udays, iExperienced. Salary. $6. l'h. Wllmette 2200. .41LTN28-1lte 48 FOR SALE-AUtOS WE ARE* 0FFERflNG FOR SALE A most unusuai car which was left with us, for .isposal by a customer vho has moved away. Scarcely year old, 10w, miléage,. appearance as- new, wlre wheelà, trunlç, spotlight, tspring- covers, and rnany othe r extras. Price $795 or Just haif Its original cost. Terms.. Evanston Nash Co. 173.5 Benson Ave., Evanston. 30 more (iar*: to choose froru. 44LT.N2-lté 191C'HEVROLET COiACH IX. PER- fect, côndition.. A real buy at $400.; Call Wilmettq 2345, ask for Mr. Olsen. 48LT-N2,9-1 tp no AUTO SERVICE WHY -PAY $2 AN HR. FOR H-1AVIN (' your car repaired if you can have it donc for haif, by an expert? Done in your or my garage, or over.nigýht. WVill cali and deliver. N. S. R'4. Save money andceau Mr. .Kraut, Kenilworth 1146. - LN2S-tp si FOR RE.NT-RtOONs *ATTRA( 'rIVE ROOM2N, EAS1T SIDE h1ome1, furi shed or uiifurnýiished. Light and. sunny, o011 heat. Bkithroon, filcilities unusually good .Accessib)l4 iltransi.. Garage opYItionail. By ai- 3sintmnft. Refernces. Ph. M'il, 204. 51LTN-\ t LARGE NICELY FURN ISHED ROOM, suitable, for i or 2, 1 blk. to Elm St. stationi. Kitchen 'pivileges if (lé- Rired, very reasonable. Phi. Winnetk:k LARGE NICELY FURNISIIED ROOM. suitabile for 1 or 2, 1l11k. toE lm St stattion. Ph. Winnetka 186ô. 51L2s-îtî,' PLEA-SANT FRONT ROO-M IN PRI- vate home near schools and trans- portation. Wlnnetka 4"6. 5LN8 FOR RENT-LARGE CORNER FRONT room' in private home, éontvenient* to ail transportation. Ph. Wilniette 2*133. 51LTN28-1tc HOMý%ELIKE ROÔOM. SUiT,ITALE 1 OR 2, east -side. nr. trans., Light house- keepfing rm., aiso ýgarage available. Ph. Wilmette 3730. LT2-t SUNNY SOUTH BEDROOM.%, StN xLE, in private family. 2ýÇ blocks Elm St. station. Winnetka .1131. gar. op. iron*wiS, V ,,ette ,U.LO. 5LLrN2-tfp FOR RENT -. - VERY PLEASA-NT front furnished. East side. «lichien- ette and garage optional. Pli. Wlliiie-tte 965R or Kenllworthi 86. 51LT2-te PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM «INI private homie. Cali Glencoe 1564., 51 L28-Itp 2 WELL, FURNISHED ROO-MS IX'l private home. Garage av~aitable. Phone .Winnetka 9. 5lL28-1tpý WARM PÉEASAN4T ROC. )I FOR single gentleman. ,Near transpor. Phone Wlnnetka 415., 51LT28-ltp FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE FOR 1, or 2. $3.50 a week. Ph. Wilniette 62*-. 55a-A FOR RENti-LTr. NSKPG. RMS. FOR RENT-WELL VENTILATED sunny roonis for light housekeeping. Pli. Wilmette 4866. 55A-LTN28-1t!) 56 FOR RENT-APARTMENTS 0.%E ý3-RNI. -1,4TCHfENrTTIE APT. Humiiiphrev Building. Winnetka. 9s0or 3328. 5UN2-r 57 FOR RENT-FURNISHED APTS. FtR.ISED1iR MA PT..ON ý-nint1y located. Ph. ýWilimeotte 29 or Wilinette 2427. .,LTN*2S-tf(- c'O FOR-RENT HOUSES QUALITY flOUSE S FOR RENT, BOTH FURNISHED AND unfurnlshed. A complete list froni Evanston to Highland Park, of va- rious sizes and prices. QUINLAN & TYSOX; 11c, 714. Elm St., Wiinnetka. Winn. 2198 6OLTN2f-4te 2150 CHESTNUT AVE., 7 R-M. HOUSE furnished, or uiifurnished to reliable party. Hot water hieat. Available Dec. 1, $80 pio. Cali Wiliiette 1224 for .ap- pointmet.60LTN28-1 tp FOR RENT-N\EW 6 ROO'M, -) TI LE> bath house. Extra l1av. Hleated brick gar. -ý2224 Keniiworth Ave., Ph.* Wil- -mette 4691. 60LT.N28-lte FOR RENT - 3 BDRM%.ý BUINGALONV. .newly decorated. H. W. Heat. 264t) Prairie Ave. Evanston. $65 in-o. Pli. Wilmettie 3610.6LT2~- CHOICE WINNETKÂ 6 and 7 rnis. $65 and $1 sebiools andi lraflsp. P Winn. 604. 