Virgînia MSarshalI Sonate..........--- F. M. Veracini Helen Lerch The Chiid Aleep.............. Voipe The Palinquin!rs............ . ................ Martin Shiaw D-une Prison ......Reynaldo Hahn The Sea.............. Grant-Sehaefer Fay Palmer KsÉeer Piano Concerto in A Minor.... . ... ,......EdWard MacDowell Marie Pettibone-Gevllaà Neukranz F rances Anderson, Pauline Sehramrn Egrnau.Akely Ametican Flag. Dag Obseved- at Côuncil Theregularmonthly meetinig of the Friends in Coùuncil of FEvan§ton will be held Friday, November 6,, at. theý Georgian hotel. The program at. 2 o'clock wilI be f ollowed by a tea at 4.- The afternoon is. designated, as Amen.. can Flag day. Laura F. Mitchell« will gîve-a talk and niembers ivili read quotations f r o mi C a r 1 Sandburg's works. Caroline. S., Spalding is presi- dent~ of the club and Avis A. {Garne1 is corresponding secretary. To Giee Club Program -Mrs. FrankP. Wbitmore, soprano, 044 Abbottsford road, Kénilworth, wilI give a program of songs at the home coming meeting of the, Park Place Neighbors, Evanston, tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Whitmore was. form- erly a member of the Neighbors. Betty Cleveland of Winnietka, darqghter of Mr. and Mrs.. C/seçter, P.. Cleveland, pianist and dranmatîr reader, asnd jus t 10 years of uge, made lier appearance at thse ?neet- sng, of Mc Juiior. au.iliary of thse lJVomanl's> Caf ho lic, club of -Wil- mlette a;. part of thse s.urprise pro- qrant arranged for Tusesday eve- Ilino. Betty, a pupil of Miss Evelyn M. Chase 'of the Ainenican Consérvatôry Miss Anne whitmnacic, wimuette lioar- ian, W~ho reviewed "The Green Pas- tures," and five other books,,and Mrs. Roy Hackett who gave a talk on '<Cul- bertàon's Contract Bridge." HOLDiNG CARD. PARTYr The Parent-Teacher association of the Highcrest school held a card and bunco-party Wednesday nigbt at the, new school. building, Illinois road and Twenity-third street. The evening, bridge club met Wed- nesda, NovUÔimber 4, at -the home of Mirs.. Grant Ridgway, 2Ü7 Cumberland avenue, Kenilwrth>. z ConubiilContract! &bMIty te~ speak andmd iertamil mlIanguage (the biWdiiig> ý,and ao oe aons luathe semeee et the gaume (playlog the bands> wlII permit lmubadis and 'iives. te slleep peae,etlle alter au ove- nl e t eotraet. Les.,, by -A peiw<useut. Tournameuits Cew4ucied. M4DREW JO, MOUAT 616, Lake Ave.,.Wilmnette WILMME B123 ~6 F7 FE..ash ion 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston Chicago Stores: 105 N. Wabash Ave.' 18 So. La Salle St. 78 B.. Jackson Boul. Otîser Rot hm.oor Coots to $250 Maurice L Rothschild Stage dg Jackson