""For Setter 7Iingas to Eat"9 1144o46oi48 Centval.Avenue ISIX TELEPHONeS WIL 42871-2-34-SI FOUR DEL IV RIE I EVERY DAY j THRSFDL 6 BAT. SPECIALS il C Pre cane lonbioh »al4r 490 ~offoe Ricelieu tlramd 5 conéelb. 4fl Adivertlmed flrands 9 CidewSwet Apple39 Swnsown m :r230 Olive 011 _____Monk___0 _ _____________Quart. cand wyAe $106 Plakes merirn» Fauîlly. Fl k sLareke PILg. ____9__ Tomatoos Trayrnore Brand35 country Roll Suflet _______ _ ____ Apvloots 2YoIb.-3n for 69o Lluk or Meat Joues, Sausage lb. pkg. 28 jLeg of Sprlng Lamub îetl. 220 ChiokeasF retih Drehhed Spring,,b,, TturkeruFeihflessd4» Round Steak BltQaly 330 Lake Superlor. White. 9 Fiab b.0 .ILolita leertlin ,g of 315 Washing- lo ni ue, W'.1?ilmette, soprano, re- CC.eile word Tuesdoy that she had' w~.on the' .-twater Kent Radio cosi- lest for the stitte of Illinois zîith lier singin ( of "Depuis le Joitr" lfrinn i('hapetier's op'era."L is, oPI Saturday,.0October 17. Miss Bert- ii.who is lhie pi li of Fraetk zw'est flistrict cont'stuinN'ovemiber. Must SReveal1 a -t WAVE made this week. iTne ienflwortn Boy Scouts, who are sponsoring th-ý Party, are husy with plans for the ~various stuntg and contests. The Party will start at 7 o'clock and end at 9:30.. The stunts will..be first on the program and W'iIl be fol-, lowed by contests for the-school chi - dren and, for their parents too. There, will be ghiost walking, fortune telling. apple bobbing, doughnut snatching and flour bobbing. Anapple peeling, contest 'will be arranged for the nothers. 'The fathers will be given an opportunity to show -their skill with a hammer and nails. Ail of the"childreni's organizations of the village, 'including the-* Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cubs and Junioir Hikers, will participate in the- party. The entire' community, is entering into the spirit of the affair and ai large crowd. anticipated. Coffimittees of the BoyScouts who are -making arrange ments for decora- tions, entertainmnent and refresli- ments are composed of the following: ~Enterta1nnient - Roger Crowe, chairmlan, Cy MacKinnon, Harr y Weese, Carleton Ross, Fred Work- man, Defrees Holmes; I)ecorationis,- Tomne'Hildebrandt,. chairmîan, Paul Corneli, Richard Holmes, Charlies Beis,.Stanley Hill- man, Rbert Cutter, Arend Knoop and Bruce Granstrom. Refreshments - Frank Williams. chairman, Gilbert McInto-sh and Hjugh Petersen. Death Clairns Relative of Kenilworth Residenits Nortoni Fiinniey Higginson., soni of Mrs. Charles M. Higginson of Keil- Worth and a brother of Mrs. VT . Spicer,- also of Kenilworth, died Tuesday, Oc tober 20, at., Montrea.l. Cati, following -a. brief iillness., He was,52 years old. Mr. Higgîinsori was a freight con- sultant -for a number, of Cnaàdiaii firms and was -consider.edý an exp ert in this îield.. He was bonti iii Chi- cago, and was a grandsoit of -George, M. Higgîiison, Pioneer Chicago real estate operator, and a son of Charles M.t Higginson,. also a native Chi- (Cookinif) W* Welouie charge A0oowts FI DELIVERY TO WILMETTE -1KE!NILW(>IT H .INIANBLL WIM!Y.fK.A .-JIrflBA.RD WOODS4 . (LFNCOE I Beauty Salon 11 35fI/2 Central Avenu. ý I A&A Our Aduice on Coamerics and Potvder Blenlding weiiL to JIiiiIVIIII, t..inaiLdLIV a acia U4 attend the birthday celebration of her mother, Mrs. C. L< Von Gunten. 0o Mnr.' and, Mrs. Roy F.Best, 939 Ramona 'road, bave returned from a tnip to. Waverly, Ohio and the moun- tains of, West Virginia. Sugai' I I J I