For Hallowe'en Regularly $24.Velues $198 Toys-Thlird ohy re .really tun- rJngi Ail knds cornic, beauflful. armus- ir.tjl for chitdren and tduits, a. .à vasi se- lection, now redicedl' .Skelcton .11asks, 15c. Palse Faces, 5c.- nd- 10c Floor, East A Complet. Selection of Favors, laco-Cards, Tàeli.s and Decorations Stiitioer-First Floor Adopt Smart ýoNew Modes, The ideal ,umiiform' for every type. of sericel Fashioned of .1inehe in bakand cgray, sues 34. to 46. ý,Note the dai.nty co llaer' and cufîs . of mnode-spoônsored organdy. At $295- v Without a 'D o u bt Tremendous, Value. 1H5BEDROOM, SUQIITE .W ou.ld' Seil ,R egu larlIy at $98.50- This handsome three-piece suite witb genuine butt walnut front,*ian pa. mirror and dustproof construction is offered et the lowest priée in our his- d toryl Made witb diamond matçhed wel- 6 nut combined with maple and butt wal- nut and white oak nterors. An astounding velue at this speciel price. DUY ON OURt CONVENIENT BUDGET PLANI Furiture-Third Floor~, East Room Helena Rubinstein BEAUTY AIDs Give Your,,Face Anotber Chance Wen your skin is properlycar.d for, the duil, sallow mask, lines, cryness disappear like magic, lb. t issues glow with néw youth . vur uface is alivel It looks ifi Davis treetYou WiIl Find a, Charge Account Convenient I luwma qq Wlmette I1-100 .Maids Davis Streo'f ,$1.95