the girls in the dilterent squads :_ Squad No. l-Lucie Dix, leader; Editli Gillett, assistant leader;. Ade- laide McClary, S h irlIey Hermann, Mary Lou Alger,. Ruth, Sprenger and Louise Burkh.ard. Squad, No. 2-Jane , Holmby,. lead- er; Betty- Leach, assistant leader; Mabel Sample,,Betty Thornton, Jane Peycke, B e t t y Sullivan and Jane Krause. Squad No.- 3-B unny Dalim, leader; Catherine Phillips, assistant leader; M a r t h a, Roberts, Mitiam' Hoînies, Mary Martha C r oss, Mary Jane Smith and ZQ de la Chapelle. Squad No. 4-Margaret Tideman, leader; Barbara, Bartling,- assistant leader; Martha O'Connor; Betty Jos- lin,,Norma Kruger, Betty Schrei and Evelyn ,Montanaro. Squad No. 5-Aur ica Simon, leader; Gertrude Or vîi s assistant lIeader; Doris Wolfe, Marjorie.Wyatti,Ani- nette Williams, Suzanne Blair. and Rachel Watson. Squad No. 6-Ruth Forster, leader; j e a n n e Geither, assistant leader; DYoris Heaton, Betty -Mayraud, jean Small, june Toops. and Jane Bigneil. Squad No. 7-Jeannette Robertson, leader; Suzanne Maurer, assistant leader; Janice Bouchard, Helene Hal- "o'way, Shirley Claffey and Be tt y Murray. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Phillip of Grosse Point Park, Mich., left for their home last Tuesday after making a brief visit with Mr.. Phillip's sister and family, the Charles F. Bunteý;, 508 Central avenue. QUAI DE PARIS better international. un derstanding. During the past ten years ie, has de- livered thousands, of lectures,, urging tat the United Statesà assume what lie considers *its proper place in the worldcommruity. On several ex- tended tours of Europe, dur ing which lie lias attended numerous League of Nations conferences, assembly and counci1 m eetingt, -and «sessions of the World court at the Hague, lie lias made an intensive s t u d y1 of the League of, Nation organizations. As an advocate of American membership in the League of Nations, lie ýýis ac- tively engaged as an executive officer in'the League of Nations association and: iswriting and speaking, in pro- motion of tlie cause. tle is editor of the Leagueý of Nations Clironicle, a foreign'affairs newspaper publislied in Cliicago. MI~r. Eichelberger has just teturned from Europe wliere lie attended tlie I2thi Assenibly of tlie League of Na- tions, and wliere lie sat in on some .of the Mancliurian debates. . On the prograrn also will bc Ben- jamin Landeman, baritone, affiliated witli the Chicago Civic Opera and Ravinia Opera companies, who will present a group of songs. CELEBRATE >S BIRTHDAY Patsy jules Smiithi, little daugliter of Mr. and Mrs.. Cecirie H. Smiithi, 205 Essex road, Kenilworth, gave a chli- dren's pairty on lier fourtb birtliday, November 7 Announces1 T HEFORMAI OPENING .0 F HIS NEWEST EUROPEAN SALON AT 1630 ORRINGTON AVENUE, IN EVANSTON ON SATURDAY, NOVEMB 1ER 148 1931 Hand, emrbroidered Russiani French, and Hungarian dresses.,Dstinctive knitted'wear for sport and street. lmported jwly handbags,,. and parfumes. Gifts from al over the, world. To Celebrate Ths Important' Event, Special values WflI .Be.OfFered Saturday 'and the Following,-Week DAMEKEMIER IMPORTER 737 N., Michigan Ave.& Palmer House Arcade No. 14 .CHICAGO IT S.S MA RT IF T' S F ROMKRÈM E R PA TRONIZE.0OUR ADVRRTISRRS .1 p Free, Instruction in Decorating Furniture ART DEPARTMENT FOURTH FLOOR cHMAND LR' INCORPORATED Fountain Square-Evanston Greenleaf 7200 WiImeite 724 ýChildren's .Art Classes, Seturda',YMorn i ngjs, FOU RTH FLOOR A Knittd Rol-Your-Own Hat With Ev.ry. Suit SoId on Friday mnd Saturclay CHANDLER'S-SECOND FLOOR