IN Your OId Llghting Vlxtureu -they are worth, môney. F or a Iimited time we wilI give you a LIBERAL ALLOWANCE où them in trade for new fixtures. Take advagof. th*suns1, pprtunit to beautify 'your homfe! Dannsema k Blectrie Coi. 1151 Wilmette Ave. Wilniete 214 Open Tuesday. Thursday anid Sîîturday livenings Clecan Up Fix Up. F ïi Up, 'J st TIME a nd a fulli une of .IJEPACE FIXTURÎES awaita you at IMI LL-.N Autumn for' an -open chilly evenings's time firé. Yogi fireplaçe cati Le te of real pleasure as weUl as 721 MAIN ST. WILMETTE Phone Wîi. 2600-2601 J. C. Sowi A.B an Duesen I fN. i