Church Edifice Boosts Wilmette> October Record Building activitv ini Wiiette dur- ing the past înorth inade a..spurt in ieright direction. 'Élie total esti- înated cost of building construction for which permits w c r e issued aiounte(i tt)$146,925 i lute niouth ending October 24, accordiîig to the records at the. W\ilmlettte Villagle hal. For the previous inonili the to.tal wvas tîly' $32,000. Alarge *portion of iie $1-46,925 is rep).resentcd ini a perit isl.ued to tlle First PÉesbvtterian. churuli on October 21 for its new $110O. 0() Gothic'cedifice at Ninth street.and relf avenue. Chiids and Smîith arc tule arclîit ects ftor the new structure. .T'le old church o*n-the saine site,. mmcd liv lire two vea rs a go, is lwing recked to make way for the iirw bu)il<lw]ig.. Th'le second iargest building y-ci ture for which a Ivermiit %wak îsstued Mi the past xnontl iin Wilinette j,. a S20,00 rickvener rsidnce bl 1 iit by Bis Brothers -Realtvci- pari 1 for L. B~. Nash ;ît 1107 Roniona, -road.ý -George Keck Jis ie ýarchitect. james Crabb took out 'a permit on1 October 12. to erect. a $9.000 frame- brick venleer residetice at 2041 Tho rnwood av-enuie. R'obert Rae 'is the architect. Severai Iermîits \, cre is.ue to building alteràtion,ý. Ethel H. tec, took out a permit .Septembler 29 for alterations to cost $5.000()ô i the lee res*idence at 813 Micli.-aîn avenue. The Minmette Baptist churclihVi muette and Forest avenues. is build- ing a 'franie addition costing, $1.000. l'he permit was taken ont Oçtob)er 21. J. C. Blaylock isthiearchitect. Ail other permits issued ldurling lie past month. were for biuilding con- struction costingtiot more than $500i iu each case. Thexv nav he summtar- ized as follows: Septenîber 30ý-'ro john Borre for framne barutri cost $50 at 2,505ý Gle,i-< %-iew road., Add 8 New Homes to Rstates A rea Eil.ihtlom,, represePting a total in-vestinîent of $275,000). including the sites, are iieing a(dded l'ti the Indian. Hill Estates commutnity. ()%%-fiers- of two ne%% homes have taken possession within the past few days. 'lh'e.maiik W. Alens, formerly 'fý 7M Forest avenuite. Evanston, arc' lnoli in. tleir- English home at Romona. road andl Roniona court. Tie R. W. \Vagners becamie residents of Estates at 2403 lro<juoi., road earlier ini the mu'uth, comning fromn Park, Ridge. The XVagner home, is firesafe con- struction. éveui interior trini s-ucIh as 1 aseboa rds and mouôtldinig,- heing of ietal. The Fred %V. Jamnesouis ivýiIlI iove 1a>out. Noveiler 1 froim their $her- i(lan road apart ment inu Evanistoiito their new Colonial homle oun B]ack- hawk road. 1%vo liouses attracting buite a lit- tif attention during construction are the Arthur G. Stanten home ont P>ontiac road and. the \V.\W. Ross home at Blackhawk and Seaninole. These tivo homes are being huit un- der the long-terni financing plans, representing with Bills Realty, Imc.,, a new combination of mnonev and building materials. Three other homnes onf Rouxona oad. wil bouse thei1r ownerij by Christmas, They are the L. Bvron and Arthur C. Elhlers homes, both ownfers noiv residents .of Chicago, anîd the Alvin E. Beirnes home at the head of, Black.hawk road. Glencoe's 7 Permits Reach$5,780 Total Fiv e of. the seveti-building permit s issued iii Glencoe, during the past thirtv da-s. were for -work on pri:- vate> ga 1rages, three of which were altered, with enlargements, costing $1 ,450. Two new garages were erected, onie $400 and the dfI- lr Kenilworth Issues Five Permits. in One Month Five building perinuos were' issued ni Kenilworth during the past thirty days, for improvements 'co.Sting a total of .$4i775.1 Two of the Vermnits were for. remodeling jobs costing. $3;556. and the others were frpri.