Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1931, p. 37

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day rnorning of last week. In fact. literature, speaking iin a lig.ht, humor- every. one wisbed there Were more ous vein whicb attracted lier audi- time for the talk. Her information ence's undivided attention. on cuts of meats and selection of fow:l Jh aDnlbrtnoe asof great profit. . Jh aDnlbrtnoee Misi Mgown i a ighy eucaedthe meeting, with a group of, solos. %voiss egoe is highclyedcurasedAlthough this critic Was only able to ~~'oaii Beide he coleg corsehear the 'closing bars. of bis last song. ,lie took post graduate Wàrk iu homte!I economnics in, Columbia uniiversit% it, was enough to realize that this .Y.ShethenIcurdfo1evr yourte singer bas personality in. bis years on food cbemistry. For maniv voice, and poise.. Heard on previous veas se ws eplyed1w ue ioccasions, we have alwavs been îui- nie rocerscmpaydof tMarVst Ipres seil by bis fulI, 1mature toneau tow. lwa.andtoo chrgeof t~his expert musicianship. H-e, saniga laboratorv iii preparation of f ood!ngosiiullatWdedyta l)rducs. he s atiualy kpwîa~thrilled biis audience, for lie puts him- analucthorit o he pepaatiota n ofi a self into the spirit of the sotie., His ailaud fodr o ct rearadîoiioaudience was omost, entbusiastic. slilted frequently'by -large maitifac- Mrs. Brazelton spoke at :leugtbi turers. about "Don Quixote," sa3>iig that the During last summer, the naine ofunerlepeinsofifaete Mattew . Gffny mautthe saine in, ail ages, and it didnt iatier Mattew . Gafne meat te Ilw în what language tbey are written. superintéludent of_ the New 'TrierIShsadttsecoierdbae' High scbool. But if you were fortu-1$e adttshcoidrd.Inz' nate enougb to meet him, and hear book , "The Four Horsemen of the biim speak before the, members of jApocalypse" the greatest Spanish the Woman's club of Wilmette, I ast novel since "Don Quixote," in spite 0*f Wednscta moringthenyou nowthe fact that it is ungi-ammatical aud that this name stands for a sciiolar bsmn aut.Iae bsrfet anintenseyitrsigs kr nd! ed the spirit of the greatest world an understauding man to wbom you icrîsIs we've ever known. He was a are con 1tent to entrust the %velfare of far-seeing man, and realized that a your cbildren, for the next four years. change., must corne to Spain. He Mr. affny spaks iuceelyand tart led the people. and was flot verv Nwien lhe bleld up the mirror, to thepplr i isonconr0 northi shore, and said lie had, found The Spaniards tendency to cding to ils cordia.l and courteous to new-com- old tradition broughit littie change to er-, %ve were delighited. He praised its lteratuire uintil 1868, when Isabella the personnel of bis Schiool board,lotcto.Thnhe rirsak, ..statinig that althnughi its menmbers and sinice then niucb bias been pro- were interested in the finance of the, luced, btit. littie bias been translated. school, and the erection of ifs bulild- J M-\rs. Brazelton mentioîTed ilames of ings, they were even more aiert toi contemiporarv authors and dramna- the fact that tbey were building fille tists, aiW conmnented briefly on the girls and boys. He was favorably.irn- 11nioern mnovemient. pressed îvitli bis teaching, staff. and'- particularly with the fine spirit be- Fr ohrsCu tween the teachers' and pupiIs'. Fr ohrsCu Mr. Gaffney endeared bimiself to The ivoinien of St. Joseph's parisli ils wben he confessed that at one have organized :.a.Mother's .chlb timie l .ie badgreat difficulty with spellP which ,ai womeni of the parish are- ing. Frointh appr.eciation iin the iînvited to. join,cspecially -motiiers of audienice, it is fair to assume that childre i in*scbool classes. The nieet- at soine tite most of them liad been i11gS. iîl be bield the first Tuesdav ini a bit "Aý1mbrose-ish." Yotur scribe ivho each miontb ln the school baseinent. lias just consulted the dictionary for Tuesday, November 3. is the next the third. thire, miirmurs under ber mieeting., day. Qfficers of the club! Braz~etons subject is to be "The Literature of Central 1.trope."' The f ollowing books are suggested as preparation reading for this subject: "Alexanderplatz" bhi Alfred Dob- lin; 'Grand Hotel" and 'Martin's Summier" by Vicki Bauin; *Sevei Days" by'.Andreas Latzko; -St. Vitus Day" by- Stephen Graham'i; *Voung GCermnany" by Amie Merrimaln Peck;, "Success" and "Power'. bv., Lion Feuchtwanger; "Buddenbrooks" by T1homnas Mann; -"Vorti's Illusion- -by \Vassernian, and "Twio Prisôniers",by Zilahy. M INTO THISI Ev.ry Hat Modolod t. Your Head Amy style. Mrecs Ver, M.ùrat. New. hbasmade to order fromn any kind of. matorlal CIean.dd iR.palred - Ail H.ad SIzw PETUR VAN BREE 202 s. STrAtE mStrE 819 Century 'Bldo. Wetister .7187 * Mi. Plank, a former corporation and f of the College .of Law of the Uriiversi of The National Bridge Association.w of the Cuibertson National Bridge Studi the active and personal cooperation an( teacbing the Culbertsoni "appi'oacli-forcli Make Reurvatlong now for Wed., Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, financlal attorney andi graduate ty of- Mnuesota, is a member nd a qualifieti member-teacher [s of New York City, and bas A counsel of Mr. Cuibertson in ng"' sy8tem eof.Contract Bridge. Nov. f eand ThursL, Nov. à Telephono Longbeach OMe Other Rothmoor coais *go $250 Maurice L Rothschild S'ft#SeaFacbçoo ~ -- ROTHMOOR'COATS A specicd off er of dTess and utility styles 7

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