Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1931, p. 13

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On the honor roll are a large nuin- bur of pupils whio have a grade of "F«" (excellent), in effort. A sinaller' nuniher of puipils are mienmbers of the hionor society., whichi is fo r sixth, sev- entti and eighth grade pupiîs onilv. To Ilie a inenlier of this society ithgrade student munst have -eiglit l'rs".oni bis report card., a 'seventh grader iiist have nine *'"ada ciglhth gradler.nst have tell.'s. Fcilowngis a list of the honor pu- pils at joseph Sears: ÙoNOR ROLL Malolm Tlàlil. Grade MlclnBrown, .;Bert l-uhlier, .hhn t'offlQey, Murlel ('raig, (;itantý Ellis Nan- Vy Fox. Virgijia Graham, Bol .olhin'ol,, JonSo, M ay Allée Thorntcml. ['a- trivi.a Van ýArso-daleë, -Suzanne Wv. 0harl6tt" Wllds. Tomi Wrigh't. . btrtFourth Grade% Bitri Bueier, Betty Amàe Faut- st ck. FEafîlToops, Peggy Marsh. J)i&niei Sullivan. Barbara Bell, Cynthin Fay, <Ilarlotte lluck. Virgiffia ,Huek.I4l Betty Jordani, Mini Streed. eorîie Tor- turefic,, Joan Kilner. Flith Grades IDenise Arms~trong, Betty Becker, Betr ty Boninet. .Suzannèe Erwî%n. Sitzanne 1lazelet, My'diollrmay, Bob Landon, Shirley. Scarrett. Virgiinla Som-ers. IRuth Streed, Ejaine Vaught, Phyllis Wlweel(ock. Rtoljertt Barr, Thoias Ellfs .<eln JergOnsen, Joan Ketchani. Mary » , 1-ý tosh, Bervulve McinEleanor M< ,rrisibii, [Maine Itotherniel, l3ud Stillimani, .Aary Th<rut<n.Susan Wo)lfe. SiXth Grade 'Ma ga rtt Boozer, LônliÈe 1Bu rkîa rd, 11-lil Ca dgrove, .1-net Colývin, lKirk 1>111- ing 'Suza nne Fisher, Patricia Gr~o ver, Luy luck, Nadine Klinney, Fliz;!I,etlu MplaYBttie schrei, BRtbSprll*r '4 en itratdt M;11 v B t irett, Arthnr lBonneit1. zou 1 I.a ipl,('hi.eie Driver,' 0irgini~ I lowte I1eggy 'Ketuhaini, .rend Knooiî, Jam. KIrziuse Benjw MacKinnuiU, ('443'- nelia aoe enette llobeutson. *I'ill Sali'4>uryv 13111v Stebbjnsý, Bettv Stilli- \;in. Kit k Tay.lor, I)iald Still~ifl. Arthrarlýýon. (lridley PI tnunlt, 1I 1lui Kelly' Bemîaes.Marlù.a . Itea'k ï(- V-is, Hlugli 1>tersel, 'Jane 1 "çIe.iiilande (toitTaylor. Betty Thora-itipn . Mr.i a *idemanl, A ineytte Williamus, .Iatj rt il[) N ()RtSOCIETlY ......SIxtliî raude \I-ti gai Boozeir , -et "lt] Spi. ngvri. $eveflth Gritit- ('harlenle Driver, Jane Niause.flnjt MacKinon, .eanette I11ol.ýirsitt Jto road about two miles souith of Moulit Prospect Iast Thursday. Mrs. Pettibone was bonii at Elton, 111. Sie. had been a résident of' Wil- miette for the past tweinty years. Be- sides ber husband, she is survived by a soni, G. UD Pettihone of :Grand Ra- pids. Mich., a daughter, Mrs: [.eland R. Morse of Chicago, five sisters and two brothers. WVithin the, last three miionths seven persons have mnet death' in automo- bile accidents at.the highwgy inter-. section where Mrs. Pettibone '-vas kilied. Mrs. Pettibone wvas% riding witli lier son fron)ii Grand, Rapids and lier nephew, W J Day, 2116 Birch-. .