PHONE FOR TOUR IOODS Our prompt and efficient, order d.partm.nt wiUcar.fully malc your, s»Ieltons for ou phuone Davis 1800 WIhnf. 100 THÉeFRIENDLY FOOD STORE: 8101, CHU:RCH ST R EEÉT (Oppite 1MarshallFÎelM&Co.), Fancy quarli.: Il. p.............. .4 - lm " -~-~--~-- Q -, - Fancy New Yorkc State fruit, 2 No. 2 cans... ........i Cuit Bos Fancy quality, 3 large cens. ...... ....... J Bra%il Nuts Shelled whol-clean, whoî,e nut at Libby's, 3 No. I tins . . . . . . . . Cvlseo The perfect shortening for baking end frying, 1-b. fin... Fancy Alaska,0 2 No. 1 tfal ...s........ 450 Z 5. 190 ...19. SATURDA SPCL I lb fr -e hoe dHtuck spring lambs .......... lb. 7 Povk Lobas From corn-fed porkers.14 Rib or loin'cmi...... .lb SifsPremium, 3Im o 9 L.g or loin, miik fed, cut from the finest Wisconsin v.l .... lb. A79 DELICAESN 1llb. home bakecl C HIC KE.N BOSTON BEANS CHOP SUEY ami a large I 5c with mush- loaf of BOSTON rooms made. BROWN BREAD 'h o ur 1y on our. --reg. 34c value itchen, full q.- Ail IL 0 Rice for 35Free Fvuls 6Vegetabbe.ý Juic Sunk'isif, thin-skinn.d cornlor- ni& Valenici-as," '4 doz. ........... ýe Alabam~a Yàms, 5 bs .......... Juicy FIoria, medium sze, -doz. .14t: Grapefruit Juicy Texas, medium size, thin- ikin, 6 for 13c, doz...2.5 p*as~ - New crop, large siz., 4 16s... ..95o THURSDAY ONLY craaboerwes Cap. Cod, i 0 316 ............... 1 FRIDAY QNLY cra.Special at . .... HALF CAKE, 45c Nofth Shoa's luent Ima IV 9qm wlqw - - uqi i oo Lf va.caru llU~Uu nu n~ hipped direct from the dlear, or'betw«een-meoI bit.' ld waters of Lake Suporlor. lb. 2r I Fsauta lu -Inlviduaflw Owuei andOps 1- ru>ooo,"- >-0000 1 ý'.1