Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1931, p. 40

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fl( 011 cfllf iO , & t ilEt ;M0 .11511A Tourixîg Hockey teams are coming to the niorth shore theé middle of itexi %veek for the tournainents at New~ Trier High school whicb will deter- mine the AUl-Anterican teain and the International champions. During their stay they will bc guests iii * nrth ýshore homes and ivill be fetüt' at several social affairs. 'lea wvil 1 be served by north s1for'? nmembers of the United, States field Hckey association, at New~ Trier * Higli,,ichiool for the iineinhers of the teains the ýafternoons of the gaines. A social gathering will. bc ýheld at Sliawi e Country, club W~ednesdav Cvenling, November 25, M h onor of the ýott-of-town t eanîs, and on Fri- day nighlt -the annual (inner anid nieeting of the United 'States Fiel't HOckey association is, taking place. at the- Illinois Women's Athlletic club. At this tinie al Of the hostesses for the visiting teams and the nuinbers of oîguests ýthey wilI b ave have flot been determined, bhut.aînong tiiosc, * vho are to entertain guests all throuzlh the tournament period art: MisTheresa Rew of Evanston. Mrs. Henry, Tenney and Mrs. \V. B. Mc- Kei'e of Winnetka, Miss Jean M.\arN of Kenilworth, Mrs. M. L, GreeIe%, jr.. of Wihnetka, who will entertani i-.(- guests, Miss Ann Townsend. 1 rresidenit of the U. S. F. H. A. and Miss Cynthia Wesson, ant active inemnber (:f the association and: t3 first president.; Miss Harriet . Ieontarct * .of Winnetka, who- will be hostess to five guests; Miss Margaret Kinubark, of Evanstoti, wha is entertaining twô: .rs. Matthew P. Gaffnev of \Vin netka. wbo will be hostess to. one; Mrs. l1Iarry L, WeId of Wininetka, hois to have two guests;' Mrs. *Harry L. Weld of Winnetka, two;, M rs.-L-awrence How-e'of' Wîiîîetka,, two; Miss Bernice 'Bullev of, Kenil- * wortto. Others vho ill enter- tain one -out-of-tovn. guest . are * r.George. Massey,-Mirs. Avres ýBal. Mrs. E. V. .4. Brown, Mrs. Aus- titi Jenkins, and Mrs. Ralph -Hobart, aiIl o f Winnetka. *Kenilwoath Club Bâsy, IJrs. A rthîur 14't'Fuller,. .Pictîtrr lic.iS fl ci, arfe of the, e-'.iincj CLIrd iPart~~!i.Ce end*'r the als- pici-.t Of the w~as and i-ans C011 , - ,ji.,'- of thge 1Woîn1als cli of 11Vil- mette t. tire clîdîhouse ' att 71iV PeM . 1.l(j i, ",i><r21. at 8 ociock.. -a, âis ïSisl'y v3r~.Otto, ['on, <Ir Uaf. lier-c-hiuin A beautiîul. wris't %Vatcltî liats lbet (lonated b 'v* a meinber of the- Woiu- ans club of WVilmette as a prize for the annuial benefit for the * club's building fund. The watcb anîd other prizes for the partv, are on dlisplay this 1 week fron Mondav througli Friday; ini the window of Renneck-ar's Drug store. Amnong the valuable and . useful prizes shown are onie dozen sterling teaspoons, donated by a inember of M-Nrs. Fuller's conmmittee ; a pair of silver candlesticks;, two beautif ul table lamps; an order, for a cerainic miniature by DeDougb;, three coffe tables;,a lovely covered china dish; silk bose; zippers, a womin's purse. a pair of shoes; boudoir slipper; a -wall plaque;, a bàtbmat; a voinan 's dIress; two electric dlocks; a silver *efislî dish.: certificates for perrhan- cago newspapers, sevèral leading ac - tors and actresses frrn dow~ntoii Productions, "Clara, Lou,, and E iii" and MNiss Westman, Mr. Herndon. and Mr. Ayesworth of the -Unex- pected Husband" c onpany,. and littie theater l)roducers. of Cîicago and of Metropolitan Chicago, will be guests of -honor. C . L .Menser, lproductionl managerI of the National Broadcast- ing comnpany and Mrs.,A. Starr Be%ýt.. found.er of, the' Dramatie league, wil give, verjy short talks. 