supiying ithe same comtor[ and- privacy enjoYea in their own residence. with-the additional facili- ties necessary d-uring time of bereavement Pictured. we show .à viewý% from our Chapel1 recess into the asseùbýly .rooni which affords the. impres-1 sio*n of a, luxurious club lounge. Our Mortuary is Equipped with a Pipe ýOrgan UNDERTAKER: "The H louse of Personal Ser;vice"01 L ~ I1118 GREENLEAF AVE. WILMETTE 654 554 CENTER ST. WINNETKA 404 Tbe Oldest Established Undettakets on the limmediate Nortb Shbore Superiot Ambullance Service Licensed Lady Assistant f Bewa re of',Coal, Bargans' fllckDiamonds can also be made 'of pate Nearly every ý,year about this titue confidence gaine operators victinmize *Chicago coal purchasers Iby offering bargains ini coal- - either gctting the money in adv-ance and then disappear- ing or Jeiivering poor quality, short wveight -and mixed grades. When buy- ing coal or- coke - BEFORE YI The sensible. aY to get .the greatest return fornonecy spent is to select a reliable dealer with'-an e stablishied business and- reputation. S.uch a dealer -wiIl give you fuil %veight of uniforni quality coal, an d back cvery sa le. with a guarantee of satisfaction.- proteet yourself by knowing your dealeçr.. WilneteCoal&MarilYd i ak- AvenClue Phon Wilette4200 CUL Pines Au'tomatic'$1500 BOLE~T % MAIN ST., WILMETý Pirectly Opposite De pot, Phone Wilmette 4414 Thick Feit Floor Mats $1.50 Mi 13OI i COA L HEA T ,COSTS LESS! -4 ti Jý Cul ci ri i.lJlý J' I JI (l