- vate garages, costing $1 ,225. Stuits, Realty Finds Rentai Market A ctive E. E.Stuits Realty compain., fi nds the house rentai market still active. The' followving homes hav e -been et- edtruh the Winnetka office of the coinpanv during. the past sevemal weeks: To S. J. Wý *illiaisi, district manager for the International Harvester coin- pany, the two-story résidence located at 107 Bertling lane, 'Wiinnetk.a. fronti jioln Goidenberg of Philadeiphia, Pa. 1To L. J. Bond, associated with the Osborn Publishing comnpany of Chii- c ago the six roomi cottage located àt 116 Woodiand avenue,. Winnetka. from Miss E. Coddingtoi.- To J. S. Anderson. general" sales manager for the Lee company, Inc.,, of Chicago, the five-room cottage bo- cated at 753 Foxdale avenue, Win- netka, from E. Z. Deal. To B. M. Thorud, engineer with the Century of Progress Administra- tion of Chicago, the two-story resu- dence located at 1357 Asbury avenue, Winnetka, from. H. S. Diekerson of Columbus, Ohio. 1The office personnel of the com-, pany at Winnetka iticludes 0. Ek- stedt, 'C. Lineberger,. and Fritnk C. Total for Winnetka Permits Is $4#250 0f the ten building pýermits issued in Winnetka during the past thirty days, only one was for an iniprovc- Central Mortgage Bank Plan Urged by Realty Groups Indicating the growiiîg interest a mong real estate men iin the plan for a Centrai Mortgaige .batik to redis- count reai estate mortgages which was brought before the National As- sociationof Real Estate boards at its May- convention, are the resolutions passe(l recentlv. by tlbree State asso-, ciation' conventions, tw() of whiclî. conmmen(1 the association for briniging thi.s lan to -public attention, and the other whicbi definiitely endor ses the niortgage batik idea. Thé Central Mortgage banik pro- posai would create a system similar to the Federai Reserye, which womJl perinit tu e rediséounting of sounidl% fiuanced mnortgages on urban bome!à throtîgh regional or branch banks, thus provide a wav tri couvert mort- gage paper into cashIý which is flot 11.w available. Resolutions wvere passed hv the Massachusetts Association of Real Estate boards. the New York State* Association of Real Estate boards. and the Michigan Real Estate asso- ciation. ProbIem Se as Vital The 'Michigan resQlintion, wl)ichî was put through ou October 2 at the sessions held in Grand Rapids, calls the problemt of financial reconstruc- tion one of paramount importance and great public concern to aIl home. owners and citizens of the state, and urgesstudy of this subject by memi- bers of Congress. The Michigan resolutioni, wlich definitely endorses: "the .principle of creating a Central Mortgage banik or somte other agency for the redis-. couuting of mortgages ouî homtes 011 a safe and sounid basis" also states iin part: "Real estate credis . Mc çrt October 23-To Mrs. William G, estate appraisal, describe aygn Schleier for a framne porch addition eral aud someé partîcular probiems, at 1629 Central avenue. Cost $3W.- contains standard work sheets for tuse ii appraising variotis types of proper- RESEARCH ASSISTANT ties. It also reproduces, the stan- Frederick M. Babcock, Chicago dards of appraisal practice as approved Tea1 estate appraisal expert bas been by the dfivision and contains a bibli- appointed. research assistant in real ography of books and articles on ap- estate at the school of business at the praising. of our city growth,. This ig, Univerity of Michigan. a uiew service for. this division. nends the study being made by the SELL WINNETKA HOME ,,ationai Asffoeiation of Real Estate The Sheridan Road office of Bills boards of the proposai for a central sal duingmortgage bank of rediscount for first Realty, Inc. reported thesaedrn mortgages on homes. the past week of 190 Fuller lane, "This would eénable Ioaning institu- Witnetka,. by E. B., Metzet of Higb-tOfstredlscount good mortiakes and jadPr to Otto N. HelrY.IIOW OR- for, heewners part leularly Un times 7348 Ridge >avenue, Chicago. otdistress.",