Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1931, p. 5

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The Cook County Hig'hway depart- menit recently announced a five-year programn of highway imipro%,emenlts for the county. In this five-vear pro- grain are the following itemls of speý- cial iinterest to the Village of Wl mette:. l'le, programu provides thnii 193.2 the: county Nyill improve Glenview' road froni Wauk.egan road easterlN in anid through Wilmette to the fir.si angle ini Gleiiviewroad south of XVl- mette. avenue. This point in Gleiv vie road is-the place where Isabella street, when extended -,vest, wil l -1 tersect GIeniviewv road. Thisproject is estiimated to cost $990,0O The plan al1so pro.vides for the ex- tCnl.ion (if Isabjella street west across Ridge road to Glenview road. T Ilhe five-year prograin further proý vides that the grades of Isabelil'a street and Ridge. road shall be sepa-ý rated, with Isabella street going un- (lerneath, Ridge. road. This Isabella street. project includes the right-&-- % v- and gr'ade sep aration alud is. c-stimated to cost $215,WO. l11 1934 it 1'. planned to wideti Lake' avnefrom VWaukegan -road to Rgcroad, a distance of about four miles. Týhis project is cstinated to cosI t$195000. In l1935 il in plamned to pave Hib- bard, road from Skokie 'boulevarî n1orthi to 'I'oxer, road(I at an estiniatcd cost of $170.000. lu ,additioni to the projects already mentioned, the Comnty 1Higiw,ýaNy e-. I)artmeiit prograrn also provides for thie improvemnent 'of Railroad aveniue- i in Evaniston firom iMcCormnick boule- vard to Ridge avenue. This includes hhavimprovement, two grade sep- aratiions with the raîlroads and a nev bridge over the Saniitary district caiial., The total expenciture for t1ic ihipro vernent is estinmated at $575,000. V.1his, ork is to be done ni 193. Gabriel S. Wegener Heart. Attack Victim, Funeral 'servi ces were'h eld 'las- Thursday. inorning atSt Francîîi Xavier chuircl -rrn-Wilnette!_or Gab>- riel S. Wegener, 36 Kenilworth av- nue. kenilworth, who died suddenly M.londay afternoon, Novemiber 2, oi à hieart attack. Mr. 'Wegener lias jtt %vhen the train crev felt a sliglbt jolt as the victinm was struck. There iverc no witniesses, and the corôner's jury retuirned a verdict of suicide. The inan %vas between 40 and 50 vears old, 5 feet 5 inches tal, and \weigied 170 pôunds. The only clew to his identity ývas a black beit. engraved with the, iniitial ". A sonr, John Einil, wvas boi mi Septemnber 28.to Mr. and M'Xrs. Etil Reiter of 1531 Judson avenue, Higli- land Park. Mrs. Reiter, beforeher marriage was Miss Patricia Hoffmian. formerlv of, Vilmette. -o0- iJohn 'Mayfield of Grays lake was the 1 houseguest of his cousins, Air., and, Mrs. Bert, Paddock, of 614 Green- leaf àv enue. over the past week-end. AEANWE OFFER 1THE ENIIÈ U1FýELIE-0F AMERICA'ls F)R EMOST 31-%NUFAICTUlRE 0-F GlIRLI COATS AT LIEÇl3qTIRAN TUF. WRHOLÉEÇ.ALË PRICE. THfERE ARtE NýO TWOý ALIKE 'ANI) TuE Or NLY SUZES RE 242.S-12 . 14 -iF VEARS. TH1< PRICEýÙS B N.EFR031 $4,591 'lO ~4.O La Jenesse. né. Junliors',.and Girls' Wear 1 168 WiImnette Avenue WiImtt. 312 I Spec« Sale Your. Choice Highest Quality 3-Coat White Eoamelware.: Coffee Pot P o p il 1 a r 6-ciîp s we, ,ea nile ss - Welded Il o w p EVERY PHILCO A S.U-P EH ETE RODYNE *PHILCO 0 Convex Sale Your M ie Highest Quality, nemntSl r] 3-Coat White Enanwlware Oval DishPn Extra deep,' 9;-qt. size. Convex Sauce Pan ',--e %ý" wîdow, Mrs. Nelie r.,vWegener,, one brother, John L. Wegener of Poca- tello, Idaho, an.d two sisters, Mrs. A. B. Stoil of Chicago and Mrs. Cath- erine Armour of Pasadena, Calif. Following the servi-ces at St. Fran- cis Xavier church last ýThursday, bu- rial téok place at St. Mary's cerne- tê,ry in Lakce Porest.- Popular o blo n g sbàýpe, 11'/xl6 4 , w 1 t h one-piece handle. 411 Umem Ave.1 Phome Wmhm.tt. 2843 P o pula r 1-qt. size,-.,,w LAh wire bail and, woodI . %Mf 0 four

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