieîsodsyewamcoats, tnoved f rom 2120 Xasgto avenueNti -stet. entertainécd a gropo r-oad. Kenilworth, is in Newv York o:n1:that wilI keep more Iittleý ones, goi o t an apatnn aeaveue vie~e, friends at an eveningbig bttiîes. Ito school. Wvhere they cati g-et pelnny1 i Geîview. ' party last Saturdav.

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