mber 13 . and continuing rdaIy, November 2,1 VLUE...... FROM THE LOWER,,FLOOR s, Lii ýit i 5 foi $1. 0 bc xes t I. (F 1. ami 55C rosis SOC Dair, 5C ,stF koýr Si ECI, vith, IflE ,8 dec gel ruI*a O boxes to ta one cui- IALS 4dy. 4 16- $i ecorated $Si assortment. $1 HOSIERY AND A CCESSO RIES FROM T HE SHOE SECTION Chidre's Ilo,$2.95 Sizes 5 ;t 8 and 8Y2 to 3in patent strap, brown elk oxfords, and brown elk highi shoes. W@m.ns shoes, $6.50 Suede, kid, strape and pumps. Bouidour slipper, $1.85. Crepe with satin .trim; ail colors. First Floor MIL LUNERY H $s 2.95 Feits in popular shapes; excep. tionai values. Chiffon h@siery, $1.28 Nev %wiùter shlatks; Si-gauge. Midweight hosiery,-$l New sliades. Boys' socks, 35c Wool inixed; seven-eightbhs Iength. Children's stockings, 28c Rayon and wool irÏ tan. Kîd gloves, $1.95 Novelty one-clasp; in black> brown and mode. First Fioor RUGS IIand-made rugs, $3.95 Antique; quaint designs. Spe- cially priced. Breaklast set# $5 32 piecea;. colorful, gladioli pattern» hlaiIaet decorated travsr 75c t. $2 Inl four convenient sizesé. Portfolio, $3.50 Genuine Italian tooled leather; size Il x 13 inches. Glass items, ecdi$1.95 *Fie crystal cutting; selection ini. cludes candlestieks., bowls, mnay. onnaise sets 'and candy boxes. Centerpiect, $7 Two silver cranes ona crysit iuirror. Louis XVI Iampsg, 57.75 With parchmnent shade in variety of colors. SM@kieuuset, $1.25 Cigaret holder and 4 aàh trays of silvered glass. Q MPA NY N Sý"ECIALS &