01 FOR RENT-FURNISHEU 4UE LONG BEACH, CAL. ELEGANTLY FU RNISHED 10 ROOMS, 3 baths, added living quarters abèvE' triple garage.. Unusually- beautiful grounds 132x237; near'Ocean. Long lease to responsible, party. Or would lease. private'sulte-bedror, bath and sittlng room for couýple, with ist class table. For Information -Tel.. Edgewater 4378 evenings; or write A-49, Box 40, Wýilnette. 6LNS1t FOR RENT: PALM BEACH, FLORI- da, homie, for..season 1931-32, $4,200.00. 14. rooiîî stucco, with 8 bedroonis, à bths, screened-in front porci;, dcc- trie liglit and'refrigeration, gas cook- ing, 2 car garage- with 2 servants* rooins and bath-all furnished-in Ocean Biock, Seaspray. Avenue, 200 feet' froni Senspray Swimnilig (Clubi B3each. G. E. W. 231 S. La S3alle St.. Chicago, Room 2682. 61LTN28-l1tc WA.ED-COUPLE TO) 1SHA-RE lionie. Pli . WJ-hîette 441-6. 61L't'N2-ltcý 66 FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES NEEDED IN HUBBARD M700DS -A VARIETY STORE- .No competition. W. H. CLARIS 980 Linden Avenue Wlnnetka 3380 66LTN28-1 te 66-A FOR RENT-HALLS FOR RENT - HALLS AND ROOMS for dancing, parties, etc. Tel. Win-'ý netka 165. 66A-LTN26-3tc, 71t FOR SALE-HOUSES OWNER MUST 8E141 ATTRACTIVE BRICK HM NEAR UNIVERSITY AND 1LAKI; 7 rxps., 2 baths; extra Jav.; *large brkfst rn.; 3 Car gar.; cil heat; lovely garden witiî fountain. New lst mtge. $14,004). Owner wIll trade for, sinaller eqýuity. and cash. Cali 'Miss C ronk. 52S Davris St.. Hollyet. 1851, Greenleaf 1855. J3anird & WR, 721,TN28-t ,-É ý ç Phone your E areackaowledged the commuuîdty's lUs, uor ediums ef exchauge. To- W IL M E T T EL i ~lace .classifled e£Os, js "for more than 20 yeara the HOME P4PER f the community-", 'PHONE WJLMETTE 4300 I REDUCED FROM $55,000 te $40,M0 RIPARIAN PRIVILEGE Phone Mr. Ranisay, Glencoe 12554.. Briar. 1855. Baird & Warner, 72LT2N28-ltc 1 i THE, NEW VPP4XCE SET BY OWN- er, because of business relverses and illness, for his 5 room brick bungalow. Built 5 years ago. Property in excel- lent- condition. * Owner pald $10,500. eam y ternis. PÉoperty nmuet be moyed within 30 days. Eddiligton &Allen, mnc. End ~, 410: Linden -Wîlmlrete 408 72L28-lte W,\ANý\T. REAL VALUE? Consider not only price but REAL CONSTRUCTION AND LOCATION Wle cffer a- 6 mi. brick home, 1 bath and iavatory: oil hot water hieat. Located in N. E. Evans- trmn Practictll< neW: * 1'ôîcèdUn-- der $S00 Cail Mrs. Didriksen, 52S Davis :St. Hollyct. 1855, Greenfleaf 1855. BAIRD & \VARNER 72LTN28-lic FOR, SALE BRICK COLONIAL RESI-, Aence near lake In N. E. Wilmnette. Tile floored sunroonu, 3 bedrms., 2 bat-lis. on second floor, malds' roomn atnd bathi on 3rd. AIl conveniences. A real opportuni1ty to get a beautiful home. $30.000. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opposite "L" Terminal, WIl. 68 and 444 72L28-lte BEAUÏIFUL GROUNDS' AND AN ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM EF- Aiclency cottage and 2-car garage in Wlnnetka for about the price of the- land alone, $6,500, easy terms. L. D. M.cKtndry, receiver, State Bank Bl1dg., Evanston,'University 838. 72LTýN28-ltc FOR, SALE OR FOR RENT. LOVELY riparlan home, brick, tile roof; 4 bed- rms. 2 -tilld baffhe;- oit heat; PFrigi- (faire; '> car heated gar. $40,000, rent-, ai $250. Other attractive values. Mm , Lang, WInnetka 1194. 72LTN28-ltp