aceoipanled by the. e. Artilies for Pub- r by Tuesday noon t Indue. rds of thanks, oitu- it or other affaira, » publilaed. wIll b. rate&. Grae S prdtion Will Save Lif e ~ Lets Hasten the Day! Thiere «-re in the 'United States 113.000 blind people. None of the pleasures of seng.ône of,,,ie,,beiiefits, can, ever bc theirs. Thev, live -in a land 113,00 of qoniplete and continuous Blind d ar k i e s s Thev mnust %valk in u 1 a t h s ýuilighted and: lotnelv. S Unless spécial, provision is in a d e the blind lcanntot receive the beniefits Of edu- cation. flere and theré, in the 'regular scboolý one inaN' find a -blind piipil, bût usuallv thev, do, ilot attend. the average scboof ani -college. I ýWbat :this îdepriva-7 tion means to the, blind. the person pi normial vso can hardly estinate. but ý-that blindness is a serions handicap on the road to happiness %Vill be easly adrnitted.' .Vie Hadley Cor responden.ce 'school for, the Blind, witbhea(quarters in Winnetka, bias becu successfill ini reniovung a portion of this handicap. Bv enahling blind nmen and wonien to follow Upl and complete maýny and varied courses of study this school lias. >showiiitsel f.a great social, henefaçlctor. Becauise'of its- efforts the light, of hope ýand achievenient bias. shinied Jntô. ,nianiv ithierto 'sunless ,lives. But the. Hadlev sehool hiasnu endow%ý- uxent ftiud. It chargeIs its students nuI) fees,. t h i s npt gettinig whaàt to ni a il v. schools is a substantial iniconîeé..Tlhe.Had- ley school .depends on, privatec ontribu- tions. Just no-w the school. becaulse of 'ex-, isting conditions. is not receiv% ing its uisual financial help). lt therefore more thaîî ever few hardened aduits flnds no welcorne is eagerly greeted by inany fortunate chl-, dreni. Which goes to prove that it is theý dutv of nost aduits to becorne cbild-like. Not chlildiîsh.., 1-ear thé Muenzer tribo on Noveniber. 22, iiiKetnilworth.i T7he. other niorning -on the 7 :43, %veiet our old friend,1 F r e d, Carneron, Fairly iiorial on nîost s ubjects, Fred is rablid, on, the subject of %rai1lvay hogs,> FUSS those people wbo in public Fred convevances showý littie orno con sideration for others. To hear imi rave yit would think that evéry person who contributes in any> degree ho th& discoinfort of bis fellow passe ngers. "NTp w just, look at that fellow up there. He's holding dowrn- four choice seats in- cluding bis own. He's probably holding t-h o s e' scats for soie business friends who'll get 011 at the îiext station.. But îv.hat right lias he ho keep other 'people omtakingthose gpod seats? First;corne. first served. That's.myinotto. Why does a fellow ivant t hobg.seats like ,that?" "See here,',. Fred, don't5-ou tbink yvou're a bit fûssy? WhaC's the*iiatter? Got 111 on.the wrong side of the bed?", * "No, I'm not fUSSv. Sec that fat bov p-ver there? He sis next to the aisie and leaves the, other seat ernpty. If anybody wvants it bell hlave to scrarnble over the fat boy to get it. 1 hope that' he steps al over. the, big pig's feet." "*1 tYou sure are ail riled up. Yeu better (rop it'before N-ou .re ach the office or 3 ou'11l spoil. the wvbo1e day .,for.a lot of liard %workilng people." Do .Your Part! Our I)1h1)ié schools ineed moneV. If tliey 4lon't theN mus--t close, Keep theni open bh' payînig Nvoutr 1929 taxes! 'flic new Shuttle airpiane service just inauewurated betwveen the Curtiss airn)ort mi. secretarv of tilt A4nd later on when 1 mzier's Midas trnuch Pef! ly turn-sed jade into clnstering gold, 1 knew that these zvere not mnere mountain aisI; Ru'tt that ecirhanited irers 1 did behold. 'Ind »ouiI find with aturneen's alchemey, A fewu cora.! chisters still >gently, cin#, Srîayinig arnotg thé Iace-qold flUage, Lenidipg hebra11y and cheer tili gladsomte spring. -E. E. I<,Glce MUSINGS 0F OUR NIGHT EDiToRk "There is. a certain fitness in tbings," declare the sages.. "Amenn," *e murmured the.other night when we noticed that a Chicago tabloid carried the fol- làwing caption on the pink page: "Gandhi is tickled i" The ýlong arm of: coincidence again circled ou r neck one evening white we were riding in the *smok- ing compartment of a suburban train. Forgetful of Emily Post's maximisive were peering through t he haze in an e ffort ho read the stories contained in a newspaper being read by the man in the seat. ahead. Here's the headline tiat greeted our watering 1-VESTRAIN OPTEN CAUSE 0F ACHES AND ILL HEALTH, It used to be ships. and silvery' sails that.nmade men ývant to leave home. To.develop, serious symp- toms of modern wanderlust, just. watcb az silvery monoplane poking its nose through a. fleecy cloud on. a spring-like Novemnber day. Perhiaps realizing that training rules miay be brok- en on 21hanksgiving Day, the Wilmette PlaygroundI and Recreation board bas scbeduled only chess and checkers along with pin g pong for Friday, Novern- her 27. One can sleep between moves ini chess .and checkers, but ping pong wiil certainly punish al %vho have vioiated the rules of diet. Too bad.that carnival of lights, schieduled to be Ï11 evidence. alof t early this week-and, which,_ they tell us, recurs at Întervals of 35 years-couldn't have: l)eell boo ked along, with last week's Six Day Bike races. M st of the boys ivho must-be back at their duties next day woul d.have heen trekking home just .aotit that time o' morning. Personall, we had noý i(lea of being awakened at 4 or 5 a. "m., and. besides, ive're anicient enough to bave seen Haley's Cornet, \vhicli is quite suficient for one lifetime. T'he Nighit Editor assures us, nioreover, that the liglts-if any-were. effectively bidden behin<I a curtain of clouds. T'le lîking for clianîber iusi c is not ai, acquired taste. One iîîay bave at flrst a genuine distaste for green olives and later exchange this distaste for an attitude akin to love. But 1h is not so witbi chanîber music experience. )vry ye-,ýceptthe deaf anîd the distinctly tone-deaf bas at least some littie lIiking forchamber rnutsic. One Nvay ho ce1ebrate Dads' day tlîat vould certainlv clicit fronii the central figure in the celebration great apprecia- tion, wv o 111I(l be to pres--nt hbu on that day witb ail the months bis receipted. jMother, aaugbter, and son inigbt, bv, sav-, înig, prp-idethe necessarv funds. W Ve recaîl rather distinctly when even a 7 to 6 victorv would have been considered quite sonie achievement rounclabout Dyche Stadium, or whiat, psdfor, it in. the days of creaking woodent stands. -MIQE >brgdat.r