%%ood avenue, Chicago4 when the ac- cident (occturred . hich resulted'in lier death.. Failure of the driver.of the othe:, car involved ini the accident to, stop) tqr a stQlI) sign was declared respon- sible for the C'Qllision. 'Both G. D. Pettibone and M r. Day %%ere'iinjtredl in the zLcciolent, as well as sev-er;l passengers in the oth er car. AT VISTA DEL LAGO. Club Vista tdI Lago wilIl hold4 a large Hallowe'en dinner da n ce on Sa turday. Mr. and Mrs.. Val A. Stmith of Wilmeétte, %ýill be host and hostess, dprînig the eveninlllg. J. J. Krause, 123 Oxf ord road, Reýiiilwortlî las been iii inortherii Michi- "Mi 011 .afishing trip. Free I)eivery 605ý Main Street. (if H ilmete,.1 tienuae public is. being invited to. attend. Thbe following prograni will be.giv- en: 1. Appasalôflata Sonata, Bètî*-i Op. 57.......... Allegro assai Andante' con moto Allegro ma -non trpo Miss Viole 2Grave.............. Friedenian Bach Ballet Music front "Rosa- munde ........... sehubert-Kreislt't Melodie ..............Gluck-Krelsle:i- Hungarlan Dance No. i.......Bralnîs-Jo'tchiinX Mrs. Butler .4. Tierne and 14 Variations .. Pagantil -1ralinw., Nliss Viole 4. Po-e............... ..(hauQssi Mrs Butler 5. Whnt the' %Vest Vlnd Sawv. Debuss~y 'eîîs .. ....... Debussy' Spa nhmh Fthapmody'... ........Li.szt Mliss viole GIVE-.LUNCIIEON-BRIDGE Mrs. William B., Montgprnery, 6401 Gregory avenue, gave a luncheon and bridge party for twelve fiends WVed- nesday of last -week "in honor of Vrs. Kenneth Mitchell of Fort Lauder- Idale, Fia., who lias heen .visitlng friends on the north shore and ;n Chicago. Miss ELLA B. BUTZ Maker of DECORATIVE ACCESSOIES PillowË,' Sllk Lamp. Shades,- Slip Covers, Old Articles Rtefurbished. Prices Moderýate 802 Làke Ave., Wlilmette. Phone Wil. .801. z-,, Phone Wilmuette I119 0(1er Iii iis Kelly. . (,liin Sometimes, WEare surprised B UT We ry not to show i,. This time a husbaind said. bis wife was arriving in 10 min-1 Utes, and couId we help hirn 4r-! range a surprise dinner par-tyl, for her? Here was, a Iist of 2 guests ..would we telephone, them and "Ifix things up"while he dashed t o meet his wife 4t, the station? There were. 14 at that-dinner. .'.and bis wifew isI reailly su'rprised!I IC's our belief that a ho4tI shuddo more than have Iargý', I airy rooms,, comfortable bed-ý, spacious closets. 'Beyon'd thai', we daily try" to, meet -the sur- I prise), no'mitter what guest wants. sur- tue 1,uncheon is at 12 :30 o'clock. After luncheon separate departmeflt con- fereuîces wilIl be held with the de- partment chairmen presiding. At 8, in the Balý Tabarin, associate and 'junior chairmen will have their conterence with Mirs. J. G. -Davidson un,.chatg,.. to-cnooae rrom YOU'LL- ALWAYS FIND FRESH AND SEASONABLE FRUITS AND VEGE- TABLES AT LULIAS BROTHERS. ONT. ý........ ... . . . th Lmlias -Drothers FRI N VEG-.ETABlE MARIKET loon

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