Thursday, November 5, will be par- ents' day at New Trier' High school wben mothers and fathers of. fresh- man and studen ts wilI visit their chil- dren's classes and meet teachers and advisers. In, order, to accommodate fathers wvho work ini the 'city, the scbýool day. ,will start at 3 :15 oi'clock' in.'the after-' noon and run to 9 o'clock at night. Class periods will be twenity-five minutes in, length, with a, ten-minute iniermission,,between.eacli period. Trhe program for the dayý will be similar to that of last year. It-will.1be shorter, however, starting later iii the afteriioon.- The dinnerhour also will )e, later so t.hat more fathers cati at- tend, and the regular adviser period will be at the end of the dav instea(l of nîidway in the program.. Gaffney to Speak After the coinpletion of the class schedule and, the regular adviser pe- riod there %vill be a meeting in the s'chool auditorium from-9:10 to 9 :35 o'clock. Supt. Matthew P. Gaffney and other members o! the school staff will give short talks. 01113' freslinien will attend schoolI next Thursday at New- Trier. Upper, class students will be dismissed for the day. Thle: faculty spon sors* for the Areshman class are i.i. Herroni and Miss ElIla Shaw. > Here's the Schedule Followinig is the schedule for par- el'its' day : 3:15 to 3 :30ý-Short adviser period. 3 :40 to 4 :05-First period. 4:15 to 4 :4-Second period. 4:50 to 5 .:15-Third period. 1):25 to 5:50-Fourth period. (6 :00 to 6 :25-Sixth pericid. 6:25 to 7 :00-Recess. 7 »0 to 7 :25-Fi f th perýiod. 7:-30, to 7:55-Seventh .period.- 8:05 to 8 :30-Eighth period. 8:35 to 9:00-Regular, adviser pe- 9:101 to9 35-Meeting ini auditor- MORE SPRING NEWS s peCimen froma bed of Butter- 1afld, Charlotte arrived in Wilmnette Friday,'October 16, at Il :55 p. mi., thereby winning the Lucky Baby contest for Octôber, conclucted jqintly hy WiLmETTE LI1m and six- teen Wilmette merchants.. She ivas the first baby born in' Octo- ber to, be duly recorded in the October Lucky Baby: conteàt.. -To Charlotte will go a, shower of gifts fromn the nierchant spJon- sors of th.contest. There will be gifts, also,, for-lier protid parents, .Mr. aund'Mrs. FredVodoýz. uesfor. the Novemnber Lucky, Bab)y conitest' are to be found -in this issue of \ViTmeýTr.LYFE. A shower of gifts awaits the wininer.,ý1 Steal Watches Prom D. .Paglîarulo Store lýBreaking. a large plate glass wîn- dow ini the jewelry store 'of D. Pag ' .liarullo, 1166 Wilmette avenuie. earlyv Tuesday morning, thieves made a-wNa-, with eighit atches wlîich MIr. Pag- liaruilo values at about $250. The1 watches were taken f romi the display windowv and, apparently. no attempl t wvas, Made to enter. the store. Th'le robliery is believed to hav e beeén. commnitted betweeni 4 and 0 o'clock. Chie f of Police Henry Brautigamn claims that the job apparently was done by professionals using a padded brick to break the glàss and a piece of .fly paper to keep it f roni crashing to the sidewalk and thus cause an alarmi. Highcrest School Holds. Big Hallowe'en Party Thiree hundred pupils and piarentls attended the FIalloWe'eni party last Friday night at the Highcrest school, Illnoi-rod and Twenty third street. The'i party began at :7 O'clock and ended at 10. Practically everyoue who. amended wore a mask. Thère were games and. peanut bunts, mnusiç and dancing. Everyone .whio attend- to have its support, for they are doing a work of very great and con- tinuing value. under aIl varieties of conditions. Presumably the cus- tomary campaign for Chest funds will take place in the spring as usual. McearWhile,- in Wilmette and neighboring towns. as well as in Chicago, the drive by and for the joint Unemploymffent Emergency Relief Fund o! Cook county is now in f ull operation. The. Community Chest wants. to emphasize its cen- thusiastic endorsement, of this' in- dispensable program.