whiÇft can DO augm.nfied wî:n choppea onion, green j p.pper or ofther desired seasoning. The qualify is io superb, and the price is definif.ly reduced fo 37c a fin. ECONOM4IES - -OCTOBER 23rdTO 29th OX TONGUE. Sweet pickled ... LAMB, PATTIES. Fresh made ta order IL IL SIRLOIN 'STEAKS. Choice 'native beef....L. SPRING LAMB SHOULDER. For roast -or stew, lb. PORTERHOUSE or CLUB STEAKS. Fancy I .L APPLE CIDER. Morgan's sweet new Michiqan, g'ai. NAVY BEANS. SmalI or large Great Nort.hern 1L. PITTED. DATES. Black Palm, l-ounce package.. .. LIQUID VENEER. Large 60c bottle 26c 29C 49c 26c. .59 C* 49c' 7c Z for 35c eaich 49C QUAXER OATS. Large size, quick or regular, each CHEESE. Rich, year oid, Herkimer County. I L TOMATO JUICE. Richelieu cold pack, in No..I. tins ... . .~for PRUNES. Richelieu, goodýsize,'40 50 2 Ibs. LARD. Swift's Silver Le.af BRAZIL NUTS. New, stoc:k,. washed and poilshed . i19C 25c 25c 2: tbs. 25c lb. 23c SHELLED PECANS. Fancy new stock.. .L.65C SHELLED ALMONDS. lmported Tiger Jordans, IL 69c BLACK CHERRIES. Large Richelieu Bings. No. 2 tins ...... ..........eack 35c SALAD BEANS. Richelieu asparagusý style green beans for salads and gjarnish. No. 2 size tins, eacli 32c, TEA. Etra.-fine 75C quality uncolored, basket, fired Japan IL.59c. PRIDAY& SATURDAY ONLY WHITE FISH OR LAKE TROIJT........ ... lb. 34c ROASTIN$G, HICKENS. Fresh dressed.......lb. 33c LEG 0F SPRING LAMB. Finest quality.......lb. 27c registi %,vith birth is ;1. 1TT 'lhle October contest is iieariiig its c!lose. so lhere's a timely wariiing: I)on't fail .to register that October baby!l Read the rules of 'the con- test as' given in the September 24 issue oi XVILMtTe rEI4FE, or; fadling to have retaned vour copy., ge t particullars bv% calling 'the Luckv Baby Contest -Editor, Xilmette 4306. (>ctober's Licky Baby ilih re- ceive a shoNver of gifts f rom sixteoi wilmette merchanits Who are co- ,tperatiiig with Wir.rme LiE ill ConIductinig this contest. jMerchants A pprove "Discount" Pro ject FPull co-operationi fromi local mer- chants lias been ,obtainied in .a plan' to issuie cards to persoins registered, as uncinmployed inU Xilnmette, enititlinig tliîî to a disc oiint of ten percent on ahi piirchascs. Trtustee Ruith H. Smv- der. chairinail uf the special comimit- tee on iunemiploy-nient, appoinited by \ tiI age President C. P. Dubbs, repor- te(l at the regular Meeting ot the Village. hoard Tuesday nifghit. Mrs. Snvyder stated that issing, of the cards; lias been delayed for a eN S(a -vs penidiing* the receipt of. replies' ýfroin chain stores on tîjis inatter. Upi to the tiitue of the board meeting, ledyoi une chaini store had l)een heard fromi, and that store %vaý not favorable to the plan. It is cxpected, hiowever. that the cards wiIl bc isstied .within the iiext, few davs. Precau'tions are to be taken so that the privilege of using these i.Cards is îîot abuised. Naines of the st(ore: w~here (Iiscoit iili hc givenl will appear on the cards. BABY SOUP STRAINE and E7leventh streets fronting on C.en- tral avenue fromn residential classifi- cation to "B" commercial was cou- tainied ini a communication réceivýedi l)y the Iboard Tuesday night at it., regular, meeting from the WVilmettc Zon1ing commission. Such a Wpetition,, if:granted, would exteii( the present commercial dis- trict on Central.avenue f rom its pres- ent eastern terminus at Eleveiith street ,to Tenth street. Two public buildings. the Wilmette Masonic teni- pIe and the First. Church of Christ. Scientist, are in the..block wvhich thec petîtioniers ask to*, hav e rezoned. [ ll its communication»t the Village b loardI the Zoinig commiission pcoîntedl ont that a change of zoning ini the block in question would require an. aien(linent to the zoning ordinance. l'le board concurred, in the. conunis- sinsreconmenrdation and .laced it on fi le. 'l'ie matter ivili be given fur- tierS-tu(hy. 'l'li report of the Zoning cominîs- sion on this matter was submitted following a public hearing held ru- cently to give interested propert.owu'Iers an opportunity toViC thicir opinions and desi.res.ý, nie \,ililage adminis trat ion inîînied- iJately preceding the present one de- nie(l a similar petitioni for thie.re7oni- J îî' f Central avýenuebetweeni Tentlî and Elevlenth streets. iCon g'l Men's Club Opens New Season. l'lie.Nieiis club of the First Cônýigre- gational churchi began its ,viiiter season of activity %fonday evening of this %vcek with a dinner mieeting ini the church rooms. The club is.,a fello\\siiip group 'vhich lias as oiie.of its prim-ary objectives the encouragemuenitof'regular atteni(ance, at chnrch services. C. E-dwavrd Thorney, of thé Chicago Rapid TIransit company, ivas the speak- ur at theicinaugural meeting.. RHis Silh- ject. ."Chicago Today and Its Future," wvas illustrated-with many views indica.- tiiig the rernarkahle developirent. of. thé' inetropohitan area.ý T 'he club elected. officers at its opei .iug meeting. James C. Crossley, one .of the founders of the organization, ivas elect- ed president. Thomnas Cool, vas chosen vice-president, and W. Gore Mitchell. sec retary, and treasurer. CENTRAL AND TWELFTH - WILMETTE GROCERY PHONE 5 10, MARKET PHONE514 NI Cemtral-WiInî4tte Avenues Phones: WiInçet 28 and 29 cnîîoren in ail scnools of the Village wspartialhy comnpleted, about 1,700 being exaniined ast month, Dr. Haw- kins reported. Six local physicians assisted in this work, it was stated,. at an average cost of twenty cents 'per ,pupil. Twenty-five hunidred.,let- ters were sent out to parents telling of the examinations and requesting their children's medical. history. a ,*10ý