Schubert songs. The velvet reson - ance and limpidness of his voice inade bis first two groups, composedl of HandeJ and Schubert, marvelous 1Y beautiful. Perbaps Crooks cornes nearegt to the, imnuortal andl still unrivalled Clemnet ' in b is prâduction of the pianissimo toile. . This was most strikingly evident in "'Le Reve" from Mann,"wlich the artist offered as an encore., The, torie was inouldcd witlî the utmnost taste and refinemenit. foatinig ini the bead and flowing out to . the audience* with exquisite sutulss. The seductive sweetness (of toile and.. tlat fine,ý sensitive cou- trol, back. of it madle this aria, partic- ulat-lv, perfect. from every' angle. There as ini the .SÉhublert and Handel. the samie intelligent ' aïid artistie. control, xanifested in. long, gracefully sbaded phrases and evenl)y ststaine(l toile-, witnesses of his ex- cellenit îusicians.bip. .Jt. is in this kind of sinigingthat Mr. Crook$' bas muade for . imiiself a high placeý among present day* artists. After thîe first lialf of fhe prôgrani. MIr. Crooks fell (rom grace, bis voie,- anui the prografll presenting a side of hlmn known to bis radio audience. He went in for sheer power, the kin-l we generaliv get- from that colossal giant, Martinelli. Trhere..Were vocal fireworks, dramatic b rilliance atn'l theatrical initerl)retation in- Rodolfo', racconto f rom n"L<a Boheme," or the 1lehmann "Ali, Moon of My Delight," anud the LaForge songs. There were cheap), sentimental interpretations for songs of no wortb at all., For an audience as sophisticated inusicallv as. the one. lie hiad,. it was absurd. One longed for an entire program oi Handel or Schubert, instead. Pbilip Evans served as a acconu- panist and soloist, and displayed ah-7 .,olutely no sense of tone productio!i oir musical feeling. GIRLS SEND SANDWICHES The .two Kenilworth 'Girl Scout. troops at the joseph Sears sehool. are luaking a box of sandwiches' every Frida - morning to lie sent to the Northiwestern University Settlemnent ini Chicago alon.g with other sand- Anong tlhe citations which coi- Irised the lesson-serlnon was the following f ron the Bible- "If ant-, of vou lack Nvisdom, ]et fim ask oi G od. that giveth to ail men-,liber-. aIlv.ý anad uphraideth. not; and it- shal 1).e given himl., Blessed is the atulait that emdureth teniptation : for when lie is tried. lie shall receive the crown 'of life, ýwbich the Lord hath. pronîised to- theni that love 4uu james iS:, 1> Te lso-enoalso included thefol6wiiý,,passages f romtth Christian- Science texthook, "Scijence and Health ,%ith Key :to. the Scrip- tires,". by Mary- Baker Eddy: "The way tbrough.which inumortality-and life are learîîed is flot ecclesiastical but Christian. not bunian but divine, nlot physical but metaphvscal, tuot niaterial but scien.tiicalysiiul RETAIN GAS HEAT Titîe Kenilwoftlh Village boardI, whidvlas been considering using oil heat instead of gas heat at the Kenil- worth water works, voted at its regu- lar meeting Monda%,.niight .to continue to use gas heat for another year at least, in view of tlue fact that the, Public Service company bias an- nouniced an additional tetu percent de-, crease in the gas rate, makiîîg a total reduction of tbirty percent. Trustee john L. Wilds rcported on the bids of several oit 'humer companies for heating the water plant. These bids were submitted at the 'October meet- ing of the Kenilworth board, and. al *of. theni were rejected' at the board's November meeting Monday nigbt. ENGAGES SPECIALIST Mrs. F. A. Buck bas engaged Madame Huntingford, the noted English scalp specialist, to be at the Cayr-Leen Beauty "salon Priday and Satrurday, Nov. 13 and 14.. Madamie, I*untingford will give a lecture on the care of the skini and face,: the Iiir' and scalp. M'rs. Buck lias taken pri- vate lessonis front Madame Htinting- ford. .Miss Janet Hall, wbo is attending, LUInut IIJtDli me c UIIVIA campigndJI. An impressive military pageant will* be staged in connection with the bat- tie. Cadet corps of both schoots wijU go through formations and the famous Black Horse troop f romi Cul- ver will parade.. Th égmeitsetf is ikely to lie co and fiercely eontested. Culver won last, season after a stirring figbt and St. John's wIl send an eleven to Chi- cago tbis year tbat is deterinied, to even the score. But reports (rom Culver are' to the effect that Coach Bob Peck bas tuirned out another powerful outfit which willbe -the choice to truimph.. An angle to the affair that bas WvOU for it widespread public initerest ai support is. the fact that it will be con'- ducted under the, auspices of the Americein Legion, and that the, pro- ceeds . wiIl go toA'hat organization. PRESIDENT 0F CLAS Miss Jean Hall. daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Henrv C. Hall, 500 Central avenue. 1îas b'en elected. ïresident of the fresbmiian class at Sullins col- lege, Virgituja Park, Bristol, Va. A TYPICAL La Jeunesse SPECIAL $10.50 { en, a hotel manager ,madea roadmap T Hs guet was Ieaving cauly i i the morning for :hc South. And he didn't know thc road. Dgring the evening, the m anager. himsclf made a road map for the gueýst..Did theguest appreciate 1it? He wrcnc back and said be nevcr made a wrong turn. Pcrhaps we're wrong in tallcifg about such littie things, whcn we have such big things to offer. Bigger rooms atI ower prices ... Roomy éloses .. . Popular, priced cafeteriao rcoffee shop.. Central l.ocation.. Even spe- cially selected meats for A i db i ng rooms. But s'omehow, it's the littleexktrathings thatbring our guests back'. You'll be baclc, Enter $1 )Gae. c Hydrox 4k& agent La Jeunesse mnc. Juniors' and Girls' Wear WILMETTE i ONT. MICA. D.W.L .1