Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1931, p. 26

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i(.aleYger( open planle. mmatider ~-a lie tý%,o armv,.,, 1*1V-s .NCW IN OUR EVANSTON SHOP Sharksk in.,e\ D,1 BLE Sharkskin f.'re, O\N MICAL on Ai )i s1U nII ianes P-rrsr irpiane .irae, Eddie Stinson. hiead of the airplane. Despite bis eighty-nine years, L. conipany wbicli manufactiiresý Stinson N. Smith of Rogers Park is flot tc: planes, gave fensrain or ten old to enjoy an airpiane. ride. seprae gou' i pr4 nswho Several wveeks ago '-\r. Smith met visied kv arbr ail)(rt ve~ ofMaj. R. WT Schroeder of Sky Harbor, Gleno e$undvý.airport 'vheiî the major W>as the prin- Gleço Sndy.October 18., cipal speaker at the aninual veterans.* N.iaj. R. -W . Sc hrocdcer andGer nighît of Hesperia*«.\asoniic lodge . i Fisher, co-rnana of Skv -Harbocr. Chicago. The lodge was honoring its reprttlit the \-jsit(ttok a.ra t members who have been memibers for reprttht retltiirtv'-fiv'e years ýor more. Mai.or inteérest.I in s n',. <enonstrations Schroeder invited Mr. Smith to corne and in the p)erforiiatnce of his pla"e. to Skv H-arbor for bis first airpianie. Recenitl*v .a.,reducitiioin(t d i.x ipercent lu th in>iraneerate <)il stinison plane, asbecii Put into efivýct. .ac- cording a tn tneflet 1 Patil NI.ie rwn f oe.and nxav 'lie formier i'atû,xva- 1312 ýpercenitani the pre.,ent rate iý 7 pcrcent. or seven ati(d a a hit nts 1for everv dol- iar's wortIiiof irîý-iranc. ride. XV"ediesday- of last week, the ci litvineya-l mianappeared.at the-aîrport ivith lus daugliter and grandson. Major Schroeder,' rernem-ý bering Mr. Smith had, remarked that lie rince mvent dowvn into -a coal mine to a -depth of 4,200 feet, decided to take lJi that ligb above the ground. lThe day vas clear and Niajloù Schroe- Thtis r(-d(Itctionii, >,has 1ed entirelv (ui der fietv the 01(1. gentleman to -a past perfiormances e(Àt1 teStînsbil beigbt of -5,200 feet.above Evanston. .plaleand its re'niarkaile recôrd ofA safey, acordng o tu SkAHananorama of the Chicago mietro- >ae* , tuangers. >, ,te k Hror politan area and the countr3'sidc for Mallagers.miles around unfolded before MNIr. Smitlb s eves. Lýooking down at-the- Earring in Rear Seat Is Skok.ie valle.y 'the old man, said he 'Aeral eckng' vidnceremieinbered when, seventeen Indians ' Aeral N ckin'Eviencewere hange'd there . He reniar ked Mai. R: WV. Schrqueder of Skv Har- thatle tdnyr beeis ih boraitorttoe agrop u yonggone su far, nor seen so much in s sclt people wvIîo attextcled ,a dance at the à short tinie îin bis enitire ciglty-inc airport last Sattrdla\- nighit for a er nighglt airplane ide .Afte r the. fliglit -M jrStirueder heli* enjuve -the mnajoýr discovered an ecarrîng in the osr uch hat e hds-é tl thé rear seat of the plane, said car- -. 2<ere(l tc ae npes odrt ring being evilence (4f some *aerial uirdt aeaypro le ia necking," according to Schroeder's NMr. Smithu for a ride free of charge. version of the Incident. A capacitv crowd att.ended last Saturdav nightýs Conduct Experiments on. dance at Skv Harbor. l'lie dancesf M flidAr aeNos wil1 continue (on 'ri(lax .and ,Satur- ufig irln Nos day niglits at the. airport throughout Ù)Ma. R. W. Scbiroeder of Sky Har- thewinter bor airport lias been conducting ex- _______________ *periments on airplane mufflers in con junctioni with J. Q. Friend, cief ~uyCurissCom andir engineer of> theý Chicago Metallîc wVith Challenger Engine' arufacturi ng, company. Onue set of Dr. Ralph A., Kordenat. Chicago mufflers already 'lbas been built andý surgeon, has purchased aCrt s testyd, ad ecn st wt crain Commandair which hie is storing at mdfctos sbigtidot Curtiss airport near Glenv\ie\\. 'h1W Tbus far the experiments have olneisiow<e it aCalene shovm that there is slight advantage HWNRY C.LYTTON J& SoNs ' Origo and Chureh-EVA>ISTON Phone Winnetloe 0188 (No toli charge> Fvatistois Shop Op en Sunda y,, Tisursday and S.turday Eveniugs: L.urtiss airport lias flown a million1 and a half dollars f romn Chicago to' banks in neighboring states within the last f ew weeks to prevent the closing of banks' whichi have experi- enced "runs." The plane, has an armored guard.ý as a« precaution agaînst holdups. Dave Klingenberg of Barriîngtoî.î may bc seen circling about the coun- tryside ini the neighborhood of Cur- tiss airport nearly every night in a Fledgling plane which is specially equippedý for night flying. Dave is putting in, time lo c omplete the work fohis transport pilot's license.

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