*Seralmna Di Leo i: imaking lier firt Ainerican -performance in -Il Trova- tore- on, Saturday evening of thii6 weelk \ wti;tl t Chicago Civic Opera comipanlv. ugusto fictiif. the htalian l)aritoue, aisci is itiakiing lus debut wvit1u the conîpany iii the role of the Counit of Luna. Cyréena Van Gordon, rraitz josepli i-a«isnieniory is1 b) e i il g hllored at the slsrpiî conicerts oi Itht Chicago Snpo orchestra on Tliursday evening and Friday afternoon. of tis week. Tlie cocrscelebrate thetw-u.ddt, anlniversary ofHan' >r. Trhe. orchestra. tim 1ler lDr, Fred erick, Stock, il, ,Pla-viiîg Haydit's A. major' is the, Azuicena. Anîtonio Cortis tihe Ij1134 i<Ils~I 1Il O1 Manirico.- \irgilit L.azzari the Fer ,,eralo" for vioi. celloý. oboc and rando, 'and ýthe coîîductor. is Roberto bassoon.* Neither of thlese coniposi- Xtoraiizoni. tions- lias been playe<l at the siîb" The Civic Opera comipany is clos- sci-ription concerts I>cfirée. ing thiN, its first week, with . "Rigo- Haydn. who coin.poscd more1 than lett onTluîsda nigît."Bosix,< undred works, also iroducetl Godtiiîoff' on Saturday ,afternoon, more tîîan 125 symphonies, anId new and -Il lTrovattore" on Saturday eve-oesbel)e icerdi1E- ning. -Johni Charles Thomas sings for land recently. The composer spent the first time ini Chicago the titie-oIe sorte time in. Britai.1, wbere lie was of "Rigoletto." Noel Eadile and Jan -ie ra vtos and - -deg- Kiepura sing the roles.1 of Gilda ai d givOxfo rd. vtos, ge the Duke, respectiveîy. Coe. Glade is -the Maddalena. andl Vii-gilio Lazzari The orchestra is also playing Racli- the Sparafuceile. maninoff's E inor sv-mphon,%, lus * 'oris Goduniiýf" on. Saturday fseod terfloon is i)eing sung for the irst Jacques Cordon, formier concert- time ne iitlree vears, %vitlî Vannii-Mar- nueister of the orchestra, wIlI be back coux in the title. role, Pauil Athouse next Nweek to play a M ardii concerto as the Dmitri, Coe Glatie as Mriafor. violiin, andi \Vhithornie's violini Chase Baromeo as Piinenni. anîd, Enîil conLitcerto at the concerts on Tbursdav Cooper at the contductor(lesk. - eveing, Novenîbler 12, and Fridav Performances on $Sattrdalevngp ro gr a ni the orchestra wilI îplay are given ai popuilar prie.Gra %olf F-errari*s' etr t -h e . nerstlia bentaken ini the.operasici-e 1t of Susannie"; Mason's A miajor 1Zi the entire fi-st %eek. The coin- 1svnip1ioiiýv. an(ltItugariain dances liv pany this season is stressing tlîe ad-iBaas vantage of ticket purchase thi-ou91ghu aiis the mails. and a special departinent M\iscîia NliscIakoff. present con1 - has been created .to take care of tbis certnieister of the orchestra, Nwill ble branch of the companyv's business. soloist at tlîe TuesdaY afterîon cou- rThe departînent sends otit advance cert on Noveniber 10,. plaiing t he information on operas to 'le given, $aint-Saenis v i o 1 i ni concerto ini B with casts, well iii advance of the iUiJiioi. The orchestra 's: also pLiîg opening of the box-office sale, and Glin ka's. overtutre to *Rit.s-lani a ni d thousands of music lovers lit Chicago ddTil.Tsakokv ateic and the suburbs have talen advan- sllboiand Wagner's Ftac tage of this new featture, V'Vitlh the o"f tie(7.ods m-to« \\aIlîlIa, I r ou information on operas is enclosed an *) 'enod order blank a-nd a returu envelope, ._______ and the potential purcliaser lias onlJv Daniel Saidenberg Play te wviite a check and post a letter.9 y For those, who wisîî to purcliase With Evanston Symphony- tickets personalîy thue companv lbas The Evanston SyntipihoiN. orchestra establislied several box offices iiu the wvi1l give a- prograini on Tuesday e\,e-. lôop and outlying districts this year.i-. ing. Neveinber 10, under the direction Opera scats ai-e on~ sale at Mar-shal of George Dascli. Daiiiel Saitleiberz. 