- Nothing îs. More important at this moment than to provide in advance for the needs of the people during the trying, win- ter that undoubtedly lies ahead. ýTherefore, whatever formi the cam- paigiu for relief, fuiids may take, the .Chest urges every resideîît of XVil- :mette to respond -to the. fullest ex- tetît that circumstances, ill permit. Each knows bis or ber own respon- 1sibilities and .own, duty, and what it ýspossible to (o for the many, niany .cold and liungry people of Chicago and Cook counity throughocut the dreaded season ahead.. We do inot 1need . -. eniarge on the conditions. You know theni. Let your conscience be your guide -your guide to the'greatest possible mecasuire of aJtruism - nd lbelpfulniess, at this tume o! mnost urgent need. -WILMETTF. COMMUNITY CHEST. HoId Kenilworth Meeting to Organize Relief Drive Organization o! a committee to di- rect Kenilworth's participation in the ýJoint Emergency Relief-fund drive, being c onducted througbout Cook, county was. the objective o! a meet-' ing s cheduled for Xednesday night of ibis week iin the assemblY hall oi the Kenilworth club. It was expected that the officers of the Kenilworth committee would be elected at tbis meeting. Wilmette's campaign to raise its quota of $50,000 in the joint Emer- gency Relief Fund drive being con- ducted throughout Cook county was fornially launched at a- dinner held at the Shawnee Country club Wednes- day nigbt, October 21. The dinnerý was attended',by about thirty repre-, sentative citizens. The campaigii .work. is now under way, and a thorough canvass. of every home in the.village is planned. Henry.Fowler, chairman of the drive for Wilmette, bas appoinited G. T. Hellmuthi chairman .of the house-to- bouse canivass, with Mrs. Leslie F. Gates as co-chairmani. Hear Duncan-Clark !Following introductory remarks, by Mr. Fowler at the dinner, last W'eek S. J. Duncan-Clark gave a talk in which he stressed the seriousniess of the unetmployment situation in Cook cou.nty and throughout* the country. Mr;, Duncan- Clark declared that the task is equally as grave as that con- f ronted iin the World war and that unless the' residents of Wilmette and other cities and villages througbout the land. do their share the casualties, will be. gricater than in the war. The manner in which the emergen- cy relief fund drive is being carried on ini Evanston was explained by D. D. Fennell, campaign director of the Central 'Association of Evanstoa Charities. wvho introduced E. M. Skinner, vice-chairman of the drive for the north shore area. Elis Explains Needs The next speaker was' William HI. Ellis chairman of the Wilmette Board of Local Chiarities, who told in brief of the needs of this village. Mr. Ellis stated that he believed $10,000 would be sumfcient to meet the, requirements of the Board of Local Charities for the coming year. Whatever Wilmette's needs are they will l)e taken çare of first. Sur- plus funds will. be turned over to the. general1 relief fund for work through- out the county,. To supply food and shelter' for thousands of needy families in Chi.- caçgo and Cook county in the most te(ý TO GIVE DINNER A dinner, prepared and served by the nmen o! the Englisb Lutheran church, Seventh street .and Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette, will be g iv e n Thursday, Noveêmber 5, at 6:30~ o'clock., Reservations.may be made %ivith the men of the churcb. UIec r. Do -Mrs.1 b ave. it for Cutler, chair- mnaix. Note: Eeonomy Sh4 fi, operated for ceharity by the Woman'-.s Club of Wilmette. your in) Cali WILMETTE- JAS K- FOR".*AD" durfl on Vlae Fs tul%,. r. IU)Sclc upon Henry Fowler, chairman of the Wiln'ette conxmittee o! the Joint Emergency Relief organizaticon, to explain how. the' relief fund drive is 3~to be conducted here. Mr. Dubbs 4 3M binseif spoke on thie subject and. stressed. the serilousness of -tîhe situa- Aý K E >R tion. rm