1Miss Dorothy Proescli is chairInan of -thé dramttic committe, ,vlose nienîbers are Mr. and Afrs. Pauil . Cook, Miss Peggy Davis., Dr. and Mrs. W. W.,Hawkins, Virgil L.e%%is. gr. -and, Mrs. George S. Sando, Miss Eleanore Stewart, Miss Jane Triggs, and Miss'Myrtie.Torconi. 'Shawnee clpb bas opened its doors througb exhibits and teas. fôrpromi- inent sculptors, and painters for.,two years and tbe memibers will enjoy cxtending hospitality to these artist's itir otller fields., Tea, wilI be 'served.. On Progratnifôr Wome2n Voteis' Tea Nov. 19 The, membership cominittee of the Leçague of Women Voters is giving a tea for nlew members on Thursday, -N'oveiber 19, at the home of Mfrs. Earle D. Lyon, 1504 Elmwood avenue. 'Ple tep, is froîn 2 to 4, and a splendid prograîn bas been arranged. The guest artist is Alrs. Paul Stade of Winette,. graduate of the Chicago M\usical college and a pupil of Ru- dolph Ganz and Edward Collins. The speaker is Mrs. Ralph Chikis of the Winnetka league Who is chairman of the satiitary district affairs commit- tee, of the Cook County council. Mrs. Childs will speak on "Citizeinsbip." Mrs. Ruth Snyder, village trustec, ivill talk on the "Joint -Etmergency Relief Ftnnd." Mlrs. J. D. Kinniear is chairman o f the membershîp coiiittee and hier committee meinbers Wh o il assist hier as hostesses are, M'es. William Edmonds, Mrs.. E. O. Anderson. Nirs. D. F. Johnson,, Mrs. Williami Millard and NIrs. Ruth Snyder., Verse Conveys News andi idcay, iiecember 2 , 3,and 4. iil offer imany interesting features. besides offering a ivide choice of at- tractive and inexpensive liolidai gifts. Mrs. J. Robb H}arpe, generai chairînan of this enterprise,' an- nounces these features and tbose iii charge: First Divisioni--China, Crystal an( Art booth, Mrs. A. N. Page, Mrs. T.ý L. Gnisamiore, and' Mrs.. Harry Brown., Exhibition of new and 01(1 suilts and booked rugs, Mrs. 17-. R. James. ,F'ood, booth, *Mrs. B. C. Davsonî Secondà Division-Dol booth, fr. Arthur M. Long and Mrs. J. Fret! .McGuire. 'Dollar, booth, IMrs. Arthuir C. Scbwvarm. Third Division-Household boot h. 'r.F. P. Proctr FourthDivisioni--Gift booth, Mlrs. A. J. Nystrom. SFifth. Division- Chiristmas giits. .'Read" books, Mrs. Albert Valey. Games,* Mrs. N.* G. Woods. Palmis-- try,. under direction of Mrs. lfarr-v W. tons. Sixth Division-Baby booth, _Nr-ý. Elmor. Davies and Mrs. Dec A. Stoker. Shuffle board, Dee A. Stoker. Yoîunig, Womni-Cand%- boott. Eînily Hoffman. Grab Bag, Lillie Mac Humphries. C.osmtic bootb, Mrs. F, A. Buck. Dinners, Mrs. J. W. Hump ries. Luncheons, in charge of divisions. Entertainnment featuires, Mrs:> Fos - ter E. Fike. There ibe t-wo free entertain- mnerts on the evenings of Decetnher 2, and Decemiber 4. On Decem ber 3. a one-act .play, "Two Crooks and a Lady," ivill be presented, for wvbc1i a nominal admission will be charged. Mrs. R. B$. Iiller is secretary and Mrs. Luther \. Benson. treasurer., A feature. in which ail will partici-' pate %vill be.the M.NeltisigPot. D 1ona- tions of old, gold and silver'are solic- ited, whicb wiil later he inelted and Spoke Hostesses Spoke Two of the Présby-tertiî church ivill hold an all dav imeeting tça rBob Joslin (of benet of. the s Northwesterii club). Mrs. rîg will he front chairman of ts have been ver v iig the prize.s for the building f ufd of, the ther W. Benson is e %ways and inTans jnons, .Mrs. L. G. Lawrence, and Mrs. R, H. Henderson. The North Shore Alumnae club of Pi Beta Phi will have a tea at the Pi: Phi house on Friday, November 20. Mrs. 0. M. Bercaw, 741 Eighith street, wvas hostess to muembers of ber luincheon bridge club on Tuesday of last wteek. :9 t, 12 o'ciock..

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