School 0ouneil Talks About Relief Pro ject The Howard school counicil held its third meeting Monday morning. The meeting was held. in Mr. Todd's of- fice to discuss the..probleinof what the, classes sbould do for relief work. rbemeeting hegan promptly at 8:45 o'clock. rbe secretary of the council Was absent, so, the. president, ap- pointed, a sccretar% for, the meeting in the tlbsetice of the, counicil secre- tary. We discussed thoroughly our thought on thie inatter of- school in enîergency relief work,. Before the meeting was adjourned, Mr.' Todd told. us to talk to oue classes. about, waxing windowsý at sehool, Then aftc*r Mr. Todd finished talking, the meeting was adjournied.--Allani Stahi. KC Howard school. Penny-a-.Dgy Box -Helps In. Current Relief Work O-n our teacher's desk there isa box. It is called tbe penny-a-day box. hecause we are supposed Io bring at least a penny a'day to put in it. 'Sometiniesthere is more than a penny putiii. We are going to use it -.for relief work or to lhelp our schoo01. Howard 8C is also bringing clothes for the unemployed in Ch i- cago. We hope that we can get more pennies and aroutid Christiinas and. Thanksgiving we wiil hiave a lot of clotlies.-,Ieaii Gordoii, 8C Howv- ard school. Pienic Helps Teachers to Forget About School - -- - Ail cf the teachers of 1-oward school, including aIso Mrs. Jones'4 -mother, Mrs. Tedd, and aIl of tbe teachers who live at Mrs. Groves' house, ha.d a picnic iii the forest pre- Serve. They lbad hamburgers, relis,ý coffee, cookiesý and fruit Tbey had a large ire and after-tbey bad eateu, they sat around the fire and talked until they forgot they liad ever t aughit school.-Marjorie Staubitz, 8A Howard school. Party for Hallowe'en Lait Saturday nighit, - October 31, Howard school. had its annual Hai- lowe'en party. Begirnning at 7 o'clock w.e had the cos tume parad e in -wbich everybody who wished. to wear a cos- tume went acrqss; the stage, and the wearers of best and. mos.t original costumes eacb rcéiîved .a, box of candv. After the awarding -,f tlhe candy, wYe had',the movinigpictures. the mnain-ipicture being FHoot GiIbsonI in "Courtin,' Wildcats" - and - the comiedy, Oswald, the, Lucky Rabbit, in "Hasb Sbop." After the show we: aIl received dougbnuts and apples. This is, an annual Hallowe'en atTair and we appr eciate the kindness of the Recreation 'Board for giving lus these loveëly shows' every year, be- cause it isn't every school which bas such a nice. timne at Halloe'en.- Shirley Garniss, 8A,. Howard' scbool. Manual Traininig Classa Makinig Pewter Plates W\edniesday, Novemnber 4, the boys -f 8B Howard scbooi began work on their pewter plates in manual train- ing. -Ever since school began we bave heen working on the -designs for the- plates in our-art classes. We have our choice of making severai kjnids of plate: four-inch coasters, live-inclb ash tray, and six, eight* or ten-inch pewter plates. Th e reason we have not started work on our plates sooner is that the manuai training shop was not com-pletely fn- -îsbed until Mônday.-Howard Jones, 8B Howard school.- Con test in Conduct HeId by Howard Classrooms' Howard 8A, 8B, 8C, 7B, 7C and 7A ,are having a conduct contest. Moni- day, October 26, began-theJfiîth week of competitien. For about a week and a haîf, 8C 1had ail E's but at ast thc:. miade at break. The number of, E'b- earned. by eacb room foilows: 8A, il; 8B, 13; 8C, 15; 7A, 9; 7B, 8; 7C, 9. Even though we're net ahead now, 8A expects te corne out on top.-Bar- bara Ormsbee, HoIward 8A. The Howard school seventh and eighth grades have. won the girls' kickbali chamnpionsbip, The sixth grade have one mor ,e .game to: play. That was to be played Mondax'. V always play two out of .thr'ee gaines,, and« as it rained Montday, the game was called. - So far the gaines are a tie, Howard winning one, and Stolp winning o.AUl the sixth grade games have been close, ones. The Monday game decides, and if How- ard doesn't win, the seventh and eighth grade ýgirls wiii aIl but spank them.