q pportunity for maicîng an inmeciate and practical solution, a solutpn which obviates the necçssity of cm- barking the village upon a project whicb will require an outlay of The 26tb: section of the Sanitary DNtrctwc of the State, of. Illhnoîs reads in part as follows: -whenever in anv sticb Sanitary Dis- jtrict. there shah bLe a -* village which owns a system. 0f water works and supplies water fronta. lake * * *1 --aved, and preserved from sèwage Pol- lution. * * and there shall be In such Sanitary District a* village which does not owui any system of water works * then upon application * mich* * village* * shaîl furnish w ater at the boundary lune between niunicapalities ' Inisuch quantitieS as niaybe required.1 at no greater price or charge' than it charges and eýollects of consumets within Its Iliniis for water furnished through nieters In ike large quantities."' This statute bas been misconstrued hy speakers (both for and against the water project), to mean tbat Wil- mette may bec charged by Evanston for water used hy ih at the same rate which Evanston collects fromn its own largest user. Tbis is a clear mis- construction of thc statute as -a. cas- n al readng of the languiage will show. It is .language moreover Which the- Supreie Court of the, State bas ai- ready clarified. Inl 1904, the Town of Cicero re- quested the Citv oef Chicago to fur- * xiihit wtith m-ater. The City of Chi- cago refused. The Town of Cicero *thieretil.poni tiled a petition in the Cir- cuit Court of Cook county, praying for a writ of mandamus directed to thle CitY of Chicago to compel it to furnish water at the boundary line betweei the City of Chicago and tbe Town of Cicero. The wrît was *1 granted, and- the decision of the lower Cou4rt sustained by the Su- * preine Court *f the Sae In comnlenting upon -tberate 'whichI the City of Chicago might. charge the Town of Cicero for water'sup- plied, the Suprerne Court said: -The city is warranted in charging a reasonable rate for this water whieh niust be uniforin among ail large :water takers. A reasonabie rate, considering the city now in Its. business capacity omfcials ofr<vanston snoulu unuer- take te stop or curtail the water sup- ply of Wilmette, an àpplication might .be madé in the Supreme or Circuit Court of Cook.County for an injunc- tion restrainiuig Rvanston from cut- ting off such water s.upply 'and there the Village of Wilmette and at the saine timie furnis h a mneans of ob- taining an authoritative' inding up- on whgt constitutes a reasonable rate for theý water furnished by , vanston. Henry J, Brandt Guy Osborne returned to Xenil- worth from bis-duck shcoting trip this week.' Do&ouEntertaie.> Flarehouie-mae cakes, open and elosedimsab iihSe ooieisudi other delicacies. CIffISTMKAS FRUVIT :CAKESB MRS. GEORGE MacLEAN phoup. *ilmette 4ë JMANKSCIVINC With the. iany s.dIal atlvifies ...t.r.d&bu tii... festive horldays, ladies eppr*ce the a.. d- venfage of lo.&ing tielbas#. Our beauty freat- monts assiot in this end add mach t. tii. duhns. Le* us arrange your hoir t0ounit your porinaity. M4d we co resto,. the. sftfu s.t. y.ur sVin$ whlch Novoimbees* winds have chappeil. efre hhanlsgiving functir0 sat ek dvantage of ou, s$eciel h.N,âayvprices na" lu afect. Pl EVIERY MON.-TUIES.-WED.- Shampo. end Wav., $ long hair $1.25.. ... .. I 4boeArçkenda- $ PERMANESeao..f.$ For A».intome 8 ph... FVI. 3154 VAN DUERMOS iBeauty. Salon 15/2Central Avemu Ask Our Advice on Cosmeticsa unE Pouvder Jlending ~ÇDeidowforhe l A L]i '<!KJm itU AT SPICCIAL PR WES Our, 0w 'Yung IIVI A %ilm K L i A Direct f rom our farm to you. They are Raised and fattened at ouar farm. They properly prepared after a 1-d.ey but-:. wiff b. IdlIed and dressed two days termîlk diet. Frying, roasting, stewin«. before Takgiving.,, 10 Ibn. or uuidoelbo.39e 11531/2 WIIM.#e AVe. lb.2 Phono 130 ,Caution: B. sure you déaI with ""The Little Farm Store". 1. ig iL 9p 'Irlu .