Pint Up Clean U Fix U F111 Up 'I Pr.epare Now For the Coming of Winter ST EPsi Tihere Js No EeonýOnRY lu Dirty Rugs Ail of the soil and dirt brought in during the past sum-. Mer is stili in your rugs-cutting the ibres-dam*agingi the fabrie. Dirt is the greatest factor:.o-f deteriorgtioný in your floor ýcoverings. I)on't bractice t aise ecoflorn.. Send. then,. NOW', 10 MESTJJAN DRBlOS. 511 MAIN ST., WILMETTE Wilmette 5050 University 5050- FIR5PROOF WARfEHOUSE STORAGE PACKING MO VING .LONG DISTANCE .HAULING TO FUEL: SAVING. Saving coadiand d"t the same ture having a more com- fortabie home is edsy il you fol Iow these 3 simple steps: de .m 128Central -Ave. Phone: Wilmette 131, -For >More Than Forty Yeaw-ý.- ___________________________________________________ M e C C HAIRS AND TABLES FOR RENT FOR ALL OCCASIONS 521 MAIN ST. WILMETTE 32 4hSTREET AUTO 'SERVICE Ai. RODENKIRK S16 Fourth Street 'zBlock North of "L" S$tation 516-4th STREET-Phone Wilmelte.304