Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1931, p. 26

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ryCvt ,B FRENCH LICK ony RaiIroad, Pullma n Lower Berth, Ro om', Meusl, 'G.o1ifa mcl-.Minerai 'Waters, can week-end atFrench Lick novvfor nl 3-n that's an ail-inclusive rate. Your rail fare down and back, pour Pullman (lower berth) both ways, an outside room-. and-bath, ail the food a revived appetite can take, care of, golf on two 18-hole courses, hiking ini the painited wood- lands, the healrh.giving -waters-of Pluto, Bowles, and-Proser. pine Springs-all this at the special Iow rate. Longer visats ai equally .attractive rates. (Rerurn, ticketsgood 16 days.) Everyone's been saying you need a rest. It's time you paid attention to warnings before your health suffers along with your business. Corne this week-end-you'il be ready to tackle anythi<ig when yoi. get back! ice wa ito ucu t is~ 'ail-j estof the EUbert H. Garv Librarv inouîwied by the campanyv. This is the i f as ,te etbidigxill lî 'most drastic reductioîv ilu transporta- used as an assembly hall by the vani- tion rates yet .afforded local patrons ous schools on the NlcKinilckl canm- of the road. pus and for lectures. An entirelv nei feature inI reducing Mrs. Ellen NI. Thorne gave the transportation costs *was also intro- ui1iversitY: 250,OOO in 1924 for an. ducd trçuh a ~ilege nit prv-assembly hall ta be 'erected asa ilege. which affords an additional mmra obrhsad ereR saving of 44 percent in. the purchase Thorne, partner and - brother-in-laNv of other transportation by the week- ofthe late A. Mýonitgom ery, War d. 1l1 lv ickt hlde. nde ths arane-makinig the gift, Mrs. Thornie- said Tmett, the holder of a wëeekly ticket, that the tWo mcii had worked t'o- miay purchase, additional transporta- ge ther for moerethian forty years and tion between this and an,% ather point that she desired, the memonials tô ini .Illinois. equivalent to half the to- them on. the McKinlock campus, the tai mileage of bis ýcommutationi book, MotopyWr eoilbid at a rate of twýo cents a mile, or about ing housing the medical and dental one-baif the regular e-a faire. -schools, aiid the *George R. Thornet ..While ,the commutation ticket is Hall, to stand togetiier for al tinwu. solely for the use of the individual It, was decided at that time to in'ýt- putrchaser. the addition.al mileage mav poîîe the erection of the Thorne n- be purchased. for:'anvone. whether a morial and allow the fund to accumu-tl mienîberof the farnily. an emplye or late. a frienid," said R. S. Ais, general The hall bil >cof, niodernizcd passenger agent.. . Théecommutation Gti eiu iîlr iiacietr tickets, are good for' 12 rides duriing and exterior materi.als -ta the otlier the -calendar wxek-from MNonday ta buildinlgs 0on the camp-jus.t ilc- Sunidav, inclusive. 'The additi onal tw udtorims.anc o 1w tranlsportation at tw(v cnt a mile maýiin flon w\hich ivill seat 80() personst7 intust be used durjng the xweek. thýe. in addition ta the, 150 that- cat i l 4ticket is ilu effect, and is gý,oo(1iniv an moae nti*')afri. jl direction and ta an- in, lt on the lin aznnoae n h ltam n %vithi ltlllols." oi eianother on the,'ground floor wAliiî withi~ [limais." ~jllseat approxinmatelv-40pros -On th gnouind:floor tliert:. vilii e. GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS ialsa a large, store rootim, t\% e :tiudx- -Gialits of LngAgo- and ( i I oos.an acconnodating 40) per- 1:uild rs' at il a. in. and .3 p. ni. re-1 sonsal th te16 ad ic- speJCCtively ain \1inca, Novembfler 9-i elette. arc the subjects of thîe hrst Ot il.t Auiitatr tear4 hJ wvee's ,-tide-lecttire tours for the iîl b uie teasee)i the alcn.r i,- general public at Field NIuieunii <t ing froin thec speaker's ;latiorm 11ta Nattiral Iistory. On otlier dla at a canisiderable lheighit lu t1e ed. lie the saine hours sub)jeets wîl ) Te :dav:, "Sy-stetiati'c Birds- and "\\ea\-- o vilh ivddm trc~c ersin- fay -ai(l.,; Veiie,(aVt i lîs iii such a wa\vthat cithu r thu ens ii any and \Venesa i rst, or, secoil section îîîai hv ftile ~ChieseExhibits- andI .Skdeetaîîs~ tî.u u ala îam~-i~i 'liuîrsdav. twNo-, gene-ral tours of ani thnapolagical, ,botanical. elgca ilt and(l ,roô]ogîcal e.xibits andIff idav, A pipe organ. said to - i)c a :11-i *.\iienicail Ii(liaiis'* andi a( , fl(1 aîî of ýits typIe In the citv. xii 1 Theeýtursof n .ilieui cx(1lii ded an .either side of tii ,plat- hiisby îdctd1-staff lectitrer.1 âds raieth iiilcl are opeii te alinuseuin visitors. Par-! 1rauraniis can lie carried at. the. tic s assemible iinside tlie jiortii ci&- plantorm itsel ei1 lreengbt trance. accommnodatc aliorchestra.i 10 Moulded ,Oîie af the maîîî n traiice> s. on1<. ta th e George R. Tharne Hall «i be throtigh the McKinlock NMenir- lai %vroughit-iroîî gatei\av ýexecuted b1w anulVell' i fPilepi. Vi henwassemiblv lhall îva de- signed I)v James Gamlble Rogers Ili GOSSARD SHQP 72 East Madison Sf. Chicago Noir under the direct ioun of Mis& Jaile May~, formerl iv wti& Bonwfit- Tellcr & Co., of New York. Stevens building, 16 N. Wabash ave- nue, C~hicago. This meeting. it is said, %vill be of special înterest ta teacj.iers in the following fields: pre-kindergar- ten, kindergàirten, 1)imary, internmeri- ate, supervision, and teacher trairing. Teachers ini and about Chicago are in- vited ta attenÏd this meeting. to 71,

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