31 i lct' Fanis Kritclu'ver, 13. of 1119 -cucM o avenue, JViltîefte.- pla.y<'d vio li nereitoA 'ao23. b. Viotti, il, al recita<ui 1. qien 1)v ad- vanced studt'n!s of the< Bogluslaiu- çki ofleq <if lsic, ai Raldwin .hall on 1udAoz<wc . Tht Ppino 1, v irion II'l'dr f i!- MathlewvFratncis Ktitchiee- Wbo is c concertnieister (of the Stolp school or- chestra, takes lessons f rom Misch a Liv-scbuttz wvlo was a pupil of 1eopold Atner. St. Petersbu)trg cotiser vator.. Ensemble of Twelve Plays Dohnanyi Quintet Sunday by George l)asd'L. will play the fol- l oxviing prograin at. Fullerton hall, Ai-t instituite. on S'uniday. November 8,. at 3 :15 o'eccl<. and again at 4-:15, Pýronuetheus- Opms 44: ý.. Be*ethol-ei Biallet Suitt.,- .... iieauMot. 1. Meniuett from latt Il. x1uÉet&- fro.... .tpsa m.j Claire Dux, soprano,. will be heard ini recital on Friday eveniing,. Novein- ber 13, in thé Jane. Kuppenlieiinier Mémiorial hall at Skokie scbool, 'Win- netka, at 8:30 o'clock. The 'concert i,, sponsored b1, rl)ionitient Wiunet ka; wvonien comnprisrng, ,thle' Winnet ka Nursery sclîooL. M a d a m e IDux bas appeare d as soloist at -the North Shore M n s i c festivals, and a few pears agô she sang in th e Artist-,Recital -series spon,ý sored bv *the Winneètka -Music'clubl., Her. clear, liquid soprano voice is. used witlb the greatest sensitive: fëel- ing for tonal, color and expresion. and, ber, rnusicianiship) is the finie-.t. Her programns. are - n.ade .up so that the.v are harnioniois, froni the, first to the Iast, song.. Not onlvy d o e s Madame Dux possess a phenonîenally lovely voice. but lier personality Î., such that lier audiences invariably are'attracted to lierl)ecause of lier- graciousn ess and friendlin ess.. Announce Program The prograni on NoveiTher 13 \%-Ill be as follows- Ridenlte la calmla A la: Fontaine . Plague, of Love. Deh vient n6nn tardar-, Of Figaro'...... ....1Mozart ..Old Fr-ench, Old Englisb fi -oi"Mlarriage- Wiegenlied, ..... Bei Dir Allein .. . . . . . . Voici <sue"le Prinitemps . Aquarelles>....... Souvenir......... Il Neige ... . . In a Myrtie Shade . . . Griffes Twilight....... . Mitchell Maria ...Grieg 0% That it we'-u So --- Bridge Dorothy Kahn Clui n Relief ,Fund Affiliated B,.eniamiin Gigli, Meto)politail Op- eratic star, will give bis only -recital ini Chicago on January,13, at Orchestra hall, under the auspices of the. Dorotilîv Kahn Club tor Crippled Childi-en. The club bas just affiliated itself %vith the joint Emergency Relief f und in giv- ing the confcert, and pronuinent societv %vonien are assistjng ini the sale of tick-. I'roceeds ;viIl go toward the present nat-d of Chicakyo's nnr. as wellast Sehubert, Sehuihê-rt Bettiberg Bembei-g SM.MOND IN RECITAL Felix Salmond, cellist, will give a recital at the Playhouse under the di - rection of Bertha, Ott, on Sunday afternoon, November' 15. tnË-- SCHUMANN SINGS NOV.'1 LawrenceTi Elisabeth Schumann, soprano,, stc fte wrEld' g lie heard, in a recital at the Stude- will be heard in baker theater on Sunday afternoon. hall, on Sunday Noývember 15i under the-direction of 15, at 3 o'clock, Bertha Ott. . of Bertha Ott. under -the x-Nuict minFr ympnonJiy, LM.DFWSki'Src- vemnber tUres," Grieg's "Symp'honic Dances,",: rection and the B3acichaînale and Finale from' Wagner's overture to."Tannbhaeuser." À