-H1elen Pearson, 8B Howard school. Record 62 Tardy Marks nt Howard Since Oct. Since October 1, the Howard school, bas made sixty-two, tardy marks.. The pupils in 6A oniy made one, but1 that is considered good for the sîxtb - graders. The 61's m2ade onte- also. The seventh grade -stands very good so far; 7B made one black mark for them. The eighth grades did pretty well but stili could have done better, as they are to be giving a good ,ex-, ample to the lower grades. The- eighth grade only made one, and that was 8C. The rooms which baveflot1 any tardy marks are as follows : Mrs.i Groves',- Miss Wilharms', Mrs. Jones' and Miss -Flaskered's. - H e 1 e ni Schwall, 8C Howard school. Students Finish Books for Pro ject ini Science .We were -to hand ini our book for general science Tuesday, October 27, iti' Miss Stevens' room. We arete have a list of sciences, biography -of. Thomas A. Edison, and extra wor k, a story of the 48-hour enduranceý Wight of the Akron, list of inventions, and many otheèr things in the book.ý We are going te have an. auditorium session on Edison. On our first pro-ý ject hardly'anyone got an F.' Most of them got V, G, or E. ! hope every- one gets -good grades in our next project.-Eleanor Speredes, 8A How- ard scbool. Candy Sales Swell School Room Funds The seventh and eighth grades at Howard scbool are trying to raise money for the different room funds. On Thursday, Ooer15 the 8C pupils had a cy ale. They sold fge and oher kinds fcandy ,and mnade a littie over five dollars~ Th.: niext Thursday, Octeber 22, the 7B'- had a candi' and hot 'dog-, sale. That proved to be very -successful and they inade teti dollars. Ont Monday, Oc- tol)er 19. 8A hiad a very successft,1 icandy sale. Sonie, of the roomüs are using dlif- ferent ways l)esides, candy- sales for raising mioney. Anoôther way is that, a box is put on the teacher's desk and as. many, people as can .will put alittle imoney- in it every week. Thle. rooms that bave very much nioney ivill keep a class savings ac- count ini the Wilmtette State batik.- Dorotby -Hilli 8C, Howard -scbool. Howard- 6B Grid Team Is Undefeated Thus Far So. far this year, Howard 6B has not., lest any games. Our first foot- ball game we won by the score of' 41 to 0.- Wè won. our next gamée 7 to 0, and the next *game we won 6 to 0. Our next game, was postponed on ac- count of- raiti. 'e then tied St.> Francis 0 teO0. Our lineup was as follows: Bob Cochrane, Ieft end;- Bill Seifert, left tackle; Milan May, ieft guard; Glen Samuelson, center; Ray- m~ond SmalI, right guard; Gordon Nevins, rigbt tackle- Jamtes- Steen, right end; - Don 'Specht, quarterback; Bill Roberts, left haif; Bert Simons, f-uliback,*and Bob Berold, right haîf. -Bill Rýobe'rts, ,6B Howard, schooL. Stolp Assembly HIears About. Work.:of Edison The Sohp ssembi club was very fortunate recéntly in having as their guest a representative cf the Publie, Service company. He first told us of the -life of Edison and then shOwed Then we ali got to work pilix until the bell rang.-Julius 7C Howard, ichool. -ý1l I torlwar mis tryiiig 10 DCat 8A H'oward -schooj. have -muchaujical d CITIZENSHIP MEETING t see which, ciass average rates the dràwing every Wednesday. .Mr. Bail s We had our fourth Citizensbip) club highest iii writing Junior Life ar- is a very good teacher. He shows us c meeting Wednesday, October 28. We ticles. Tlîey are a tie at the time how te iuse a triangle, T-square, and Pgave plays about steadfastness. andI of this- writing. Scale. Last week we moved into the ëobedience, Some of the pupils were October 30 was the end of the con- new manual, and star,- asked te report 'on steadfastness-. test.-Vivian, ,8C Howard. ed on wood wvork--Harry « Seifet Adehaide Koenen, 5B Howardi school. school. 6B Howard school. -