and.ý it's ottoo -late to heatyor hom e :wýith -this Md eal fuel HS. WINTERý THERE is stili time to have carefiree gas heating servie~ o your home this winter. And becatuse a new gas bas been brotight into northern Illinois, it lias ber possible to reduce the cost of thia »Most modern of fuels approximately 30%. To show ýyou just what this reduction means to you, we will be glad to send one of our house heating engineers to caîl at your honMee At, once-and wlthout obligat- ing you i any way. He can prepare an estimate of just what it will cost to heat with gas under the new rates. Remem ber in comparing gas with other, fuels that it. offers you completely care- free heating service. A temperature regu- lator in the liv ng room takes ful charge! of -the furnace--orders your fuel as you need it-keeps the whole bouse comfort- ably, hçalthfully warm. JOSEPH H. C. REY 111Central Avenue the' heater works' automatically, you. waste no fuel. And, of Course,- you're through with, shov- eling ooah fussin'g wiîtk èaft, oarryig- out ashes forever. -lu mot cases your present heating plant can be "converted to gas"at amail expense. A gas-burner can be installed i the. fire- box whether- your system is warm air, hot water or steam. The Public Service Com-, pany's testing Iaboratory has approved haif a dozen of these conversion burners -vill be glad to recommend one exaetly. suited. to your home.- . u il a i sethcaupon If~~~~~~~ yo lmi stecoupon elw we'lI send one of our house heating engi- neers. to cal on you. ne will Dlot only tell you all about the new gas heating rates: and conversion burners -but also esti- mate justwhat gas beat will cost during KEHOE, District Manager LDS, District Superintendent Phone Wilmette 5150 il