table, di products without exception, for the inner or family us.-aftd et consi EF-CONOMI.ES--NOVEMHI3ER, 13 [O MEAT LOAF, Fresh ground beef W'Ith paork. SHOULDER LAMB. Forroast or ste w PORK -TENDERLOIN. Cho ice cuts CALVES' SWEETRREADS. Fresh. l.b. 25c, IL 22c 1b., 43C IL.54c, COFFEE. Our.Own. Blend.andnothing finerIL GRANULATED SUGAR. Pure cane 10 lbs.' 3 8c 55C GOLD DUST. The, largest 30cý package. each 25c BAKING POWDER. Royal 12 ounce, 50c size each 39'c CAKE FLOUR. Swans Down . pkg. 25c MAYONNAISE. Old Monk . pt., 35c-, qt., 65c KEN-L-RATION. The perfect dog food,. doz. $1 .39 CREAM CHEESE. Philadelphia in sflver wrapper ea. 9c rOMATOES. Inter-O0cean No. 2 -tins. Sol»d ripe par- 6 for 59C CORN. Baby Stuart No. 2 tins.of fa'ncy white' sugar corn . . .. ... -b fo r75c PEAS. Gold Top No. 2 tins of very fine.early June sifted peas................ ý6 for 75c PINEAPPLE. Baby Stuart large No. 2 112 tins containing 8 large slices of ripe l-awaiian fruit .... ........... 3 for 59c JAM. Ma Brown prese rves, of -select fruit with. pure sugar., Strawbery, raspberry, pi-ne- apple, peDach, cherry and blackberry. Full I-lb. jars............ 5 for $.0O: FRIDAY and' SATURDAY'ONLY FISH-TROIJT. Si'rictly fresh. ENS. 'Freshdressed fryers and rom+ers, BACON*. Prernium or Star CENTRAL AND TWELFTH - WILME1TE GROCERY PHONE 510 MARKET Pf-lONE SI 4 J I*1K tuItj. l lie.,**'lour Cs, SSn Fl i oclock ;n the morning until 5 o'clock in theý afternoon. Please search attics and closets 'Io see if vou have sonfe clothing ,whicli would help to keep Isorne less fortuiiate person warmn for these coming cold winter days. Last vear it was reported. that vhole famiîlles. ivho wvolclotherwise have suffered f roi*the severe cold, were cornple.tely outfitted WvithI this cloth-. iug. Those 'ho ,cannot, deliver ar- ticlks to the, store inay telephole, W iluiette 1088 or .3314 and thev vill h.. called for. Charles Taylor, ,eorgetG. tBradIley, A. R. Eddington, C. R. Normian, Leis Mfissty, I. Séhildgeii. B. 'M. Coplan, Llovd Conwav Williamn Hill, Fred Rice, Ravinond Klehrn. Charles I-otze, Elnîer Leis, Harold Cook, HarveFIotlî, Jhn iltjer, Johni Kalines. Arthur Prochnow. G'eorge Prochiinw. Donald Hartiiett.. A,. 'M. Schaefer -and H. J. \iIllerý. Appearing ini thegrl chorus the show will be Kav Panuslika, Pez- gvStackhouse, Vera Archambault. Jerr:i-' Eddi ngton. Marie Skog., Do lore.s Chatard,. Ruth. Solomnon. Audrey Aiberga. Virginia Moyer, Mfarjor îe I Keilw rth represSevmour. Iisbeth E Goss. jane Engel. Tribute to Was-hington laine, Aiberga, Barbara Behr. Flor- n ePgJean >Canmlbell. \'irginia Stupt E. L Ngaard of the josepi -r.Ruh Wlin. jean Bu1rnis. ÏSears school ini Kenilivorthi has been K,1athrvNý Kerr. Marv Jane K el11ogg appointed chairman of the committee1 and Argela M-\utcliler. wvhich wvill arrange for Kenilworth's patcipation in 'the nation-wideDneSpcat George WVashington birthday hi-cenIý-î Ûnre 01 the additional fcatures. -r tennial celebraion .nlext vear. Th1 e'lhow Will be a teýam nf',' î1)rf-) appointrnent ivas; made at the regular dcil(ancers. mieeting~ of the Kenil\\orth Village T ]ý cast is being' coachied 5)v Mi<'s board Monday niight.' MNr. N-,ygaardj Peggvy Swanson of the Frederick- 3. xas asked to seleýct the iembers Othingramn Productions. mnc.. Rock< Is- his conunittee. land, Ili. Trickets nîay- he plrchased at the Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Conger, Snider-Cazel Drug store. Tighül 1531- Central avenue, are receiving the: Realty cornpany,. Hill and Ston-e'real congratulations of their frienrIs upon estate office, Pearson's market. thic the birth of a dauiter. Janet, îFni- Ridge Avenue pharnîacyv, \N'ortlieii'- day. Nvemer6, t te Eanton departinent store and the Chamber hospUtal. CI; ommrceOffice. I 'Deli*cious Mlk Chou.colate ICandy Bars. at Special -Prices with Almonds BUa COvMPANYz Serpitsg North Shore Residents' for more thon. 28 years Wilmette. and Central Aves. Phone$: il. 4M0.401 i j.